》D2: 20140525 - Mastihari > Hippocrates Garden > Marmari
基本上今天大家都没有什么计划。 醒来之后,就各自做自己的东西,Snaedi走去town,剩下的到沙滩。我只是去沙滩看看,不想下水。昨晚才把头发弄得软软的,我不想那么快再下海糟蹋它们。如果我是光头的,就会不同,呵呵。这里的海滩基本上比土耳其的好,真的有细沙,不是pebbly beach。 可能是昨天去泡温泉泡太久了,今天我一直觉得自己身上有很强烈的sulfur味道。
![]() 看海。下不下海?
![]() 裸晒男
![]() 在海边吹口琴 中午,我们出去Mastihari吃pita,才知道原来Snaedi也是吃素的。至于Steph,从昨天到今天都不停在说rice,原来她在Iceland一天两餐都吃饭。午餐后,Pro就载我们到他朋友Yuli的Hippocrates Garden,那里有个Museum of Natural History。他俩已经有六、七个月没见,所以也有很多东西聊。我们自己大概参观了一下,就坐下来听Yuli说一些关于Greek Philosophies的故事。两个Icelandic girls都是学哲学的,对这方面很有兴趣。至于我,算是门外汉,但也大概有听过谁是Socrates。 今天是这里的选举日,Pro一早就去投票了(虽然是他的第一次)。Yuli说她不想投,但又觉得似乎有点罪过,一直很纠结似的。就这样,聊著许多有的没的,我们很懒散地过了一个下午。 ![]() 回到家,上网查看汤杯的成绩,当时还没有打完。也在这个时候,无线网设置好了!过了一阵子,就知道我们输给了日本。其实在日本的朋友,根本不晓得什么是汤杯,好讽刺。今天也是槟城Bkt Gelugor不选的日子,成绩并不出乎预料。 今天恰好是Pro爸爸的85岁生日,晚上他们有简单的家庭聚会,我们也当不速之客了。总共才10人,也不算很庞大的阵容。85岁的爸爸、83岁的姑姑、88岁的父母老朋友,大多都长住在美国,都很健谈。我就和隔壁那个当摄影师男人比较好谈,他也看了我拍的照片。其实我并不知道他是谁,只知道在场那个看起来最年轻、只有15岁的少年,是他的儿子。他说他们之前住在夏威夷的Maui和Big Island,Oahu没去过。
![]() 他们的生日聚会很简单,就是大家坐下来聊天,然后叫pizza一起吃,喝的也只是矿泉水。简简单单。看著他们吃pizza,我就想起我们的大马式聚会中也很普遍的“炒米粉咖喱鸡”,突然很怀念这些食物! 回到家,洗了澡之后也很累了。Steph和Pro不懂去了哪里,说是去按摩。我有点奇怪,前一天不就是在大厅这里按,怎么今天必须去别边。算了,我也很累,没力理,所以和昨天相反,今晚我是第一个睡的。 关于Santorini,或许会touristy了一点,但希腊人也很推荐我们去。所以,两个原本想直奔雅典的Icelandic girls,也说会跟我一起去,但她们会比较早离开。 P/S:至于在Santorini的CS,之前联络上一个他说是来自印度的。老实说,我真的不想对印度人有偏见,但沟通之下有一种觉得“他不是很靠谱”的感觉,因为他一时一样。今早,突然看到有个Tahiti女生在他profile那里留了一个neutral的comment,我就写email去给那个Tahiti女生,问她到底发生了什么事。在她回覆我之前,跟思帆聊到,她之前和那个印度男见面,但10分钟那样就离开去找酒店住了。思帆还跟我说,那个不是好人来的,不要去!看完思帆说的,就接到Tahiti女生的回覆,详述了她在那里的经验。最后,我就写去给印度男说,我计划有变,不去Santorini了。我一向会有backup plan的,所以已经找了可以去住的hostel。 这是Tahiti女生写给我的: 第一封 Waseem was very helpful and told me all the good things to do so I can not say that he is not good. But I didn't really like his behavior after. We met after his work for a drink on the beach at night, We talk about many things first and then he started to speak about sex ALL THE TIME !!!! He was not dangerous but he was asking a lots of questions about sex. Example : "When did you have sex for the first time ? How many boyfriend did you have ? Do you shave yourself ? Where exactly ? Would you show your body to a stranger ? ...." I was not scared but a little bit angry. At the end, when we arrived to his apartment, he told me that I could sleep on the carpet or in his bed (single bed) WWWHAAAAT !!!! I was very angry because he never told me that before ! Finally I slept alone in his bed and he slept with his cousin. In fact, I will suggest you to find another couchsurfer even if I think Waseem is not dangerous. 第二封 I am happy that you asked me my feeling about Waseem because I don't want that another girl has the same experience then me ! He wasn't bad with me but maybe he can be bad with other girls... I don't know ! I am very choc to see that one of your friend left his house to go to a hotel ! That means that he does that all the time and he can be disturbing ! it not good at all ! She should say it on his profile ! It is very important for other couchsurfer like you and me to know that. Anyway, I am reassure to know that you don't go to his place. Maybe try to find a girl. 第三封 What you said about yur friend experience is horrible!!! She really need to say it on couchsurfing! I am thinking that maybe I am lucky that anything happened to me! Forget this man! haha! Good trip! Bye! |