韓國天團「少女時代」人氣成員Jessica潔西卡,今驚傳被所屬「SM娛樂」踢出團!潔西卡今清晨5點在官方微博寫下:「我正在準備將到來的既定活動,沒想到突然從公司接到『從今以後,少女時代只有8個人』的通報,我隨少女時代活動期間,一直都很忠於自己的工作,沒想到卻接到這樣的通知,讓我感到十分唐突又疑惑。」![]() 潔西卡的微博發出後,讓許多歌迷十分緊張,還在猜測潔西卡是否被盜帳號時,恰巧,少女時代今預定在中國深圳辦見面會,今早從仁川機場搭機出國,現場竟只有8名成員現身,未見潔西卡的身影,增添「潔西卡退團說」屬實的可能性,但潔西卡所屬的SM娛樂尚未發布官方聲明。 ![]() ![]() 「少女時代」今早現身仁川機場,不見潔西卡身影,只有8名成員。 中午SM發聲明指出,今年春天潔西卡向公司表示,因另有個人規劃,隨團再發一張專輯後就要中斷活動。這段時間成員們和潔西卡持續地找尋解決方法,但潔西卡日前投入時尚事業,似乎無法再參與團內事務,公司因此決定提早讓少女時代改成8人體制活動,也會對潔西卡的個人活動給予支持與協助。
We are offering our position on the words on Jessica's Weibo posted today.
This coming spring, due to her personal situation, she has notified us she will halt her team promotions with the release of one [more] album.
Despite Jessica's sudden notice, the agency and the Girls' Generation members tried our best and tried to figure out a way that Girls' Generation's activities can continue in the best possible direction.
However, in the midst of insufficient clear negotiations regarding conflicts of differences in priorities and interest, Jessica started her fashion business. Due to this, despite ongoing talks, it has come to a point where the team could not be maintained.
Thus, the agency had no choice but to pull up Girls' Generation's activities as 8 members earlier than planned, and in the midst of while working out when to announce this, Jessica had posted her words early this morning.
From here on, our agency will continue to support and manage the 8-member Girls' Generation and Jessica's individual activities.