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发表于 2-7-2011 12:50 PM | 显示全部楼层

本人想请问有谁用优顿草治脂肪肉瘤 ? 分别是 round cell liposarcoma & myxoid liposarcoma.



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发表于 2-7-2011 01:06 PM | 显示全部楼层
个位U 草一族,你们有用 GOOGLE EARTH 的吗? 如有,请把U草地点(地道标签)POST 上来, 希望我可以记录起来,以后就不用麻烦说地点那么辛苦了.......帮帮忙吧...

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发表于 2-7-2011 03:27 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2-7-2011 03:30 PM | 显示全部楼层
有关Google translate?? 后找人修改....不是卖文章..内容明白就好...hahahhahhahahahhhaahahah

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发表于 2-7-2011 04:11 PM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2-7-2011 05:09 PM | 显示全部楼层
2-4 jln midahmidah 10 A,TMN cheras  56000 k.l  03-91317336  fax 91319943

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发表于 2-7-2011 05:33 PM | 显示全部楼层
2-4 jln midahmidah 10 A,TMN cheras  56000 k.l  03-91317336  fax 91319943

我也要u草..寄给我 ,我天天喝.我身体很多问题..脊椎九十四年巴士内因司机刹车跌伤胸椎.腰椎..骨盘.42岁45岁  3年敏感症大战差点死掉.若继续吃专科药我想死了。一药齐救到  高丽参10rm +龙眼干6粒4女 hour  喝几次就好.18岁至今鼻塞..动过4次术割窦.           .2009年动尿道被石阻塞手术,,生命历程多灾难......
f d1  pudu plaza jln pudu off jln landak kuala lumpur  55100

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发表于 2-7-2011 05:46 PM | 显示全部楼层

Worry escape grass (also known as worry escape grass / flowers alligator / snake grass Sabah)
Share the magic escape worry grass! Very helpful for cancer. There are other health benefits of our natural grass grasses such as horses, I hope you can benefit from here HOME
Successful examples of grass worry worry escape escape juice production process and how to plant other knowledge: how to protect yourself fitness success stories of Ma Ma Ma Tso juice success stories 2 horse grass juice production process and how to plant questions and answers Contact Pacific stallion love grass Ambassador worry about cancer savior appeared escape grass, eating grass escape worry, you can be reborn.
June 16, 2011 - 4:28 pm
Grass cancer patients escape worry savior? Liu Lian-Hui lymphoma patients eat a miracle recovery
April 5, 2011 ~ ~ (4 Guanghua Electronic News Pacific News)
Taiping suffering from lymphoma, a telecommunications tower construction project late middle-aged men, were identified as lymphoma, five doctors, after the late, eating their own home escape worry planted grass, 13 days and examination by doctors, still there miracle, the doctor said that his lymphoma had disappeared, recovered 96% of the body of the tumor completely disappeared.
Liu Lian-Hui did not think automatically have home escape worry planted grass, even to save his precious life. Liu Lian-Hui referee immediately begin to eat grass Dayton excellent, especially cancer who hope they can also be a new life. Two weeks ago, Taiwan's Department of Food Science, National Pingtung University Professor to Liu's home to obtain the escape worry about the grass in preparation for deeper study of the efficacy of grass lodged in the role of worry
◆ Liu Lian-Hui: 3 years ago, find fault and length of tumor
Recovering from cancer, Liu Lian-Hui (56 years) said, March 8, 2008, because of the terrible eyes and swollen, plus there are many unknown tumor who went to medical examination, the doctor said to him the bad news that he suffered from lymphoma stage. In order to confirm the cancer really is, again to Penang and Ipoh to a specialist examination to determine is really incurable lymphoma. He said that when the number of doctors are suffering from terminal cancer that he later had to resign to fate. Later a doctor told him not to lose heart, you can try chemotherapy, but doctors told him that chemotherapy is more than 50,000 ringgit health costs, while only 1% chance of living when he gave up a waste of money for medical expenses, would rather this did not want medical treatment, as studies of the costs transferred to his son.
In August, has been uninterrupted Xunyi experience cancer, doctors time and again stressed that the terminal cancer, no longer live near; he returned from the hospital the next day they pray to the gods.
◆ ear strange noise: why not to eat home-grown herbs?
He said, very strange to say, on his way home after completion of the gods Ding Gan detention camp at the time, suddenly appeared to have a voice in the ear, telling him why he does not eat at home types of herbs. He said, I heard this voice, turned and looked around, but did not find anyone to let him know who was very surprised at the talk to him.
◆ extracted from the herb garden Ding Gan
After returning home, he took off before the Gan Dingpei pick talented small herb garden of the home in fear escape grass to eat. He said the worry escape grass, is he willing to text in the removal of the small herb garden, when he was told to eat grass eliminate worry tumor escape. Therefore, take-home kind of off, I did not expect a life to save his own.
Initially he only ate about 40, was found to improve eye conditions, increased to 80, and found the original lids have been tightly covered with eyes, race course can be opened. Confidence, to 6 to 7 days, find the eye highlight the tumor, even disappear, until 13 days, the body 123 of the tumor even magically disappear.
After the disappearance of the tumor in the body, he went to the hospital to the doctor to examine to determine if they are near death. But the doctor for his examination, non-single did not say he will die, even asked him what to eat, then say so is to eat a lot of worry escape grass; did not expect the doctor told him the end of lymphoma have recovered 96%.
Doctors say he had not saved, now eat escape worry grass can actually be cured of lymphoma, his words can describe non-happy
Liu Lian-Hui worry escape of grass can cure cancer with confidence.
◆ were introduced to the cancer to be reborn
He said that since the lymphoma upon recovery of the escape worry about the grass with confidence, has been introduced to humans, especially cancer who wish to regain their new life. He said that after about a thousand people have been rescued, many people worry about eating grass Both are deeply grateful for his escape, escape worry about the grass to give them new life, from cancer of the evil environment. Currently, Liu in the neighborhood open space, planted about 7 one thousand tons of excellent grass. Who worry about cancer and to escape the grass, he was free, but patients in his supply, must be their own plant, so the family has a baby, do not be afraid from cancer
1: healthy people can eat nine, into the nozzle in chewing or a green apple add some water, then stir into the drink mixer, stir fresh after drinking will not be until after the store drink. Drink it once a day, eat before drinking.
◆ 2: Phase I cancer who, every day 50.
◆ 3: Phase II cancer who, every day 100.
◆ 4: Phase III cancer who, every day 150.
◆ 5: IV cancer who, every day 300. Do not eat the best penetration of other drugs.
◆ 6. When taking bogey eight kinds of food and supplements: can not remember while taking the supplements at the same time, eat eight kinds of food, including chicken, duck, butter, taro, rice, gill shell, sweet looking fish and manta rays.
◆ worry escape grass: sweet nature. Detoxification, Sanyu swelling, blood sparse, dehumidification cancer, pain. Is truly ~ ~ 'non-toxic anti-cancer pain therapy green'.
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Escape worry mostly grass pruritus in the elderly, the skin can cause itching skin infections.
June 22, 2011 - 5:12 am
Clinically, pruritus is one of the most common skin diseases, today especially common in the elderly, the prevalence rate of 10% or more, the disease more common in people older than 60. Because the elderly are generally skin atrophy, thinning, sweat less, dry, lack of lubrication of sebum, and vulnerable to changes in ambient hot and cold stimulation, induced skin inflammation and itching. Typical symptoms are itching, leg, and gradually spread to the thighs, and even the whole body.
Common symptoms include severe itching: paroxysmal, severe itching, often aggravated at night, sleep. Patients used more than hand-scratched; secondary lesions: occur due to excessive scratching scratches, blood stasis, lack of eczema can occur, lichenification and pigmentation.
Healing the human body (A): 72-year-old Zhang inspired Paul House Asia three
Human self-healing (II): Chen Yahui 68-year-old Taiping Lake Gardens
Senile pruritus prevention:
Simple control law: worry escape grass (30) + Green Apple
Juice drink mix of our 'human experiment' to prove, generally in about 10 days away. 7-8 months later, yet to see recurrence, showing that the prognosis is very good.
Relieve itching effect is remarkable, long drink, does not produce dependence and side effects.
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Worry about the Gospel dialysis escape grass: grass escape worry
June 22, 2011 - 5:08 am
Worry escape grass (Daun Kalingsir) (Sunda up language), which is easy to grow bush plant, leaves too large, elongated teeth. As long as it's inserted in the soil under the tree on the cut, you can grow new leaves to a few days.
My sister-in kidney problems, the doctor said that if the medicine is necessary to dialysis invalid. Drink a few slices of two weeks 20 (a) leaves boiled in water, her renal function recovered. Luo Yuying husband; one week twice a kidney was going to wash, drink a month as long as one week after it leaves syrup wash the kidney, then gradually pick up the disease. Do not believe the function of these herbs, hopeless, why do not you try, give yourself a life it? Rule kidneys prescription: Take 20-30 leaves of grass-chip escape worry 微火 boil water, bowls become bowl, drink three times a day, drink plenty of water. Wish ill after eating this recipe a speedy recovery. Source:
Grass is another healing the human body escape worries were: 50 cents large breast tumors disappear
June 21, 2011 - 1:30 pm
Another case of human self-healing: 50 cents large breast tumors disappear
Tan Xiao Keng 45-year-old peaceful co-existence Madden with this breast tumor more than a year, when the pressure pain, and grew bigger and bigger grain, became the big silver 50 cents. Daily life is like with a tumor had a body built like a bomb, do the biopsy specimen heart and nervous. . . Dilemma. . . So tomorrow after tomorrow. . . . Last month, mid-September, has begun to worry about escape grass green drink apple juice. 150-200 pieces per day, three times with residue finish. In the process, she has black blood excreted with the feces, in those days she had felt very uncomfortable. After a month, returned to Columbia to do X-rays Pacific, no longer expected, a

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发表于 2-7-2011 05:50 PM | 显示全部楼层
........page 2
,a pleasant surprise, milk tumor disappeared. . . . Their success mean that we want to get rid of the threat of cancer. Their success will also tell us a message ~ ~ worry escape grass green apple juice on shrinking the tumor blood vessels (capillaries cancer foundation) has a unique effect, the tumor can not trace nutrients when nutrients are not natural tumor to shrink, this is the real cure for cancer means I will continue to gather more witness to strengthen this argument. The data on the Internet refers to Sabah from the grass snake is the fear escape grass. And she is that Sabah grass snake (escape worry grass). Branch is also blue, leaf shape is wide and big.
Worry about worry escape escape grass grass
June 20, 2011 - 2:03 pm
Worry about the correct scientific name is lodged in the grass alligator flowers, and grass escape worry about the name is a Malaysian herbal medicine practitioners to take the name.
   Worry escape grass (alligator flower) nutritional value:
Here is what I worry about the network to collect information on the nutritional value of grass escape.
Vegetable Research Institute Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences and School of Horticulture, South China Agricultural University experts worry about first-hand research data lodged grass,
U is a wild grass escape. This vegetable is high in flavonoids, there is a considerable effect on cancer.
Roots containing betulin, pentacyclic triterpenoid alcohol fan. Betulin from the composition of the efficacy effect of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
High nutritional value, contains many essential minerals, vitamins, amino acids, with good medical or special medical value.
Characterized by vitamin C, protein, dietary fiber, minerals and other rich content.
Vitamin C with removal of free radicals, prevent cancer and so on.
Escape worry about wild grass dry matter crude protein content of more than 45%.
Contains 17 amino acids.
From the protein point of view, this vegetable has a better nutritional health.
Dietary fiber in the human intestine can absorb moisture, stimulate the intestinal peristalsis, can prevent atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, stroke and other diseases, the regulation of blood sugar may also play an important role. Escape worry about high crude fiber content of grass.
Phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and other mineral content. Escape worry about the high calcium content of the grass, and other nutrient content is also high.
Grass with worry escape rule falls, fractures, anemia, jaundice, rheumatism embolism, also may be related to
Related to higher calcium content.
It also contains some vegetables trace elements iron, zinc, manganese, copper and nickel.
Worry about food lodged in the grass for mineral supplements to maintain normal physiological function of the human body has a good effect.
Study found that it is rich in bioflavonoids, can improve the body blood flow, increased cardiac contractility, can also lower blood pressure.
Taste function
: Sweet, flat. Detoxification, Sanyu swelling, dehumidification cancer, pain.
Hepatic and kidney. The blood thinning, increased strength, fatigue
Rule prescription kidneys, nephritis. This grass can be taken to improve the dialysis patients in dialysis discomfort after the reaction can also help phosphatase discharge. To improve the anemia. Increase urine excretion.
        ◎ does not improve after dialysis reactions: Take about 30 fresh leaves. Jujube 3. Boiled water to drink. (Malaysia)
Worry escape grass (alligator flower) with flavonoids and saponins of the chemical properties
Guangxi Medical College, Guangxi
Nanning 530001
In 1999, South China Agricultural University to apply for research projects, specializing in wild South China common nutritional function and toxicity. The project by the provincial Science and Technology Agency project (project number: 990691), South China University of Agriculture more than medical research institutions. South China Agricultural University, Professor, Department of vegetables, Head Dr. Yang Xian confirmed:
This vegetable is high in flavonoids, there are very high on the anti-cancer effect, is a non-toxic vegetable.
Skin itching, mostly in the elderly, the skin can cause itching skin infections.
Dialysis's Gospel: worry escape grass
Another case of human self-healing: 50 cents large breast tumors disappear
Worry about the grass on the escape
Cancer savior appeared, eating grass escape worry, you can be reb.

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发表于 2-7-2011 06:09 PM | 显示全部楼层
谢谢孙小姐,我姐姐已问过刘联辉先生,他的邻居朋友的情况好像有了改善。会继续跟 ...





    胆固醇高也是‘祸从口入’的问题,我们需要调整和改变我们的饮食习惯。。。Allow phonetic typing
Read phonetically
Chinese to English translation

Miss Xie Xiesun, my sister has been asked by Mr. Liu Lianhui, his neighbors and friends if the situation has improved. Will continue with ...
It is understood that Ukraine is not only through the red field cardiovascular effect, but also has anti-grams of cholesterol. [/ size]

     Green grass in the escape worry about drinking apple juice at the same time, I would like to try the red field black. . .

     In a few years ago, I used to drink red field with black pot of water experience. . .

     At that time, I cholesterol is 7.2, drink to the test in two weeks, the results dropped to 4.3. . .

     Later, I stopped drinking. . .

     High cholesterol is "bad from the mouth 'of the problem, we need to adjust and change our eating habits. . .

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发表于 2-7-2011 07:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
cheensong 发表于 2-7-2011 03:27 PM


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发表于 2-7-2011 07:29 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 4111# cheensong


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发表于 2-7-2011 07:36 PM | 显示全部楼层

本人想请问有谁用优顿草治脂肪肉瘤 ? 分别是 round cell liposarcoma & myxoid ...
pjchong 发表于 2-7-2011 12:50 PM


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发表于 2-7-2011 08:14 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2-7-2011 10:04 PM | 显示全部楼层
如不是在这里待了一阵,真的搞不懂以上这“Worry escape grass (alligator flower)”的翻译,我不是针对任何人,是我已经领教过"google"的翻译。如有得罪,说声抱歉!

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发表于 3-7-2011 02:13 AM | 显示全部楼层
由 Super 于 16-12-2010 07:49 AM 编辑

三餐喝牧草汁 終身洗腎








經過進一步檢驗,在該名病患的腎臟中發現了罪魁禍首--過量的草酸: { oxalic acid}。江守山指出,牧草含有豐富的草酸,平常人飲用之後,不會有副作用,對腎臟功能不好的民眾來說,草酸卻有如毒藥,嚴重傷害腎臟組織。



Posting oleh Super diedit pada 16-12-2010 07:49

dialisis seumur hidup tiga kali sehari untuk minum jus rumput

(United Daily News reporter Li Shuren)

Menekankan diri penanaman diet bisa saja, namun dapat membuat orang ginjal dialisis seumur hidup miskin, seorang lelaki 46 tahun itu diperkenalkan ke keluarga dan teman-teman minum jus rumput, makan tiga kali minum masing-masing. Tanpa diduga, minuman hanya untuk gejala minggu uremic tampaknya dialisis, untuk mempertahankan fungsi ginjal.

Shin Kong Rumah Sakit doktor Nefrologi Emori Hill mengatakan bahawa selain daripada jus rumput, baru-baru ini mengaku sebagai pengurus sebuah syarikat sekuriti di lelaki paruh baya minum jus gandum beberapa hari kemudian, tubuh kalium kandungan sampai 8,9, hampir mati. Setelah dialisis kecemasan, hanya untuk menyelamatkan kehidupan.

Moriyama Jiang menekankan bahawa bagi kebanyakan orang, diet memang pilihan yang baik, tetapi fungsi ginjal miskin harus mengelakkan orang-orang tertentu tidak harus siap dikonsumsi, selain itu serius akan mempengaruhi fungsi ginjal, awalnya hanya klinik rawat jalan, dan akhirnya datang akhir dialisis seumur hidup.

fungsi ginjal memiliki orang yang sangat buruk, waktu yang lama, kerap pemeriksaan lawatan, dan, lihatlah, keadaan terakhir tiba-tiba memburuk, hampir kehilangan fungsi ginjal, harus ke titik dialisis.

Di bawah pertanyaan di doktor, katanya, rakan-rakan antusias dan kerabat tentang minum jus rumput itu dikatakan melalui diet, boleh mengeluarkan racun, mengurangkan beban pada buah pinggang untuk mencapai kesan terapeutik.

Awalnya berfikir bahawa jus rumput harus memberikan sumbangan untuk kesihatan yang baik, sehingga hari untuk minum tiga gelas, tidak mengharapkan, minum terus menerus selama seminggu untuk masalah, sebenarnya minum dari sebuah uremia serius, dialisis harus seumur hidup.

Selepas pemeriksaan lebih lanjut, dalam ginjal pesakit menemui pelakunya - terlalu banyak asid oksalat. Emori Hill menunjukkan bahawa rumput kaya dengan asid oksalat, selepas minum orang biasa tidak akan mempunyai kesan samping pada fungsi buah pinggang orang miskin, itu adalah seperti racun asam, kerosakan ginjal yang parah.

Jiang Shou Shan mengingatkan, fungsi ginjal orang miskin cuba untuk makan buah bintang, limau, tomato, oren, pisang dan buah kiwi dan makanan lain yang kaya kalium, seperti jus rumput, gandum jus yang mengandungi asid oksalat adalah, jangan bebas untuk minum.

Ini ada maksud untuk mencari online cerita. Apakah orang-orang dengan penyakit buah pinggang untuk meminumnya? Keputusan mereka setakat ini? Terima kasih.

Posts by Super edited on 16-12-2010 07:49 AM

Life-long dialysis three meals a day to drink grass juice

(United Daily News reporter Li Shuren)

Emphasized self-cultivation of the diet can be, but may make life-long renal dialysis poor people, a 46-year-old man was introduced to the family and friends drinking grass juice, three meals each drink. Unexpectedly, the only drink for a week uremic symptoms appeared to be dialysis, to maintain renal function.

Shin Kong Hospital nephrology physician Emori Hill said that apart from grass juice, the recently admitted as a manager of a securities company in the middle-aged men drinking the juice of wheat a few days later, the body's potassium content up to 8.9, almost died. After emergency dialysis, only to save a life.

Moriyama Jiang stressed that for most people, the diet is indeed a good choice, but poor kidney function should avoid certain people must not be readily consumed, otherwise it will seriously affect kidney function, originally only outpatient clinic, and finally come end life-long dialysis.

Renal function had a very bad man, long time, regular visits inspection, and, behold, the latest condition suddenly deteriorated, almost lost kidney function, must be to the point of dialysis.

Under questioning at the doctors, he said, enthusiastic friends and relatives about his drinking grass juice is said through the diet, can expel toxins, reducing the load on the kidney to achieve therapeutic effect.

Originally thought that grass juice should contribute to good health, so drink three cups a day, did not expect, continuous drinking for a week to a problem, actually drink out of a serious uremia, dialysis must be a lifetime.

After further inspection, in the kidney of patients found the culprit - too much oxalic acid.Emori Hill pointed out that grass is rich in{ oxalic acid}, after drinking ordinary people will not have side effects on the kidney function of poor people, it is like an acid poison, severe kidney damage.

Jiang Shou Shan reminded, renal function of poor people try to eat star fruit, citrus, tomatoes, oranges, bananas and kiwi fruit and other foods rich in potassium, as grass juice, wheat juice containing oxalic acid is, do not be free to drink.

This is no intention to find a story online. Have these people with kidney disease to drink it? Their results so far? Thank you.

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发表于 3-7-2011 02:15 AM | 显示全部楼层
sleemal 帮助修改啊:谢谢

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发表于 3-7-2011 02:24 AM | 显示全部楼层
国家两线制开始形成.吉打报案穿红衣..2.0穿黄黄...似泰国 红衫.......形成万幸...

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发表于 3-7-2011 08:19 AM | 显示全部楼层
国家两线制开始形成.吉打报案穿红衣..2.0穿黄黄...似泰国 红衫.......形成万幸...
cheensong 发表于 3-7-2011 02:24 AM


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发表于 3-7-2011 08:51 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 4117# cheensong




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