来了来了!那些看到玛丽娜马哈迪维护宗教和平,率领开明派穆斯林到巴生圣母教堂向神父献花表达关怀的极端宗教狂热份子,今天跳出来向玛丽娜开炮了! 率先放炮的就是土著权威组织的青年团长尔旺法米Irwan Fahmi Ideris。他炮轰玛丽娜的行为形同背叛回教。 他说:【身为穆斯林,她(玛丽娜)应该与她相同宗教信仰者站在同一阵线,捍卫真主阿拉,抗议非回教徒使用阿拉字眼才对。】 他指责玛丽娜:【她向基督教徒示好的动机是什么?难道她想制造更多冲突问题?还是她想通过指责雪州宗教局来博取廉价宣传?】 玛丽娜马哈迪是在昨天上午与一群为数约40人的开明派穆斯林,手持鲜花到巴生圣母教堂力挺安德鲁神父,同时谴责雪州宗教局违法闯入天主教会扣押300余本马来圣经的粗暴行为,也不认同那些极端宗教主义者的蛮横做法。她也抨击首相纳吉持续保持沉默不敢站出来解决阿拉课题的行为像个懦夫。讲一套做一套,言而无信。 土权青年团长抨击玛丽娜说,她身为前首相的女儿,在国家和民族中有着相当大的影响力,她应该好好善用这些影响力,协助穆斯林对付基督教徒,而不是把枪口指向自己的穆斯林兄弟姐妹。 他同时不忘对玛丽娜进行人身攻击,指责她是蕾丝边(女同性恋)、基佬(男同性恋)、单一性别同性恋和多角关系恋爱的活跃支持者。 【我们土权会绝对不认同玛丽娜的行为,她是不是公开表明她支持基督教徒可以使用阿拉字眼?】他说。 妙的是,玛丽娜的父亲,老魔头马哈迪正是土权会的顾问。土权会今天能有小小规模来作威作福嚣张跋扈,很大程度上是得到老马的帮忙。 面对土权会的叫嚣,玛丽娜的反应是不屑一顾。她在出席了【国家团结咨询理事会】NUCC会议之后,受到记者询问时,只简短的回答:【他们(土权会)只会讲一大堆废话!】 Perkasa slams Marina for siding Christians The Malay NGO says that as a Muslim and daughter of a former premier that champions Islam, Marina should stand behind people of her own faith to reject Christians from using the word Allah PETALING JAYA: Perkasa today took a swipe at activist Marina Mahathir for supporting Christians by joining a gathering at a church compund in Klang yesterday. “What is her motive in showing solidarity with Christians outside a church in Klang yesterday? Is she planning to create another controversy? “Or is she trying to gain cheap publicity and at the same time criticise the Selangor Islamic Religious Department’s ( Jais)?” asked Perkasa youth chief Irwan Fahmi Ideris, via a blog post. Last week, several officer from Jais raided the Bible Society of Malaysia’s (BSM) office at Damansara Kim, confiscating 300 Malay and Iban language Bibles that contained the holy word “Allah’ in it. Calling it an act of disrespect, Umno Selangor and several NGOs affiliated to it, including Perkasa, vowed to protest outside the Lady of Lourdes Church in Klang but backed out after the police warned against it. However, several individuals from various faith gathered outside the church in a show of solidarity with Christians, including Marina and lawyer Siti Kasim. Irwan said that as a Muslim, Marina should be supporting her Muslim brothers and sisters in defending the holy word Allah from being used by Christians. He also said that as a daughter of a former prime minister who had championed the cause of Islam, Marina’s actions has raised the eyebrows of many Muslims. “We all know that she is also very active in supporting the rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals (LGBT). “Perkasa is totally against Marina’s actions. Does she support Christians using the word Allah? Where is her faith (akidah)?” asked Irwan. Marina’s father, Dr Mahathir Mohamad, is also the patron for Perkasa. Meanwhile, Marina refused to comment on Perkasa’s attacks against her. “They talk so much rubbish,” she said, after attending the first meeting of the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC). https://www.facebook.com/photo.p ... ;type=1&theater