馬航國內航班‧隆市8月起自助登機 2011-07-14 18:32 (布城14日訊)由8月1日起,購買國內航班經濟艙機票,通過吉隆坡國際機場登機的馬航搭客,須採用自助登機系統,領取登機卡。
除了吉隆坡國際機場外,目前設有自助登機系統設備的國內機場,只有古晉和亞庇;但馬航暫時還沒有計劃,讓這兩個機場,全面落實自助登機系統。 服務柜台全面取消 馬航營運主任莫哈末阿薩哈魯丁今日在新聞發佈會披露,目前採用自助登機系統登機的搭客,只介於20%至25%之間。 他披露,由8月1日起,吉隆坡國際機場的國內馬航登機服務柜台,將全面撤銷,將由設在5樓機場的22台自助登機系統,取而代之;凡乘國內航班的旅客,須通過這種自助服務領取登機卡。 不過,他說,馬航會安排服務人員,協助搭客登入系統領取登機卡,以及處理行李的托運服務。 “這種自助登機設施,可為搭客提供48小時前啟航的登機服務;搭客不僅能辦理啟程的登機卡,甚至回程登機卡,也可以在啟程前一併領取,節省旅客寶貴的時間。” 他強調,馬航落實這項自助登機服務,不是從減少營運成本作為出發點,而是為了方便搭客,避免在登機服務柜台排隊等候。 在机场的SELF CHECK IN机, 它自动安排位子,如果不喜欢,自己可以去改去要的位子,免费的。 |
Airport Self-service check-in
Besides the flexibility and convenience, our self-service check in options can be a great way for you to save time on your journey. The service is available to any e-ticket holder with a confirmed booking.
I’ve checked in using one of the options, so what’s next?
a. Without check-in baggage
Domestic - Head straight to the boarding gate.
Other destinations - Proceed to the Self Check-in Service Counter for verification
of your travel documents no later than 60 minutes before departure.
b. With check-in baggage
All destinations - Bring along your printed or mobile boarding pass and travel documents
to the MAS Check-in/Bag Drop Counter no later than 60 minutes before departure.
For travel to Sabah and Sarawak, please bring your valid passport, MyKad, MyKid or Birth Certificate (for children below 12 years old). For travel to regional and international destinations, please bring your valid passport (minimum 6 months validity) and visa, if required.
Our fast and simple web check-in facility enables you to check in online, select your preferred seat and print your boarding pass conveniently from your home or office. You can also use it to update your Enrich number. Available for groups of up to 9 guests.
Web Check-in - why wait in line when you can do it online!
Open from 48 hours and up to 90 minutes before departure.
Not applicable for check-in from Brunei, Kunming, Los Angeles, Xiamen, Kathmandu; Kuala Lumpur-Los Angeles, Tokyo-Los Angeles sectors; and codeshare flights operated by partner carrier.
Geminz 发表于 17-5-2013 10:39 PM
平院大大,機場self check in能選位子,
那麼請問起飛前48小時web check in的話能選位子嗎?
Geminz 发表于 17-5-2013 11:29 PM
楼一写的是通过机场self check in kiosk,没写到web check in怎么样嘛