《 The Walking Dead》第六季目前热播,全球丧尸迷又来到了追剧的日子。不过,你可能没想到追剧也会搞出人命。美国一名男子在看了《The Walking Dead》后,突然凶性大发,将友人活活打死。凶手事后声称他这么做是为了不让朋友变成僵尸。 根据报道,凶手是23岁的戴蒙·佩里(Damon Perry),死者为其同龄朋友克里斯托弗·帕坎(Christopher Paquin)。案发当天,佩里喝酒看了《The Walking Dead》后,以为朋友要变成丧尸,先下手为强对死者拳打脚踢,以及用尖锐物,如吉他和微波炉在内的物件攻击帕坎致死。 警方说,案件发生在新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基市(Albuquerque)以西大约130公里的小镇格兰茨(Grants)。他们在上周四下午接获报案,指一名醉酒男子正在一个住宅单位内挥刀砍人。警方抵达现场后发现两名维修工人已经将佩里制服在地上。他们也发现了帕坎的尸体。 警方声明指出:“佩里告诉查案人员他喝了很多酒,之后发现朋友开始‘变成僵尸’。” 结果,佩里被控谋杀,将在当地11月3日提堂。 |
EricEvilEye 发表于 28-10-2015 02:28 PM
这个根本是谋杀!严重怀疑他没认真看《 The Walking Dead》,
没被walker抓/咬伤或者死掉,是不会变walker ...
sales06 发表于 28-10-2015 04:23 PM
你这言论只证明你也没认真在看。。在seasons4/5里Rick 他们就发现了即使没被walker咬到也会变哦,理由是 ...
EricEvilEye 发表于 28-10-2015 04:27 PM
EricEvilEye 发表于 28-10-2015 02:28 PM
这个根本是谋杀!严重怀疑他没认真看《 The Walking Dead》,
没被walker抓/咬伤或者死掉,是不会变walker ...
EricEvilEye 发表于 28-10-2015 04:27 PM
Most, if not everyone, on the planet within The Walking Dead universe somehow contracted the pathogen that, for reasons and through means unknown, brings the dead back to "life." It is unknown how the disease is spread, though its almost-total infection rate worldwide suggests it is either water-borne, air-borne, or both. The exact taxonomy of the pathogen is unknown. The pathogen itself does not kill its hosts, but it seems to weaken their immune systems considerably, to the point where even minor illnesses are far more fatal than normal to humans.
Reanimation"The rule is WHATEVER it is that causes the zombies, is something everyone already has. If you stub your toe, get an infection and die, you turn into a zombie, UNLESS your brain is damaged. If someone shoots you in the head and you die, you're dead. A zombie bite kills you because of infection, or blood loss, not because of the zombie "virus.""—Robert Kirkman[src]The dead corpse of anyone that dies for any reason will reanimate as a zombie, unless the brain of the individual is badly damaged or destroyed or the person was dead prior to the outbreak. When a person dies, the infection they carry reactivates critical areas of the brain that support necessary vital systems, resulting in reanimation. Because only a portion of the brain is reactivated, the reanimated person retains only a physical resemblance to their former self.
sales06 发表于 28-10-2015 09:38 PM
PathogenMost, if not everyone, on the planet within The Walking De ...
sales06 发表于 29-10-2015 11:12 AM
第六季Glenn 死了