Lynas engineer drowns in pond at plant Friday December 13, 2013 MYT 9:03:00 PM KUANTAN: An engineer of the Lynas rare earth plant drowned Friday in a pond at the plant in the Gebeng industrial area here, police said. Kuantan deputy OCPD Supt Abdul Aziz Ahmad said Mohamad Fadzli Mohamad Rafdzi, 33, is believed to have slipped and fallen into the pond at about 9am. A colleague, Sharizal Samsudin, 40, lodged a police report at the Gebeng police station, he said. Abdul Aziz said the police and firemen rushed to the plant and rescuers found Mohamad Fadzli's body in the pond at 2.40pm and sent it to the Tengku Ampuan Afzan Hospital in Kuantan. Police did not suspect any foul play in the incident, he said. - Bernama (關丹13日訊)關丹格賓萊納斯稀土廠內,今日發生一宗溺斃案,一名工程師疑在工作時,失足跌落水池溺斃。 死者莫哈末沙茲里(33歲),在萊納斯廠任職環境工程師,他今早9時到其中一個水池檢驗時,疑不慎跌入池內身亡。 死者屍體是于今午2時40分被打撈起來。