


楼主: dupont378

光明会报复 金砖五国成立替代世银拿 MH 17 开刀

发表于 18-7-2014 10:37 AM | 显示全部楼层
JowY 发表于 18-7-2014 10:32 AM


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发表于 18-7-2014 10:45 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 18-7-2014 10:59 AM | 显示全部楼层
gundamwing 发表于 18-7-2014 10:37 AM


啊 不好意思打捞你了 谢谢你这么客气应酬我的离题骚扰

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发表于 18-7-2014 11:49 AM | 显示全部楼层

搂主忘了告诉大家当BRICS银行代替成功后的后果,那就是金融重启 (Financial Reset)!


参与人数 1人气 +5 收起 理由
dupont378 + 5 我很赞同



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发表于 18-7-2014 12:56 PM | 显示全部楼层
dupont378 发表于 18-7-2014 04:10 AM
普京专机比MH17晚37分钟通过 航线同外观相似

Reports that Putin flew similar route as  ...

如果我们的飞机都能漆上鲜艳的颜色,是不是比较好点 ?

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发表于 18-7-2014 01:04 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
180 发表于 18-7-2014 12:56 PM
如果我们的飞机都能漆上鲜艳的颜色,是不是比较好点 ?



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 楼主| 发表于 18-7-2014 03:18 PM | 显示全部楼层
江夏 发表于 18-7-2014 02:14 AM

马航 和。乌克兰 都是  Tridentt ,
但没想到 NewWorld Order 拿 马航梅开2 度。。。

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发表于 18-7-2014 03:42 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
dupont378 发表于 18-7-2014 03:18 PM
马航 和。乌克兰 都是  Tridentt ,
但没想到 NewWorld Order 拿 马航梅开2 度。。。

深信不疑 不容质疑

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 楼主| 发表于 19-7-2014 05:04 AM | 显示全部楼层
江夏 发表于 18-7-2014 07:42 AM
深信不疑 不容质疑

Bush Family  ,Rockefeller  的杰作。。。。



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发表于 19-7-2014 12:02 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
dupont378 发表于 19-7-2014 05:04 AM
Bush Family  ,Rockefeller  的杰作。。。。

就是说,整个伊拉克被美军翻转了 n 次,连一茶匙 anthrax 也找不到,还赖说是全部都运到叙利亚。

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发表于 19-7-2014 12:06 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 19-7-2014 12:07 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
180 发表于 18-7-2014 12:56 PM
如果我们的飞机都能漆上鲜艳的颜色,是不是比较好点 ?


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发表于 19-7-2014 12:34 PM | 显示全部楼层
西方强国最厉害就是 “搞粪”你不听话,就 support 反对派来推翻你。。 给你武器打个你死我活。。。

ISLI 就是 after osama / saddam hussein 的最新成员。。。。


参与人数 1人气 +5 收起 理由
dupont378 + 5



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发表于 19-7-2014 12:49 PM | 显示全部楼层
江夏 发表于 19-7-2014 12:07 PM

是真的吗 ? 只要是 vatican 就没事 ?


参与人数 1人气 +5 收起 理由
江夏 + 5 共濟會的也可以。



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发表于 19-7-2014 01:35 PM | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 19-7-2014 03:50 PM | 显示全部楼层
180 发表于 19-7-2014 04:49 AM
是真的吗 ? 只要是 vatican 就没事 ?

Vatican 是 Nazist 的金主所以到目前没被炸。。。


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发表于 19-7-2014 05:30 PM | 显示全部楼层
gundamwing 发表于 18-7-2014 01:04 PM



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 楼主| 发表于 21-7-2014 01:43 AM | 显示全部楼层
fly6636 发表于 19-7-2014 09:30 AM

FACT – America is in crisis along with most of the western world but America and its ruling elite are the root cause for the way the world stands today… Shite, I have so much to say and so little time and space… It is so complicated with many tangents that are there for deception which the ruling class use to their advantage… Everyone needs to do their own research on this aspect of Government and Society… There is a WEB that is interwoven into the fabric of mankind that has been perpetuated throughout the ages, and the spiders who own those threads cause chaos and wreak havoc on and within the flock as they reap their rewards…
MH370 & MH17 & 9/11 & the Iraq WMD are merely game plays in their web of deceit and the loss of civilian life is irrelevant to them… It is all about GREED & CONRTOL and they want it all… and perhaps more importantly they want us dead (refer the Georgia Guide Stones)
Sorry I’ve been digressing…
So what lies immediately behind MH17 ???
The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) have formed an independent ECONOMIC alliance outside the constraints of the current industrial, banking and political system. In fact they launched a new Bank this week (15/07/2014) that backs its currency with real GOLD and not petro-dollars. This new Bank is in direct competition with both the World Bank & the IMF and its launch will expedite the demise of the petro-dollar faster than it is currently happening.
The bottom line is that these Nations now form a genuine Economic threat to the status quo of the economic structure of Western Society.
Weigh it up for yourselves. Just look at the size of the economies of these 5 nations alone, they represent about 1/3rd of the World’s total wealth which is a very real threat indeed.
This breakaway from our reliance on the petro-dollar, will have far reaching consequences and effects on modern society and it will bring into account a wide range of economic and political issues that are so numerous that I cannot in this essay name due to the nature of the this social media forum. But at the head of this list is the release of suppressed technologies that have maintained our total dependence on the Industrial Petro Dollar. And at the head of this list is the very real concept of Tesla Free Energy and the release of free energy technologies which in turn will further erode the value of the petro-dollar Think about it, if we are economically no longer dependant or reliant on the industrial petro dollar then in turn we are not obligated to artificially support the system that worships it and it opens up an endless multitude of amazing possibilities for the future on mankind.
Looking at this concept objectively there is an obvious downside and that is about 1/3rd of the world’s industry is totally reliant on the Industrial Petro Complex and a shift away from it will no doubt, at least in the short term, cause a huge global economic down turn that will result in massive unemployment as we shift from one sphere of economics to another. But more importantly it threatens the (and I use this word loosely) integrity and the power of the elite over our nations and the political structures that support them.
So how does the West respond to this economic threat??? ??? ???
History tells us that we go to war in order to gain or regain economic supremacy and if we go to war we need a trigger to justify the initiation of war.
I realize that I am digressing from the core of this essays theme but everyone needs to understand that there is much more to this than just a downing of passenger plane. It is all smokescreen and mirrors and just another game play. The downing of MH17 over the Ukraine is the trigger that will set things in motion. And I would argue that it was premeditated – BY BOTH SIDES as the factions and political agendas of the global elite struggle to gain ascendancy and justify to “we the sheep” the fact that we are going to war.
But WHY a passenger jet?
One only has to look at the media and the frenzy worldwide that has erupted over MH17 and the emotional attachment that is being garnered via the media on a nation by nation approach. While each nation justifiably condemns on a unified basis the act of terrorism involved, each nation also looking at it through the eyes of the “controlled” media at a more national level of menace. Simply it is being personalized in order to gain your support for the decisions that will be made in the justification of going to war.
So what evidence do we have that may indicate that this was a pre-planned act of terrorism?
Here is what I believe happened (and I stress that it is only one man’s theory, as there are many possibilities and even more opinions). MH17 was downed by a fighter jet and NOT a missile that we are being told. In the game play it really does not matter whose jet shot down MH17, Russian, American, NATO or someone else, it really does not matter. I would argue that it is merely a scene setter in the charade that is being played out on our behalf. If this argument is true, and given the facts that are being presented via our Governments and the “controlled” media then it most likely happened in this way…
MH17 was shot down by a Jet Fighter from the Western Alliance with one of its own on-board missiles. This jet crossed into foreign controlled airspace to carry out this horrendous act. When it entered foreign air space it became a target for the Eastern Alliance and a ground missile was launched at the Jet Fighter, NOT at the airliner, the Jet Fighter in its defence released CHAFF and FLARES (normal practice) to confuse the missile that targeted it.
How do we know this and how can I presume this scenario took place? Sadly, I do not make this claim blindly as there is some evidence that MH17 was shot down by a fighter jet… IF you look at the original footage of MH17 going up in flames you will see in the smoke streams of white cloud and crackles of bright lights within the black smoke… WITHOUT ANY DOUBT these are signatures of jet fighter CHAFF that are emitted by a jet fighter when under attack or trying to avoid a missile… So we know a jet fighter was involved and this is opposite to the story being fed to the world… this implies a cover up of some kind… and we are NOT being told the truth… remember Vietnam (No attack on the US warships), remember Iraq (No WMS), Remember 9/11 (3 building methodically demolished by experts) and many other False Flag Operations…
MH17 is a prelude to all-out War… it is the false trigger that will start everything. BE WARNED.
ALSO further supporting this argument I would note that in the video news clips of the aftermath they show a couple of guys holding numerous passports that were NOT SCATHED by the CRASH or BY the EXPLOSION or by the FIRE or the WATER used to douse those flames that followed the MH17 attack… (The simple truth here for everyone to see is that ALL the passports as shown on TV were pristine and as new – NO MARKS on them), I would argue that these particular passports (as shown on TV) were not in the actual crash but were merely props to tug on your emotions to garner your support for what decisions that are coming our way… I would further argue that IF this is the case then it supports my argument of premeditation of a planned attack by the west and not just some chance happening… Think about it…
Sorry if I have offended anyone… but we all deserve the truth… Look up everything that I have said for yourselves and stop believing propaganda being spoon fed to us by the media and our Governments.
Love and Light All


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发表于 21-7-2014 02:24 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 21-7-2014 02:52 AM | 显示全部楼层




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