有几张照片显示了“关于手机”的屏幕,而所谓诺基亚诺曼底的安兔兔跑分似乎在很大程度上证实了该公司的首款Android设备。 这款智能手机的型号为A110,似乎运行最新版本的Android系统——4.4 KitKat。不过有传闻表示,诺基亚将对谷歌的“vanilla”移动操作系统进行微调,将不支持Play Store。 安兔兔的屏幕截图显示,它将配备一颗500万像素的后置摄像头。此外,该显示屏仅为FWVGA(854x480p),不过尚不清楚其尺寸大小。 透露的唯一一个规格就是将搭载高通Snapdragon系统芯片。可能是S200或S400。 爆料大神@evleaks和The Verge网站首先传出“诺曼底”的消息,业内人士认为它是拥有进化软件的Asha手机。一些消息来源很快指出,这款手机的确存在。 诺基亚首款Android手机最后能否突破重重障碍正式亮相,我们拭目以待。 http://www.beareyes.com.cn/html/2014/01/09/news/85779.shtml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 哇塞~!! 之前不是说不要出的吗? 不过看到图片, 中间 “〈” 按键好像asha 系列的。。 Nokia has been building its own Android phone, codenamed "Normandy," and the first examples of its user interface are now starting to emerge. Evleaks has posted an image of Nokia’s custom Android implementation, with three examples of how the smartphone maker has tweaked the UI. A Skype app can be seen running on one device, and the phone dialer from Viber and a lock screen with a notification center are shown on the other devices. The UI appears to be a mix of Asha and Windows Phone elements, with hardware support for dual SIM. It's still unknown whether Nokia’s Android device will ever be released; while the company has been testing it as a low-end option in its device range, Microsoft’s Nokia acquisition leaves the project in limbo. The Verge previously reported that Nokia’s “Normandy" device uses a special forked variant of Android that’s not aligned with Google’s own version. Microsoft is expected to close its Nokia deal in the coming months, at which time we’ll likely learn Normandy’s fate. http://www.theverge.com/2014/1/8/5287924/nokia-android-ui-normandy-leak-rumor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 多一张照片。。关于诺曼底的UI... 感觉上是这样。。不知support Android 的apps 吗。。 如果能用所有的android apps, 那就很好玩了。。 不过这一切都得新老板Microsoft点头。。 只怕如果木马成为Microsoft的老大。。 那他可能会再次砍死发芽幼苗。。 这样就要等咯。。。很快就会水落石出。。
miji123 发表于 9-1-2014 09:57 PM
据说是拿android核心而已,然后其他全部修改,可能拿来衔接asha platform。据说不会使用任何google service ...
althonfx 发表于 9-1-2014 10:42 PM
感觉上是这样。。不知support Android 的apps 吗。。
如果能用所有的android apps, 那就很好玩了。。