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15项内容!The Silph Road’s 对安装包v0.67.1的数据挖掘完成!

发表于 21-6-2017 07:33 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
15项内容!The Silph Road’s 对安装包v0.67.1的数据挖掘完成!
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Wake me up, travelers – we must be dreaming.
快醒醒,旅行者们 – 我们一定是在做梦。

This latest APK saw massive code changes and has taken a while to chomp through! But we’re finally ready and excited to share our findings.

Many major additions have appeared in the APK which have already been covered in the official release notes or the more complete official overview of the changes:
These include:
  • The new Gym system 新的道馆系统
  • The new Raid system 新的团体战系统
  • New items (TMs, Golden Razz Berries, Raid passes, ‘Premier balls’ for use after Raids, etc) 新物品(技能学习机,金蔓莓,团体战入场券,Premier球)
  • Gym Badges 道馆徽章
  • and more! 以及更多!
But … that doesn’t mean there aren’t a few insights to be gleaned from an APK analysis! We’ll ignore the many features contained in the above resources and just focus on those which stood out the most.
但是 … 安装分析还是可以挖到其他新的内容!所以我们掠过上面提到的内容,专注在其他新内容的部分。
Ready? Let’s dive in!

1. Battle Teams? 宝可梦战队?
A new construct has appeared in the codebase called a Battle Team. Trying not to get too hyped, but this appears to be the much-requested ability to pre-store a battle team(s)! The following attributes give us cause to get excited:
  • LastUsedTeam – likely referring to the 6 Pokemon selected in the previous battle 上次使用的队伍 – 应该是你上一场战斗出战的那6只宝可梦。
  • TeamNameMaxLength– …is this the ability to name battle teams? (!) 队伍名字 – 顾名思义
  • BATTLE_TEAM_PREFERENCE_KEY– Perhaps the ‘preferred’ or ‘favorite’ team? – 最喜欢的队伍?
Now, this is highly speculative until the Gym update turns on – at which point it will be obvious to all! But in the moments before it goes live, this does appear to point to pre-selectable battle teams, travelers.
2. Battle Networking Update 战斗网络更新
This doesn’t appear to be a major upgrade, but there are several updates revolving around remote network calls during battle. Keep an eye out travelers, and see if you can notice what may have changed!
3. Max Total Deployed Pokemon Limit 防止宝可梦的最大合计数量限制
Once again, this is speculative, but it appears there is a new limit in the code (whether active or inactive at this point has yet to be seen) called:
While this limit may simply be in place to prevent a player deploying multiple Pokemon at the same Gym, we believe it may be more than that. Notably all 3* of these exist as distinct limits:
  • MaxPlayerDeployedPokemon 玩家最大放置宝可梦数量
  • MaxTotalDeployedPokemon 合计最大放置宝可梦数量
  • MaxSamePokemonAtFort 同种宝可梦最大数量
This points to a new limit on the total number of Pokemon a player can actively deploy in any Gym (fort). We’ll have to wait and see if this is the case, but this may be a very high limit designed to restrict spoofers/bot networks from deploying in high numbers of Gyms in the new system!
4. Legendary Battles 传奇战斗
It’s here, travelers. Official references to legendary Pokemon have appeared in the APK!
We see them in a few places. Namely, in the player stats: 玩家状态中相应的属性
  • NumLegendaryBattleWon 传奇战斗胜利数
  • NumLegendaryBattleTotal 传奇战斗总数
and in the Item Types, where we find a Legendary Raid Ticket, a badge for ‘Legendary Battles Won’ and a deployment error called ERROR_LEGENDARY_POKEMON.
So, altogether now, here’s what we think we know: 根据以上的分析
Legendaries will be encountered in Raid situations (either at events, or under special circumstances isn’t clear). They will require a ‘Legendary Raid Ticket’ item to enter the legendary raid.
We currently believe you cannot deploy legendaries to defend Gyms. This is an interesting restriction that may help prevent a significant imbalance between botters/illegitimate players (who oft find ways to score rare Pokemon) with legitimate trainers. Not to mention it will significantly cut down the black market value for accounts with these legendary species. At any rate, if this is true, we expect we’ll be able to use them in offensive teams all the same. Which is all I want.
5. ‘Healing Mode’ at the Gym 道馆的治疗模式
It appears that healing items (potions & revives) will be available to be applied at the Gym right before battle itself! So, no more need to go out to the main screen, select ‘Items’ and go through the whole dance to apply a potion before returning to the Gym. This is a very welcome time-saver, if so!
6. Berry Logistics 树果后勤
As has been mentioned and rumored from glimpses we’ve seen of the Motivation system, berries are about to become a bigger part of daily life. 管中窥豹我们以及对干劲系统有所了解,树果将会在日常游戏中扮演更重要的角色了。
Berries now have a new badge: BERRIES_FED 树果也有新的徽章了。
They contribute to your Gym Badge score, and now have their own tutorial! 喂食树果也会给你的道馆徽章加分,并且现在有独立的教程了!
Adding complexity to berries, we see the following error states:更多的关于树果的状态
This seems to point to combinations and cooldowns that have different requirements than we’re used to with berries. Good thing there’s a tutorial.
7. Gym Badge Tiers 道馆徽章分段位
Gym badges appear to be able to be upgraded to the following tiers:道馆徽章可升级分为以下段位
  • Vanilla 香草
  • Bronze 铜
  • Silver 银
  • Gold 金
These are able to be upgraded according to their Gym badge score, which you appear to be able to increase through the following actions:
  • Winning defensive battles 赢得守馆战
  • Feeding Berries 喂食树果
  • Deploying Pokemon 放置宝可梦(守馆)
  • Winning Raid battles 赢得团体战
  • And possibly ‘losing all battles’ (Though we’re not sure why this is included. haha) 输掉所以战斗也可能加分,虽然不知道为什么。(Max:弱者也需要鼓励)
8. Raid Premier Ball Awards  团队战Premier球奖励
In a Raid, you appear to be awarded more ‘Premier Balls’ based on a few factors. These include:
  • The base Pokeballs 基数
  • Individual damage contribution 个人伤害输出贡献
  • Team Damage contribution 团队伤害输出贡献
  • Gym Ownership 道馆所属阵营
  • The percentage of damage inflicted by your team 阵营伤害输出所占比例
  • A ‘Bonus Item Multiplier’ (unclear at the time of publication) 奖励系数(几何未知)
9. Fancy Code to Display the 6 Gym Pokemon 优化的同时显示道馆中6只宝可梦的代码
A lot of code was added that apparently was designed to display the Gym’s defending team without a Snorlax blocking out the other Pokemon. This is a small thing, but it’s a very nice touch and some fancy code that makes Gyms look legit!
10. Inbox 收件箱
The Inbox is about to get a whole lot more useful. 会派大用处
We see many different types of messages are now capable of generating a notice and appearing in the inbox (such as earning progress on Gym Badges, earning PokeCoins from defending Pokemon returning, etc).
11. Lobbies 大厅
The ‘Lobby’ is a new construct in use in the Raid mechanic. It’s the waiting room you will sit in before officially joining the Raid. Lobbies enable both public and private access – though private Raid lobbies are still largely lacking documentation. The following actions appear regarding lobbies:
  • JoinLobby 加入大厅
  • isPrivate 私人大厅
  • groupCode 团体代码
  • suggestedGroupSize 建议团体规模
Notably, there are also new errors, such as ERROR_NO_AVAILABLE_LOBBIES which seems to point to interesting cases where Raids are “full.” Time will tell!
The lobby system is very promising, and may add an additional social layer than we were expecting when it comes to Raids. We’ll be watching Lobbies particularly closely.
12. Gym Badge Map 道馆徽章地图
This has appeared in leaked screenshots already, but its implementation has left a big imprint on the APK. We see new code that uses the S2 API, and ways to cluster and navigate the map to display where your Gym Badges are from.
在泄露的截图中出现,在安装包里也有显著痕迹。我们看到了调用S2 API的新代码,运用集群调用地图显示你的道馆徽章的出处。
Overall, this is an awesome feature that makes collecting Gym Badges infinitely more fun.
Notably, you can also now sort Gym badges by: Name, Defending, and Score
13. Push Notifications 推送通知
Obviously, push notifications are coming with this update! We see notifications for the following: 显然这次更新带来的推送通知,以下情况下会看到推送通知(通知可关闭):
14. Bonus Gym Loot 道馆奖励战利品
Code referencing the increased payouts at friendly gyms reference the following: 代码显示友方道馆增加了不同类型的奖励
  • AwardedGymBadge 奖励道馆奖章
  • Loot 战利品
  • BonusLoot 奖励战利品
  • RaidTickets 团体战入场券
  • TeamBonusLoot 阵营奖励战利品
In one of the best mechanic changes in this update, it appears that there are multiple levels of ‘bonus loot’ that will be given at friendly Gyms – having a Gym badge and/or your team owning the gym will increase the payout!
这次更新中最好的系统变化之一,多重等级的友方道馆奖励 – 拥有道馆徽章和/或由你的阵营占据道馆会增加获得的奖励。
15. Raid Levels 团体战等级
This is a largely unexplained feature at this point, travelers, but there are 5 “Raid Levels” appearing in the APK. We’ll have to wait and see what this entails!

Whew. 如释重负
That’s not even all the new additions this time, travelers, but this list reflects the largest additions that the Silph Road team feels deserve a highlight in this teardown.
Overall, we’re just so, so excited to see all this goodness headed our way. The Gym system will never be perfect. But this is a giant leap forward, and has us more than excited to start shredding it up.
Feel free to check out the graphic assets that were added this time that traveler /u/Koi-pond isolated here. We’re not going to post them here, but they’re fun to ogle.
And now the wait begins for the new Gym system to hit. It could be any moment, travelers.
We’ll see you on the Road!
– Executive Dronpes –


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