Release Date: 23 August 2012 Language: English Subtitle: Malay / Chinese Genre: Comedy / Family Running Time: Director: David Bowers Cast: Zachary Gordon, Robert Capron and Devon Bostick Synopsis: During his summer vacation, "Wimpy Kid" Greg Heffley, the hero of the phenomenally successful book series, hatches a plan to pretend he has a job at a ritzy country club - which fails to keep him away from the season's dog days, including embarrassing mishaps at a public pool and a camping trip that goes horribly wrong. 劇情簡介:暑假開始了,葛瑞只想遠離日曬,待在暗不見天日的冷氣房裡打電動。但老媽可不這樣想,她要葛瑞去外頭曬曬太陽,從事戶外活動,沒想到這卻引發一連串失控的災難……。先是替人修剪草坪,來清償鄉村俱樂部的鉅額帳單,又被迫參加老媽成立的「讀書樂無窮」讀書會,而盼望已久的生日派對,卻意外的被一隻狗給搞砸,連苦心經營的泳池戀曲也都無疾而終……。如果這些都還不夠慘的話,那麼差點要了葛瑞小命的「腦震盪」海邊遊樂設施、害老爸被警察逮捕的烏龍事件、以及新成員「貝貝」的加入攪局,都不斷讓這個暑假雪上加霜,完全失控……