用iPhone的朋友,你们要注意了咯! 每隔一段時日就會傳出iPhone或Samsung手機充電器爆炸的事件,盼當局或相關公司正視此事,以免鬧出人命時才來亡羊補牢,但屆時勢必為時已晚,因人命是挽不回的。 英國婦女仙娜(Donna Senior)說,她上月在手機配件店購買一個價值8英鎊的iPhone充電器後,今年開年首次使用時,該充電器竟突然爆炸,充電器的碎片更擊中一名女嬰所睡的搖籃,險些傷及躺在搖籃裡的女嬰。 過後,仙娜把損毀的充電器拿去店舖要求退款埘,店方拒絕退款,只肯更換全新的同款充電器給她,結果,仙娜痛斥該店不負責任,店方最後向仙娜致歉。 iPhone charger EXPLODES and hits newborn baby's moses basket while she was asleep inside
[size=1.2em]A mother has spoken about the horrifying moment when her phone charger exploded and parts of it hit the moses basket where her five-week-old baby was sleeping.
[size=1.2em]Donna Senior had bought the charger for her iPhone a few days earlier, but after plugging it in for the first time, she and her newborn daughter Ella were awoken by a loud bang in the early hours of the morning. [size=1.2em]Half of the phone charger had come away from the plug socket, leaving the connection in the wall black and frazzled. The charger, which can be used for iPhones, exploded in the middle of the night and hit a moses basket [size=1.2em]Mrs Senior, a primary school support assistant from Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, said: 'It just blew up, it was terrifying. I nearly jumped out my skin. [size=1.2em]'It was dark in the room as it was the middle of the night and I didn’t dare look round for a minute as I didn’t have a clue what had happened. Mrs Senior bought the charger from the Phone Shop in Huddersfield Bus Station Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook |