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KLIA2 吉隆坡国际机场使用体验全览

14-5-2014 02:51 PM| 发布者: 佳礼记者 | 评论: 103|原作者: Bernard@cari

摘要: 佳礼论坛网友Bernard@cari,从亚航于9日搬迁至全新的第二国际机场,综合了网上的资料,做了一个运作情况…… 1)AirAsia 9日第一天运作,我在网上发现个个航班delay 1~3小时不等。第二天,发现到进步了。 ...


KLIA2,距离KLIA 只有短短的2km。现有的ERL机场快铁路线已扩伸至KLIA2, 共有12列高速电动火车,为您提供更快速的服务。KLIA Ekspres 以及 KLIA Transit 均有提供KL Sentral ► KLIA2 的快铁路线。

KLIA Ekspres

KLIA Ekspres 是连接吉隆坡中环车站(KL Sentral)直达KLIA 快速铁路服务。 随着klia2 的启用,原有的快铁路线现已扩伸至klia2,且会在KLIA 让乘客下车。

车票价钱单程为RM35,从KL SENTRAL 直达klia2全程只需大约33 分钟,每隔20 分钟一班(高峰时段每15 分钟一班)。KLIA 和 klia2 航站楼之间的衔接车费只需RM2,且短短3 分钟内就到达目的地。

KLIA Transit

KLIA Transit 每半个小时一班车,途中经停:

KL Sentral ► Bandar Tasik Selatan ► Putrajaya & Cyberjaya ► Salak Tinggi ► KLIA ► klia2

KLIA Transit 每隔30 分钟一班(高峰时段每20 分钟一班)。从KL Sentral至klia2 共经过4站,全程约39 分钟。



KLIA2 与市区之间有6条高速公路连接:

ELITE Highway

LDP Highway

KESAS Highway

MAJU Expressway

North South Expressway Central Link

New Klang Valley Expressway (NKVE)




MAHB(马来西亚机场公司)在5月1日至15日期间提供klia2和LCCT之間的免费转运服务,以方便过渡期间的乘客。巴士24小时运行,每15-20 分钟一班。 



LCCT: LCCT 目前的巴士服务区(LCCT门前第三车道)

klia2: klia2 一层交通车站

佳礼记者整理报导/ 内容参考亚航官网








刚表态过的朋友 (1 人)

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引用 Bernard@cari 11-5-2014 04:11 PM

It is sad to say that I am very disappointed while I landed at klia2 yesterday around 1145pm.
1. We landed and staring at the airport while waiting for traffic Marshall to control and give instructions to the pilot and plane for 15 mins.
2. No sky bridge operator after the plane came to a stop... Another 15 mins..
3. Finally sky bridge was attached and guess what ? No 1 came to open the door for the flight.... And another 20 mins...
What kind of international bull shit airport is that ?
We only manage to clear and get our luggage with everything done around 130am...
You know how international tourist were scolding in the plane? And some of them have connected flights too...
U guys should be a shame as u r not dedicated to ur job....
Shame on u guys who make Malaysia reputation worst as it is already bad...
本帖最后由 Bernard@cari 于 11-5-2014 04:43 PM 编辑

引用 Bernard@cari 11-5-2014 04:19 PM
(分享自 https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/3220487 网友贴文)

So yesterday I happened to have a flight with AirAsia from KL to Kota Bharu, jeng jeng jeng!

Feeling adventurous, I decided to purchase the ERL ticket from KL Sentral to KLIA2 online. So I received the ticket online via email and I just need to scan the QR code to enter the train, easy smeasy.

Flight was at 8.30pm and I was already at KL Sentral around 6pm (raining yo). I decided to reach early so that I could kepoh kepoh a bit at KLIA2, sight seeing. Feeling so high tech I brought out my smartphone to display the QR code while others were queueing at the counters buying the tickets (losers!!!). First time try teet could not pass, second time teet could not pass, third time try I saw the message saying the ticket was not valid for express line. Aiyoh! So I quickly ran to transit line, thinking great now I had to share train with passengers returning from office, so packed lah. Tried to scan again, also could not pass, walao! So I approach the officer expalining my ticket and he was surprised the gate mentioned the ticket was not valid for express line even though the logo at the ticket showed ERL express. So I waited for him to replace me a new ticket so I could get into the train.

Upon my further investigation, there is a bug in the online ticket purchase for ERL. It seems if you buy a ticket from KL Sentral to KLIA2, the ticket will be erroneously assigned to the transit line, see the image shown below:

You will only know the service line if you click the details, which is not shown by default. Kampung2005 you jawab!

So finally I reached KLIA2 after wasting time at KL Sentral, journey was 33 minutes, reached around 7pm. So I fast fast ran to the departure building - didn't care shit about the shopping centre since I wanted to print my ticket first - already checkin online but you cannot print the ticket if the flight is within 45 min away. I reached the checkin hall but I could not find the usual AirAsia kiosks, so I wondered around in a rush. Tried to approach AirAsia officer but she was busy flirting with a guy (blah blah blah see you in bangkok later blah blah blah) totalling ignoring me waiting to speak to her. So I approached airport staff at the info counter asking for the kiosks, lo and behold, the checking and printing kioks now use airport kiosks, so it means many airlines can utilise the same kiosk. The kiosks are stationed in front of checkin counters, the colour is white.

Finished printing the ticket, I went to the Maybank to deposit a cheque (I kaya liao). Seriously I don't know what floor it was, I just happened to see the bank after I went into the toilet at the shopping centre building.

Then time to go to the domestic departure gate. The gate number was not at the printed ticket but I could see the gate number at the display screen at the checkin hall. Good. I passed the security, then had my bag scanned. I didnt check in any bag -- didn't want to take the risk on the first day. The assigned gate was J9, so I walked steadily to the gate, it was a long walk, and was surprised when I reached J9 the screen monitor at the gate said the boarding was changed to K4. Where the heck was K4? I noticed the K gates somewhere from the signing board that I passed but I didnt give that much notice. I could not find any sign to go to K gates from J gates, but luckily a malay pakcik told me that K gates was in the other side.

Walao to walk from J9 from K4 was a long distance lah, luckily the original gate was not J20 or something. So I reached the other side of the building (needed to walked down a floor), first gate I saw was K2 (where was K1 lah?). Walked a little bit more saw the sign above said in front were K5, K6, ..., where were K3 and K4? I started to panic and stared to curse the sign makers. Luckily I found K4, a short distance from K2 ahead.

Reached K4 and the gate monitor shows it was for Penang and Kota Bharu flight, the gate was packed with pipol. Apparently the flight to Penang was delayed (I heard many flights were delayed badly). The mood inside the gate was not good, pipol were agitated, some were intimidating AirAsia crew staff at the counter.

So I found a seat and started eating some bread. Then jeng jeng jeng an announcement saying my flight was rescheduled to 10pm! Walao! I wanted to confirm about the reschedule but too many crowded the counter already. Outside the gate the screen still did not say any rescheduling. I decided to sit on the floor outside, it was much cooler.

The electricity went off a few minutes intermittently!

See the photos above, taken from outside of the gate.

Some pipol outside the gate laughed at the romantic dark environment. But luckily the electricity cuts were short.

After a while and after some noises, Penang passengers were requested to move to another gate (I dunno which one) so K4 gate was then not sardine packed and I went to find a seat in it.

Then electricity went off again! Inside the gate it was completely dark except the TV and the screen, no backup emergency lights ka? (even my condo lobby have the backup lights).

Above is what you will see if no light in the gate!

Then I felt want to pee, I remember near gate K6 had a toilet next to it. Went inside walao so small the toilet. There were only 2 cubicles and 2 urinals, and one urinal already blocked and flooded with pee. The size of the toilet was about KFC toilet size! Strangely the designer decided to use tiles look like wooded parquet to decorate the floor, I was shocked initially because I thought wooded parquet could not tahan wet floor, but then I went to knock the floor and it was really ceramic tile.

I realised then that AirAsia ground crew did not know how to change the display time of the flight on the airport screens (right outside the gate, and other screens). They contacted the airport controller to report the flight delay, but only announcement was made (1 time) by the airport announcer, no update to the screens around the airport. If I went to those screens, I could not see any delayed or reschedule time for my flight.

At 9.50pm we were instructed to move to gate K6. Pipol started to make noises but it was still controlled.

Then before 10pm we were finally boarding yay! The cabin crew announce the flight would take some time to depart since they didn't have enough crews to transfer the baggage or something -- I did not care much as long as I was in the plane already.

So around 10.05pm I decided to get my sleep, too tired liao.

And I woked up at 10.55pm. The plane was still on the ground! That meant pipol were waiting patiently for the flight to depart -- I guessed there were problems with baggage transfer into the plane, either no crew to do it or there were problems at the baggage controllers.

Pipol started to get agitated more, kids crying. When the cabin crew made a wrong announcement, tersilap said the destination, pipol inside booed the crew!

Luckily, at 11pm the pilot announced that we would finally flew. I reached Kota Bharu at 12pm!

That is the end of my blog. Thank you!
引用 Bernard@cari 11-5-2014 04:23 PM
谢谢 @kent05 提醒。 那位网友应该不是指 出凳,而是 “离港” 字眼。他改正为 “出境”。但我觉得这没不妥。所以我删除了那张照片。

引用 Bernard@cari 11-5-2014 04:27 PM

迁新机场班机延迟 亚航首日运作混乱








本帖最后由 Bernard@cari 于 11-5-2014 04:29 PM 编辑

引用 平院 11-5-2014 04:33 PM
飞机到了,aerobridge 迟迟才来连接。
引用 Bernard@cari 11-5-2014 04:33 PM
当然 KLIA2 也不乏有很多好的地方。




KLIA2的照片,自己去 http://www.klia2.info 那边看吧。不然就自己去体验下吧。
引用 Bernard@cari 11-5-2014 04:40 PM
平院 发表于 11-5-2014 04:33 PM
飞机到了,aerobridge 迟迟才来连接。

认得你。你是那个在 亚洲航空版 很活跃的那位



引用 平院 11-5-2014 05:01 PM
Bernard@cari 发表于 11-5-2014 04:40 PM
认得你。你是那个在 亚洲航空版 很活跃的那位

无可否认,不管是亚航,还是机场的运作,看来都还没有 ...

机场公司都说了用一次费用是RM85. 是要亚航付的。就不可能要亚航的人去操控。
引用 Bernard@cari 11-5-2014 05:09 PM
平院 发表于 11-5-2014 05:01 PM
机场公司都说了用一次费用是RM85. 是要亚航付的。就不可能要亚航的人去操控。
如果亚 ...

看来和 aerobridge 出不来息息相关

到今天我去看flight information,其实还是有不少班机delay,最久的有1小时出一点点




引用 平院 11-5-2014 05:28 PM
Bernard@cari 发表于 11-5-2014 05:09 PM
看来和 aerobridge 出不来息息相关

Klia2 是很大很大的。
引用 flashang 11-5-2014 05:40 PM
Bernard@cari 发表于 11-5-2014 05:09 PM
看来和 aerobridge 出不来息息相关

剩下的才处理 AA...

引用 Itikputih 11-5-2014 05:48 PM
人流量未免太大了, 一天有60,000个搭客加上接机送机的, 厠所不爆是假的, 更何况些没公德心的人会乱把大小便厠纸以外的东西往马桶丢的。。。
引用 不经营 11-5-2014 06:48 PM
Itikputih 发表于 11-5-2014 05:48 PM
人流量未免太大了, 一天有60,000个搭客加上接机送机的, 厠所不爆是假的, 更何况些没公德心的人会乱把大 ...



引用 lebronjames 11-5-2014 08:03 PM
improvement takes time, 日子久了就没这些问替了。。
引用 kimmun 11-5-2014 08:47 PM
引用 agsd121 11-5-2014 10:33 PM
引用 cwc0206 12-5-2014 01:01 AM
其实不容易管理,如果没有好好准备。这是管理的问题。一流设备 ,狗屎管理
引用 LovemberBoy 12-5-2014 01:52 AM
想当初KLIA和香港赤臘角国际机场圃开始运作也是这样的! 不过说到日6万人流量的机场厕所却那么少就很匪夷所思了!~
引用 Bernard@cari 12-5-2014 08:51 PM
@JensenPy 网友的分享。

9号从melbourne抵达klia2. 提早25分钟到就是6.40am.

1. 飞机到了没有parking bay , 等40分钟等parking bay
2. 有parking bay 了,飞机shut down大家起身拿行李,哪里知道operator 不会接桥, 接了15分钟
3. 出到外面,上厕所没有洗手夜, 马桶一大堆大便
4. 从gate 到拿行李走了15分钟,但是行李还没出来,还要等半小时
5. 女厕所就淹水
6. 走廊有打翻的食物没有人清理
7. 整个机场很多地方都是那些装修的污迹没有清理

1. 拿luggage 去商店那里,不懂要怎样去departure hall, 死鬼大. 又没有proper instruction. escalator 又不能推trolley!!
2. 去到departure部分self check in machine 坏掉
3. 过imigresen kastam, belt boots 什么通通得脱掉,不然什么都响. 鸟他我过澳洲全世界最严的kastam都没有那样!
4. 去到departure gate, 小到够力,然后被安排2班飞机在同一个gate.
5. 然后domestic 飞机delay 1 小时
6. 飞机到了,飞机乘客还没下就报告我们可以board
7. 结果站起来排队要上,那就等了半小时
8. report 说line 1,2,3,4,5,11,12可以先上飞机,鸟他那个gate那么小全部人都站起来了堆满了前面,我们怎样去前面先登机?
9. 上了飞机,有12个人突然不要上机,要withraw luggage, 结果又等半小时.







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