1. Edison Residence by KANVA 蒙特娄,加拿大 (Montreal, Canada)
2. G Kelawai Hotel by K2LD Architects Pte. Ltd. and Architect T.Y. Au 槟城,马来西亚 (Penang, Malaysia)
德国 (Marienstein, Germany)
4. Maxx Royal Kemer Resort and Spa by Baraka Architects 安塔利亚,土耳其 (Antalya, Turkey)
5. Öijared Hotel by Kjellgren Kaminsky Architecture 弗洛妲,瑞典 (Floda, Sweden)
6. Olive Grove by Patterson Associates 班克斯半岛,纽西兰 (Banks Peninsula, New Zealand)
7. Sandibe Safari Lodge, Botswana by Michaelis Boyd Associates 摩利米,波札那 (Moremi, Botswana)
8. St. Regis Istanbul by EAA-Emre Arolat Architects 伊斯坦堡,土耳其 (Istanbul, Turkey)
9. Thermal Spa Hotel by GAD Architecture 埃斯基谢希尔,土耳其 (Eskisehir, Turkey)
10. Ulrichshof by noa* – network of architecture 林巴赫,德国 (Rimbach, Germany)
11. Yacht Club de Monaco by Foster + Partners and Alexandre Giraldi 蒙地卡罗,法国 (Monte Carlo, France)
12. Youth Hotel in iD Town by O-office Architects 深圳,中国 (Shenzhen, China)
原文来源: http://www.adaymag.com/2015/09/0 ... our-imagnation.html |