


楼主: cherup8


 楼主| 发表于 23-2-2012 08:34 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 74# Pecfectionist


使用道具 举报


发表于 23-2-2012 09:07 AM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 23-2-2012 09:11 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 82# Pecfectionist


使用道具 举报

发表于 24-2-2012 07:37 AM | 显示全部楼层
我妈是因为去妇科检查时, 被检验到子宫有血,医生原本要她动个小手术以检查看是否是恶性肿瘤,如果是的话就要切除掉子宫。哪知道验血时却验到这种病。我们听到时都呆掉了。。。

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 楼主| 发表于 24-2-2012 07:41 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 84# Pecfectionist


使用道具 举报

发表于 24-2-2012 10:11 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 80# cherup8

   o.0 很好啊。。。为什么忽然那么问 o.0???

使用道具 举报

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 楼主| 发表于 24-2-2012 10:27 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 86# askH


使用道具 举报

发表于 25-2-2012 04:48 PM | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报


 楼主| 发表于 25-2-2012 05:46 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 88# 汪洋一條蟲


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发表于 4-3-2012 04:26 PM | 显示全部楼层

http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mo ... ath/160195124014753

使用道具 举报

发表于 9-7-2012 08:45 AM | 显示全部楼层
Cherup 兄, 近来还好吗?

使用道具 举报

发表于 9-7-2012 07:38 PM | 显示全部楼层
我开这个帖的目的希望各位病友能互相扶持的好好走下去,这病压力大,只有病友才能正真明白病友的心情,老病 ...
cherup8 发表于 4-2-2012 09:04 AM


使用道具 举报

发表于 10-7-2012 10:36 PM | 显示全部楼层
cherup8 发表于 25-2-2012 05:46 PM [/quote]

cherup8 你在吗??最近怎样了??

使用道具 举报

发表于 11-7-2012 09:12 PM | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 29-10-2012 02:15 PM | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 29-10-2012 07:13 PM | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报


发表于 12-4-2014 02:57 PM | 显示全部楼层



注解~  * 此文章是一位男同性患者的真心剥白 请大家珍惜他的用心   
              请大家踊跃分享此文  愿得以唤醒更多人的无知  
           * 1 是主攻的意思 (同性的男方)    0 是受 (同性的女方)

           *   楼主分享这篇文章的目的是希望大家别以为只有同性恋者才容易患上HIV   关键是滥交与否 (正常男女关系的若令一半喜于滥交感染率是与同性恋者无异的   请大家三思  再一次提醒大家要爱惜自己与另一半的生命  谢谢)

我们需要的是正确的思想和行为,不是一味的觉得爱滋可以被杜绝with condom。

伴随着这些症状,我心中早已有个底了。毕竟同志原本紧暴露在被传播的高风险HIV群。我有种不祥的预感,但是我又很肯定我每次性行为都坚持用套。所以,我就不怎么当回事的在新加坡看了医生,心中期望着医生会告诉我因为可以繁忙的关系给累出病了。但是当我在诊所告诉了医生这些症状时,他深情一变,脸色变得很难看,很专注。然后就开了些退烧药给我,要我回家吃了它。如果不好,过两天再过来验个血。当他这么说时,我心里已有个底了也为我一直都最惧怕,恐惧的疾病尽量做足了心理准备。 过了两天,我烧果真没退。我当时还想死医生,乱开药,都不知道开什么药给我了。吃了也吃不好,但我就鼓不起勇气回去做体检。因为我知道身为外籍学生,如果被发现我会马上被新加坡政府遣送回国。
一直以来,我都是个很谨慎(性爱)的人。我基本上都只口交,从不肛交。但是有几次我无法抗拒那些脸蛋又帅气,身材又火辣的人对我要求肛交的请求。所以我就答应了。我市0号,当然都是戴套的。对于我个人来说,被肛/作0从来都不是一件享受的事。每每作时,我只会感觉一阵强烈的剧痛。但是为了和这些HOT angels做爱,我哪还顾得了那么多阿。所以只要他们脸蛋佳,身材好我基本上都会接受他们的请求就为了让他们愿意和我玩久些,一方面满足于他们被征服,气喘呼呼的high和表情。

因为在新加坡实习的关系,我搬到了新加坡去住了一个月。在这期间,我对那些hot到不行的猛男们欲罢不能(我一向来爱新加坡那型黝黑肤色,甚至马来,印度的男生)。期间,就有个男的和我打招呼聊起来了,接着我们见了面,他问我想不想一起出门,结果他带我去gay sauna. 我也当然很兴奋的就去了,即使我心中一直告诫自己一旦去了,我就有那股自制力不再去了(我在马来西亚就已经够没有了)。




当然大家爱还是一定要戴套。我写了这些个人经历只是要告诫大家,不要太高估安全套的效用,它可以破,过期,没用好。甚至是我看到网上的一个例子。一个(HIV工作志愿者)的感染经验和判断,他戴了套也被传染,他怀疑1号戴上套手沾到了前列腺,然后无意间涂抹在他的菊花,或者套套上。相信你们也知道,如果viral load高时(没发现/没服药),这病毒的传染率可以非常高。我只是不希望在看到像我一样自以为统计学厉害的同志被传染了(100000万分之一)。这些根本就是过渡宣传,唯一保护自己的方法就是拥有专一伴侣。


如果生命有得选择的话,我希望一切都可以重来。我父母,尤其我父亲对我寄予厚望。他和我和我妈一起经历了我初诊断时期的噩耗。我真的希望,我这短短的文章可以点醒,喝止那些还健健康康的人。我即时已经经历了初诊时恶耗的低潮期,我现在也不知不觉地流下了眼泪,我是个曾经极度压抑的人,我从我12岁到20岁应该只哭过了一次。得了这比这病决不是单纯的生命短个10,20,30年这么简单。我经历的一切真的是撕心裂肺,一直到现在我还在徘徊于结束自己生命与否的抉择,但是我始终放不下我母亲。她坚强的告诉我,过好每一天才是最重要的,日复一日的墩着补品,补气,补脾肺的水,然后赶着去上班,夜夜归来。艾滋需要经历的远远大于对死亡的那份坦然,出国留学或工作的随时可以赔上自己的前途。然后,压抑着着隐瞒这病就因为你知道说出来的后果,大家的排挤,这和告诉别人我是同志是绝对不同的,朋友同事即时接受得了,大多也会避开你。还有,一堆的身体衰竭(一直理所当然不照顾自己身子的健康将会消失)。除此之外,在你有生余年,一辈子陪伴你的将会是有毒性的爱滋药物,那有毒性的药物。爱滋药物会有两种不同类型的副作用,一是Instant(即刻)的副作用,就是从你第一天服药开始时就可能伴随你一辈子或短暂的头晕,反胃 ….(药物过敏:全身红疹,呕吐我都经历了)和其他的副作用。除此之外,长期服用艾滋药物的副作用的在你人生第2,3,4个年头,在你对生命,未来从事希望时就会出现,伴随着一些胃溃疡,肝肾衰竭,然后脂肪转移(可能顶着个球一般的肚子,或其他部位畸形突出的副作用等等)。你们可以自己想象和了解需要赔上的会是什么。总之记得时时刻刻提醒和警戒自己戴套不是万能的,在你想到使用安全套之前,记得不要滥交。拥有忠一伴侣才是唯一可以保障你们的方法。但是如果要性交,一定要戴套,还有0号中的几率真的非常非常之高compare against 1号(我自己就是0号)。人生没有第二次,没有得回头。希望你们可以认真的看完。我不是唯一一位后悔过份高估安全套的人,希望大家不会成为下一个(一定要戴,但是不要滥交)。 我已经后悔了,我不希望你会是下一个后悔的人。I wish there was somebody posted to warn me and tell me this. Haha.

I am a 20 year old (counting by birthday, not by year) Malaysian who have just graduated from college in Singapore. I have just turned 21 not long ago, it is a year where everybody celebrate their birthday in a very serious manner by giving out “Golden key(Gold-made key necklace)” with a meaning the kids have grown to be as independent adult in Chinese tradition, at least Malaysian’ culture. It was supposed to be a good year to me. Everything just seemed to sail as smoothly as I had planned. But life would not always be so good. One and a half month ago which was a month after my 20 birthday, I started being feverish and experiencing muscle soreness together with a few other HIV symptoms, tireness, weight loss, sore throat, running nose(catch cold), migraine, frequently feet numb and it seemed my eyes has some veins pumped extremely hard out of no reason, and the symtoms lasted for a few weeks, nearly a month, inconstantly.

With all the symptoms, I was aware I might had contracted HIV, the grim and ruthless, cureless disease because I knew I was exposed at a higher chance to be transmitted as MOST gays are classified as a higher risk group. I had a feeling this time round there was something wrong with my body and the symptoms but I strongly believe with the protected sex I have had, I was clean and safe. Therefore, I went to doctor in Singapore without too much worries. I told the doctor how I feel and the symptoms I had, the moment I told him the symptoms the doctor gave me a solemn and serious look which I had never expected, and after the diagnosis he just prescribed me some Panadol and asked me to come back to the clinic for a blood test if I do not recover from the sickness two days from now. I knew what he meant when he said that. I didn’t dare go back to the same clinic as I am a foreign student who is permitted for long visit/stay using a student pass.
All along, I am a very prudent person who barely had sex and normally just enjoyed the foreplay. But I couldn’t resist to the hotness and request of good-looking guys who are in great shape and good physique, I agreed to be a bottom in protected-anal-sex (receptive one). It was never an enjoyment or something I loved. However, I had been praised sexy and hot by these hot dudes, it gave me a sense of achievement and some sort of fulfillment  from the flattery and seeing them enjoyed, got high. After this few experiences, I started trying out being a bottom more and more frequently even though I did not really enjoy and felt uncomfortable and painful just to keep those hot dudes having sex with me longer, and I no longer rejected as long as my sex partners weren’t too bad in physique or look, or at least qualifies one.
And because of internship, I moved to Singapore and stayed there during the internship period. Half a month later since I had moved there, I met up with somebody whom I knew from jackd. We had been chatting for a few days before meeting up. He suggested me exploring the gay sauna, absolute in Singapore. Out of curiosity, I agreed. We headed there after dinner.  So, I was brought to this place where I was transmitted eventually. Honestly, I had tried my best to stop myself from going to SG sauna with my best but not by all mean, because I knew I would not be resisted to the sauna here.
The moment I went there, I was half surprised and disappointed by the guys there, not talking about the environment. Some of the guys there were with hard-rock chest instead of dick, and some were with fashionable and gorgeous(pleasant) look. But there were very few with the perfect combination of hard-rock chest and pleasant look. The ones with hard-rock chest were some with unpleasant faces, whereas the one with pleasant look did not have a body that I had fantasize and imagined. But the advantages edge here is the guys are hot in overall, although not as perfect as dream-typed guys I had fantasized, partly the place is well-maintained.
Back to the business, I didn’t have sex with the guys because he simply was not my type. So I just had some kinky-panky foreplays there the night. After that, I started visiting the place more and more often, nearly twice a week due to emptiness and living alone in the country.
I have protected sex everytime, literally everytime. I would even check whether the tops used condom. At most, I would only allow them to grind my a**h*le on the surface (meaning do not have sex) without a condom when I was sure my ass doesn’t feel pain and likely to have no wound of cut. But unfortunately, even had sex with condom every time over the period(Probably 10 sex partners, the time where my sex life had reached its peak)  I am contracted  with HIV. What I wanna tell you here is do not overestimate the power of condom, you never know how closely it lives around you. I am the lucky one, my parents accepted me and loved me so much that they took care of me even better. But at a huge cost, my dream, my future, my path, my life has drastically changed. Being a foreigner, I would never ever be allowed to work in Singapore, a place where I used to dream to work as a banker. At most, I would only be allowed to visit Singapore with a visit pass. Now, I see the meaning of life.

The purpose of the article is just simply I want to warn or advise all of you, do not live or have sex too frequently with somebody you do not even know their names with the mentality “cheh, I will never be contracted, I take precautions (protected sex with condom) and the chances of getting it is only 1 out of 10000 or 100000 percent/people”. I used to think the same way, and now I regretted for being so stupid and one-dimensional for believing the probability of contracting HIV. You never know whether there are evil-hearted people spreading it deliberately, there is no probability saying, its 0% when you are fine, but its 100% when you are transmitted. The probability only applies when condoms is used correctly without breaking and expiring and under the condition lubricant is chosen and used appropriately. Basically, HIV turns into AIDS 20 yrs or longer with early treatment. But the condition is taking medicine(Cocktail treatment) timely everday without missing out. Or else the “Virus” is gonna be resistable to the medication.
The genuine advise given is here, do not have sex with people you do not know. Have a constant sex partner where both of you are verified tested. ( Report must not be longer than a few months). Bring your own condom, although condom might not give you 100% of protection. Its failure rate is 10 percent taking into consideration people might not use condom correctly, or might forget to bring lubricant even without any intention to spread, the 99.9% or 1 out of 100000/million theories apply to those who use condom correctly and you cant guarantee whether your sex-partner is a hiv possessor who may poke a hole on the condom to intentionally spread it to others. ( They are very few people having such unbalanced mindset and doing this, but I just want to remind you. Pls do not look at us in a bias and judgmental way. At least, I and a lot of people do not do that, we want less people to suffer from what we are suffering.)
Now, I cherish my life even more. I will most likely still further my studies oversea after I am adjusted and used to the treatment and my body condition is back to normal.

本帖最后由 leejiann 于 13-4-2014 12:03 AM 编辑


使用道具 举报

发表于 12-4-2014 03:32 PM | 显示全部楼层
r.i.p 希望楼主不会再害别人

使用道具 举报

发表于 12-4-2014 03:39 PM | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 12-4-2014 04:30 PM | 显示全部楼层
My heart aches imagining a 20 years old youngster facing such chronic disease at this young age...
You confessed at the wrong place, the people are very judgemental over here...
You might be suffering right now, very badly... I hope you realized that contracting with HIV is not the end of the world..
You can still pursue your dream, please, don't let this disease stop you...

Imagine a successful, wealthy, Malaysian banker confessing his sexuality and being HIV+, you can never imagine how many lives this would change

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