有个星期六, 我男人带我到一个不错的咖啡厅和咖啡吃面包
那里的空间很小,而且只有咖啡,面包和蛋糕 没有主餐,没有热汤,只有热血与咖啡艺术的年轻人 哈 =) 第一次来的时候觉得奇怪 因为这间店位于低价租屋的楼下 怎么也想不到这里既然卧虎藏龙 我的部落格 最佳时间 是12点前 因为12点后, 很多好吃的面包的被卖光光了 哈哈哈 有空可以来这里喝个茶 闲聊几句 放松放松 =)
She made me a cup of mocha with lovess =)
After sometime we chit chat in the cafe and looking at the barista serving the coffee and people are coming in and out again and again We ordered another coffee - Flat white It serve with cookies We requested to take photo with the bear ! Thanks the baristas let us in and help us along Great shoot =D Butter + Beans @ Seventeen BG-1a, Happy Mansion, Jalan 17/13, Seksyen 17, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Tel: 03 7954 4822 Opens daily from 830am to 830 pm |