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发表于 1-7-2011 07:21 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 1-7-2011 07:26 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 4080# sk_choy

是的,call 了

使用道具 举报

发表于 1-7-2011 07:51 PM | 显示全部楼层

 在目前,我们有忧枝短缺问题,我们要合力 ...
孙秀金= 发表于 1-7-2011 05:21 PM



使用道具 举报

发表于 1-7-2011 08:22 PM | 显示全部楼层
choy哥,看来您要派您孩子轮流看白东西,一发现就收拾它们,酱紧盯下,它们不会繁殖得那么快,会 ...
孙秀金= 发表于 25-6-2011 02:15 PM


使用道具 举报

发表于 1-7-2011 09:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
不知道您那边还有u草可以给我吗?   f,d1,pudu plaza,jln pudu off jln landak kuala lumpur,55100 ....牧师娘乳癌可以吗?

使用道具 举报

发表于 1-7-2011 10:17 PM | 显示全部楼层
请问我可以有你的联系号码吗?我可以去找你。如果哪里有优盾草枝、马草枝,我是愿意购买繁殖的。 ...
荡寇的理想 发表于 1-7-2011 07:51 PM


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Follow Us
发表于 1-7-2011 10:22 PM | 显示全部楼层
不知道您那边还有u草可以给我吗?   f,d1,pudu plaza,jln pudu off jln landak kuala lu ...
cheensong 发表于 1-7-2011 09:28 PM


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发表于 1-7-2011 10:22 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 1-7-2011 11:01 PM | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 1-7-2011 11:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
荡寇的理想 我要u草..寄给我   f d1  pudu plaza jln pudu off jln landak kuala lumpur  55100

使用道具 举报

发表于 1-7-2011 11:29 PM | 显示全部楼层
翻译Lain halnya penyembuhan-diri manusia:

Suan 46 tahun
Bermuka hitam jeneral lebih dulu Tumor tujuh ovari 10-inch

Tidak kambuh lagi 6 tahun

28 tahun, terkejut mendapati rembesan darah terus mengalir dan gejala sakit perut, dan dua kali sebulan dengan banyak bekuan darah menstruasi, hari di 6 atau 7 untuk tuala wanita, penyebab anemia-nya. Merasa berat di perut bahagian bawah, massa abdomen dapat dicapai ketika berbaring. Besar kerana mampatan tumor kandung kemih, sering buang air kecil, ia sering merasa kesulitan buang air kecil, sembelit, sesak nafas, jantung berdebar dan sebagainya.
Keputusan ujian, perut mempunyai 10 inch tumor jinak ovari kanan.Kelumpuhan umum pembedahan perut selepas pembedahan, kekurangan darah, 4 bulan, tidak angkat berat. Onset kerana tersembunyi, tidak ada gejala awal tumor diameter ditemui adalah 10 inci besar.
Pemikiran untuk menderita pisau ini, semua mimpi buruk akan lenyap. . . .
Selain pisau selepas operasi tumor, siapa tahu tumor selepas 3 bulan di musim semi '. . . .
tumor ovari-nya tidak akut, tidak ganas, tapi mudah kambuh.reseksi perut yang sangat prognosis sulit adalah miskin.
Apakah mereka dipotong, dipotong dan pelajar. Dalam hanya 10 tahun, ia mengalami total 6 pada pisau meja operasi, memotong tumor enam!
Pembedahan berisiko, tetapi tidak boleh benar-benar memadam lesi. Tanda di perut, potong ulangi 6 kali. Bedah komplikasi, menyebabkan infertilitas nya. Cut keluar dari bilik operasi sibuk hanya untuk tumor, bukan untuk pengeluaran!
40 tahun, tujuh pertama tumor lagi! ! ! Betapa stalker mengerikan dan sisa-sisa tumor ovari. Sangat, rasa sakit lelah jangka panjang selepas pertempuran yang sangat tangguh dan kekacauan oleh penyeksaan. Besar ovari tumor keradangan ginjal. Fizikal lemah untuk tidak bekerja. Permintaan untuk cuti sakit sebulan. Ma Lei Polynesia
.................................................. ...............................................

Jia Li Rangkaian Komunitas Forum ~ Forum Malaysia China>> Perak Forum>> bimbang melarikan diri damai tentang rumput kuda dan rumput
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Ayu, anak Tiger 13 tahun (kanser tulang, akan ditampal kemudian kesaksian), Mohamad Salleh isteri dan puteri (sebuah laporan baru-baru ini menunjukkan bahawa ancaman telah muncul dari kanser.) . .

Ada pesakit kanser lain saksi, mereka telah melalui ini 'kesedihan mendalam' untuk sakit kanser. . .
Namun, usaha mereka untuk berjuang untuk bertahan hidup dan melarikan diri, dan sekarang, musim sejuk untuk musim semi, badai, sewa baru kehidupan. . .
Saksi belum selesai yang lama dan baru untuk saksi demi satu. . .
Beritahu kami pesan, bimbang tentang melarikan diri dari jus epal rumput hijau - boleh!
Bimbang tentang jus epal rumput hijau melarikan diri hidangan yang lazat buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran, seperti harimau punya sayap, kekuatan yang kuat menjadi lebih kuat. . .
Walaupun kita tidak dapat menjamin 100% untuk kanser setiap orang, kanser akan hilang. . .
Namun, fakta mengatakan kepada kita bahawa ada pertempuran, peringkat kejayaan sangat tinggi. . .
Kehadiran emosi negatif terhadap perkembangan kanser untuk beberapa keadaan, seperti depresi dan kemurungan, kebencian, pesimisme, keputusasaan dan sebagainya sering dikaitkan dengan kejadian dan perkembangan selari kanser. Emosi negatif melemahkan fungsi kekebalan tubuh dan menguatkan kerentanan tubuh terhadap kanser.
Saya berkongsi kisah sukses paste tujuan utama perang adalah untuk mencetuskan kepercayaan diri dan kekuatan untuk menghilangkan emosi negatif, tanggapan tenang untuk semua cabaran. . .
.................................................. 0103814643 Ma Lei ............................................... Pasifik Barat yang bimbang tentang rumput kuda dan melarikan diri rumput untuk menyelamatkan nyawanya
Mr Liu Lianhui adalah pesakit limfoma keempat, lima doktor telah diucapkan dia mati. Karena dia telah membuat kemoterapi (sembilan kemoterapi-pin), tapi kambuh penyakit selepas tujuh bulan, doktor memintanya untuk menerima kenyataan. Doktor dihukum pada bulan Ogos 2009 ia telah 3 bulan kehidupan. . .
melarikan diri Jus epal bimbang rumput sebelum gerbang neraka untuk menyelamatkan dia dari belakang
Dia masih hidup hari ini. kelahiran semula Nya, laporan baru mengenai darah, doktor terpegun. . . .

Aku tahu dia adalah salah satu pejuang anti-kanser yang paling ulet.
Nya kelahiran kembali, tetapi juga dalam pertukaran untuk kelahiran semula pesakit kanser banyak. . .

翻译Another case of human self-healing:

Suan 46-year-old
Black-faced generals off her first seven 10-inch ovarian tumor

No recurrence 6 years

28 years old, shocked to find blood pouring seep continuously and abdominal pain symptoms, and twice a month with a lot of menstrual blood clots, day in 6 or 7 for sanitary napkins, causing her anemia. Heavy feeling in the lower abdomen, abdominal mass could be reached when lying down. Large due to tumor compression of the bladder, frequent urination, she often felt difficulty urinating, constipation, shortness of breath, palpitations and so on.
Test results, the stomach has a 10 inch right benign ovarian tumors. General paralysis of abdominal surgery after surgery, blood deficiency, 4 months, not heavy lifting. Onset because it is hidden, no symptoms early in the discovered tumor diameter is 10 inches big.
Thought to suffer this knife, all the nightmares will go away. . . .
In addition to the knife after tumor surgery, who knows tumor after 3 months 'in spring'. . ..
Her ovarian tumor is not acute, not malignant, but easy to recur. Abdominal resection very difficult prognosis is poor.
Had they cut, cut and students. In just 10 years, she suffered a total of 6 on the operating table knife, cut a six tumor!
Surgery is risky, but can not completely remove lesions. Marks on the belly, cut repeat 6 times. Surgical complications, caused her infertility. Cut out of busy operating room only for the tumor, not for production!
40 years old, the first seven tumors again! ! ! What a terrible and lingering stalker of ovarian tumors. Very tired, long-term pain after a very tough battle and chaos by the torture. Large ovarian tumor of the kidney inflammation. Physically weak to not to work.Requests for a month's sick leave. Ma Lei Polynesians
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Jia Li Network Community Forum ~ Malaysian Chinese Forum>> Perak forums>> peaceful escape worry about the horse grass and grass
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Ayu, Tiger's 13-year-old son (bone cancer, will be affixed later testimony), Mohamad Salleh's wife and daughter (a recent report showed that the threat has emerged from cancer.) . .

There are other cancer patients witnesses, they have gone through this 'deep sorrow' for cancer pain. . .
However, their efforts to fight for survival and escape, and now, winter to spring, storm, new lease of life. . .
The witness has not finished the old and new to the witness after another. . .
Tell us a message, worry about the escape grass green apple juice - can!
Worry about the grass green apple juice escape delicious meal of fruits and vegetables, as the Tigers have wings, powerful forces become more powerful. . .
Although we can not guarantee 100% to each person's cancer, cancer will disappear. . .
However, the facts tell us that there is fighting, the success rate is very high. . .
The presence of negative emotions to the development of cancer for several conditions, such as depression and depression, hatred, pessimism, despair and so often associated with the occurrence and development of cancer parallel. Negative emotions weaken immune function and strengthen the body's susceptibility to cancer.
I share the success stories paste the main purpose of war is to ignite confidence and strength to eliminate negative emotions, calm response to all challenges. . .
Come on!
.................................................. ............................................... 0103814643 Ma Lei Pacific West who worry about the horse grass and grass escape to save his life
Mr. Liu Lianhui is the fourth lymphoma patients, five doctors have pronounced him to death. Because he has made chemotherapy (nine chemotherapy-pin), but disease relapse after seven months, the doctor told him to accept the fact. Doctor sentenced in August 2009 he had 3 months of life. . .
Apple juice escape worry grass before the gate of hell to save him from the back
He was still alive today. His rebirth, his recent report on the blood, doctors stunned. . . .

I know he is one of the most tenacious anti-cancer warriors.
His rebirth, but also in exchange for the rebirth of many cancer patients. . .

使用道具 举报

发表于 1-7-2011 11:32 PM | 显示全部楼层
South African tree 南非樹
Scientific name: to be verified.
Properties: bitter, cold.
Alias: -
Division is: to be verified
Effects: blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, Liver pathogenic fire.
Dosage: 3-4 small leaves, large leaves 2-3.
Indications: hypertension, diabetes, anger headache.
Usage: leaves soaked in boiling water for a moment Serve. Two in South Africa plus a green apple leaves (green apple red apple less effect than good) with Jiaocheng juice drink.
◆ physical Deficiency, low blood pressure, pregnant women, menstruation during the ban served.
◆ drink too much can damage the liver and kidney, clinically there is such a case.
Amputation knife fight off the tree in South Africa
Septuagenarian Xie light dry 20 years ago, suffering from diabetes for many years to control the disease by injection. A bad day, he accidentally kicked the foot end of the toe a hard object, there was no wound, but pain and heart into the lungs. Pain increased day by day, out of the clinic several times, the little toe actually black. The doctor said: refractory injury, need to amputate this leg the little finger. He thought to himself, just feet toe end, no serious problem with it! This way, he pushed the operating room of the. . . . . .
Unfortunately, the surgical wound can not heal. The doctor proposed to cut off half a foot! Wow! If the truncated half feet, the wound can not heal, do we need to amputation it? This is a dangerous way over shaved it! He adamantly refused the doctor's advice, he began to look for another foot injury law.
Many Malaysians, like him, in no way, the look on the herbs. Neighbor, a friend is diabetic, two feet black. The doctor said to cut off two feet, but the other opposition. Finally, leaves South Africa, managed to keep both feet.
South Africa leaves become dry Xie bright dawn of hope. Trefoil boil water to drink every day, so simple and easy method. A few days later, there are signs of improvement found in the wound, he was surprised. Continuous drinking for 14 days, the feet turned completely healed wound. His foot is still in peace. Look! This is the power of herbs, herbal character of the! Herbal medicine has changed the fate of many patients to be amputated.
In addition to the South African tree, we used the 'grace to save the foot grass' are: river cane, horse grass. Do not Let the amputation as the final choice.
Did you know? Fruits and vegetables containing antioxidants against toxin attack
Antioxidant (Antioxidant) are resistant to free radical attack, to prevent oxidation of cellular function, that is, if the "enemy" to attack the body's cells, anti-oxidants for the body will suffer the knife first, to protect the role of the body. Antioxidants are commonly found in natural foods, all kinds of fresh vegetables and fruits are the best source of antioxidants.
Radicals (Free Radical) commonly known as malignant cells, also known as oxidants, air pollution, chemicals, agriculture, noise, power Zibo other foreign toxins and metabolic, the legacy of waste. Excess sugar, fat, blood disorders caused by anxiety tension generated by endogenous drugs. Is that these free radicals attack 人体各器官, and the body's immune system play a defensive work, a strong immune system must complement and supplement power is in South Africa leaves contain antioxidants.
U.S. National Academy of Sciences' consumption of antioxidants and related compounds group "has announced to take large doses of antioxidants as reducing cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease or other diseases of the probability approach. Guangming Daily ‧ 2008.01.09
Sungai Petani News) "Guangming Daily" reported the year before cancer news in South Africa after the leaf, massage and herbal medicine nurse Lin Guoliang Ye sent to Beijing put the South Africa National School of Medicine researchers. School of Medicine study found that South Africa's high levels of plant leaves with antioxidants (Antioxidant), does have anti-cancer effect, and has passed a health newspaper published the study. Today, in Shanghai and Beijing have set off a raw leaf health culture in South Africa.
Lin Guoliang said that medical reports guide non-leaf juice drink with green apple Jiaocheng, is the best anti-cancer method. Shanghai and Beijing, a restaurant industry business brains turn, immediately launch health drinks move off this road, many more restaurants with healthy leaves for signs of South Africa, South Africa to promote bread with raw leaf health.
He pointed out that the study also mentioned South Africa leaves the flash, presbyopia, myopia and glaucoma have a significant effect on blood pressure, high cholesterol, have effect.
"Local people even said that 'life is only losing money, South Africa, life insurance'; otherwise a resounding slogan is 'South Africa plus apple, cancer away from me'."
Best eaten raw
Lin Guoliang claimed that his trip to Beijing last year, Miao, found that the use of vacuum packaging method and frozen leaves South Africa in the supermarket to sell 20 or 30 boxes, bought fresh in the refrigerator can store a month, the sale of one yuan per piece RMB (RM 50 cents).
He pointed out that some people drink tea when dried leaves South Africa, South Africa, some people put the omelette to eat leaves. However, leaves South Africa after cooking at high temperatures, antioxidants would be cut, so raw is the best. "South Africa leaves a very bitter taste, but the match was able to cover with the other materials out of bitterness."
He added, compared to Shanghai and Beijing, Shanghai, sales in South Africa leaves better. He believes this is because Shanghai is more advanced and commercially, and more attention to health awareness. Some people eat the leaves South Africa after a while, a blood test that his condition improved.
Lin Guoliang is the Beijing National Dean Supei Qing, MD, the only apprentice in Malaysia, he said, Beijing National School of Medicine found that efficacy of South Africa after the leaf, the tree has to an organization in South Africa, in Kunming, "Herbal Village" a lot of nurturing.
Uremic attack risk kidney President squat feet to save a life leaves South Africa
South Africa after the leaf confirmed that the anti-cancer, Lin Guoliang leaves have been used in South Africa and greenhouse cultivation of Cordyceps, saved Penang floating back Sacred Heart School Luoshan President Lee Teng a retired life.
Teng Li, 58, retired three years ago, and to the hospital because of nosebleeds, the results confirmed nasal cancer. 38 in hospital after chemotherapy, the process due to diabetes mellitus, uremic kidney invasion, so that his feet started swelling bad, black toes are among the best two life insurance.
Severe kidney damage due to be dialysis, doctors worried that he was too much, but in order to protect life, he was three months ago trying to Lin Guoliang method, raw day in South Africa leaves and ground into a powder of Cordyceps, the results of the condition gradually improved, the feet are began to restore color.
A month later he went to the hospital, doctors told his surprise, the uremic diabetes has been eliminated, blood sugar is normal, not standing at the foot do not have to dialysis, cancer is without a trace. He has now recovered for two months, every appetizer to diet and morning walkers, in order to maintain the best condition, he quit eating "poisonous" and other seafood shells.
How effective raw leaves South Africa
1. Two of South Africa plus a green apple leaves (green apple red apple less effect than good) with Jiaocheng juice drink.
(2) two pieces of bread coated with your favorite jam, and then clip a leaf in South Africa.
3 dried leaves South Africa, when the tea drink. Note: Most people eat one to two leaves in South Africa has sufficient excess capacity of the kidney may bring.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2-7-2011 12:02 AM | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2-7-2011 10:00 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 孙秀金= 于 2-7-2011 12:44 PM 编辑


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发表于 2-7-2011 10:11 AM | 显示全部楼层
flynnyap 发表于 2-7-2011 12:02 AM


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发表于 2-7-2011 10:14 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 4094# flynnyap


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发表于 2-7-2011 10:16 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 4092# cheensong




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发表于 2-7-2011 11:13 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 4093# cheensong

    Google translate??

使用道具 举报

发表于 2-7-2011 11:18 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复  孙秀金=

嘉绮 发表于 29-6-2011 01:45 PM

抗癌是长期的路程, 尽我们所能, 最重要是`信心`!!!!!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2-7-2011 11:28 AM | 显示全部楼层

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