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Tips on Writing Personal Letters (part 5 of 5)寫英文書信的訣竅

发表于 17-4-2005 11:41 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
- Practice Your Letter Writing
1. Rewrite the following letter to make it more interesting.

Dear Sally,
Hi, How are you? I am fine. The weather in Taipei is still cool. I like it. I walk my dog every day in the park. He likes to go for walks.
School is difficult this year. I always study. I don't have time to watch TV. Every day I come home, eat dinner, study and go to bed. I can't wait for summer vacation.
Well, I have to go now. Bye!
- Ideas:
* Describe the weather. Tell why you like it.
* What do you see in the park when you walk your dog? Did you see something interesting? Did you meet anyone interesting? Ask Sally if she walks in the park.
* What is the hardest subject for you in school? The easiest? Ask Sally about her studies.
* Why are you looking forward to summer vacation? Share your plans. Ask Sally about her plans.
2. Write a letter to an old friend who used to be your neighbor. Tell this person what you've been doing since you moved away.
3. Write a few sentences about each of the following topics.
a) This week's weather
b) Your Chinese New Year vacation
c) A mutual friend you had dinner with last week
d) A trip you're planning
e) A movie you saw or a concert you attended

- 練習你的寫信技巧
Dear Sally,
Hi, How are you? I am fine. The weather in Taipei is still cool. I like it. I walk my dog every day in the park. He likes to go for walks.
School is difficult this year. I always study. I don't have time to watch TV. Every day I come home, eat dinner, study and go to bed. I can't wait for summer vacation.
Well, I have to go now. Bye!
- 點子:
2. 寫一封信給以前曾是你鄰居的老朋友,告訴他你搬家以後的近況。
3. 根據下面每一個主題,各寫出幾句話來。
a) 這個禮拜的天氣
b) 你的農曆新年假期
c) 上星期和你一起吃晚餐,一位你們都認識的朋友
d) 你正在計劃的一趟旅行
e) 你看過的一部電影或參加的一場音樂會。

【Word Bank】
mutual (adj) 共同的

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 楼主| 发表于 17-4-2005 11:43 PM | 显示全部楼层

Tips on Writing Personal Letters (part 4 of 5)寫英文書信的訣竅

Some people build new friendships around the world by having pen pals. This is a great way to learn about different countries and cultures. Some pen pals keep in touch for years. Sometimes pen friends may travel to meet each other face to face. Would you like to have a pen pal? Look at the newspaper want ads. People who want pen pals sometimes advertise there. If you know a foreigner, ask him/her to help you find a pen pal from his/her country. Or join a pen pal club such as The International Pen Pal Agency. For a small fee, the club will introduce you to a pen pal in another country.


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 楼主| 发表于 17-4-2005 11:43 PM | 显示全部楼层

Tips on Writing Personal Letters (part 3 of 5)寫個人書信的訣竅

Use creativity in your letter writing. Write letters on colorful stationery. You can even make your own. Send thoughtful non-occasion cards just for fun. Enclose recent photos of you and your family, friends or pets. Most importantly, write lively letters with interesting news and questions. If your note includes plain, boring contents, the receiver won't have much to write back about. Your letter should make your friend want to write back.


【Word Bank】
stationery (n) 信紙
enclose (v) 裝入信封裡; 隨函附寄

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 楼主| 发表于 17-4-2005 11:44 PM | 显示全部楼层

Tips on Writing Personal Letters (part 2 of 5)寫個人書信的訣竅

Personal letters to your friends and family are easier to write than business letters. The language and format are informal, and you don't have to worry as much about mistakes. Here are some guidelines to follow as you keep in touch by mail.

1. Write the heading at the top of the first page on the right-hand side. This includes your address and the date. Also, write your address in the top left-hand corner of the envelope. When writing to close friends, a heading isn't necessary. But always put a return address on the envelope.

2. Place the greeting on the left-hand side of the page. The most common greeting begins, "Dear . . ." Follow with your friend's name and a comma. Unless you are writing to your boyfriend or girlfriend, do not begin with "Dearest."

3. The main body of the letter follows the greeting. It contains the information and questions for the reader. Indent each new paragraph or thought. Write interesting details about the things you have done or people you've met. Tell about your future plans, too. Don't simply write about yourself, however. Include questions for the other person. Then he/she will have something to write back to you about.

4. The closing is the last step in letter writing. Keep it simple by using common closing phrases, such as "Sincerely," "Yours truly," or "Your friend." If the letter is for someone extra special, sign it "Love." Don't forget to sign your name below the closing, too.

5. You may forget to include some information in your letter. If so, you can write a postscript, or "P.S." below your signature. If you're really forgetful, you can write an additional postscript by using "P.P.S."


1. 將信首寫在第一頁的右上方,裡面有你的地址和寫信的的日期,還有將你的地址寫在信封的左上角。寫信給熟朋友時並不需要信首,可是一定要在信封上寫下退件地址。

2. 將問候語寫在左邊,最普遍的問候是這樣起頭:「親愛的…」接著是你朋友的名字和逗點。除非是寫給你的男朋友或女朋友,否則不要用「最心愛的」起頭。

3. 信的主文接在問候語之後,裡面是給讀信者的訊息與問題,每一個新的段落或想法的開始要縮進去幾個空格。可以寫一些有趣的細節,像是你做過的事或你結識的人,並談談你未來的計劃。不過不要光寫你自己的事,可以問對方一些問題。如此一來,他或她才能找到話題寫回信給你。

4. 結尾語是寫信的最後一個步驟。儘量使用一般常用的結尾語使其簡單化,例如「真誠的」,「你真誠的朋友」,或「你的朋友」,如果這封信是給某個很特別的人,可以寫「愛你的」,別忘了在結尾語下面簽上你的名字。

5. 可能有一些事你在信裡忘了提,這時候你可以在簽名下面附上後記或「P.S.」,如果你實在很健忘,可以用「P.P.S.」再寫一次後記。

【Word Bank】
format (n) 格式
indent (v) 縮進去
signature (n) 簽名
keep in touch (v phr) 保持聯絡

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 楼主| 发表于 17-4-2005 11:47 PM | 显示全部楼层

Tips on Writing Personal Letters (part 1 of 5)寫個人書信的訣竅

Everyone loves to get letters. On the other hand, not everyone enjoys writing letters. Some people don't like to write letters because it takes time and effort. Others just don't know what to say. You've probably heard long-distance friends use the excuse, "Sorry I didn't write back sooner. I'm a terrible letter-writer!" However, the results of writing letters are rewarding. Long-distance friends can continue to build a lasting relationship through correspondence.


【Word Bank】
correspondence (n) 書信; 通信

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发表于 18-4-2005 10:30 PM | 显示全部楼层

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