From Central Market to KLCC to Setapak, the story weaves a tale of Hope and Dreams as diverse as the very fabric of Kuala Lumpur itself.
An Indian immigrant worker just arrives in town to work, only to find the company that offered him the job has already gone bust. He is saved by a local restaurant operator and begins his life adventure in the city as illegal immigrant worker.
In Setapak, a young girl trying to avoid phone calls from her mother, finding herself spending the whole afternoon helping a stranger, a senile Old Lady looking for her house she can't remember its whereabouts.
In Ampang, a young man meets a cute stranger at KLCC after they both missed the last night train. For someone who never dated anyone in his life before, this occasion is a life defining moment for the young man, his only hope to get a glimpse of love.
Together they create a kaleidoscope of the spontaneous, surprising, electrifying human connections that pump the city's heartbeat. Funny, and revealing encounters unfold beneath the KL skyline.
電影名稱 Kolumpo,也是吉隆坡的諧音,也當然爾,電影就是發生在吉隆坡囖。劇情方面,整部電影是分別有三個小故事所組成的,每個故事也分別由馬來西亞三大民族各佔一線。第一個故事由印度人開場,帶人看到所謂的“外勞”,也有其他人所不了解的苦衷和難處;第二個故事由華人當主線,一個逃避家庭和嘮叨母親的剩女,在幫助一個患有老人癡呆的老婆婆回家後,而讓自己的人生觀有所改變;第三個故事也由馬來人當主角,說著他如何在半夜偶遇另一個失戀的少女,攜伴相處度過半個晚上後,而打開自己的心房不再懼怕異性(最後出現的 Nur 到底是不是同一個人來的?!)。一路看下去,這電影道盡了整個馬來西亞的人情冷暖,非常地寫實,非常地有參與感。有超多讓人發笑的地方,有很多讓人感觸的地方,也有很多讓人靜靜反思的地方。