AaronHCY 发表于 3-8-2013 10:42 AM
美国民主党,共和党台前双方打打杀杀,台后交杯庆祝从民 ...
纽约红衣大主教是 King Of America 美国皇帝,
总统候选人是 CARDINAL NEW YORK 纽约红衣大主教圈定,
美国是 VATICAN 财产,
美国的所得税 IRS 收入,
大部分向 VATICAN 上缴。。
President Barack Obama, left, and Republican presidential candidate,
former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, right, laugh with Cardinal Timothy Dolan
during the Archdiocese of New York's 67th Annual
Alfred. E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner, Thursday.
Cardinal Timothy Dolan
These Satanic rituals were undertaken with full knowledge of U.S. & British allies from gov’t, corporate and Jesuit-controlled Intel agencies (OSS/MI6/Mossad) Not simply a matter of exterminating undesirable Jews and non-Catholic ethnicity’s – sacrificial camps in Poland were arranged in a Satanic pentagram, thereby concentrating demonic forces within it’s design; the inner core contained a sacred altar to the Mother Goddess of Cybele…
Direct U.S.-NATO military intervention in Syria could potentially lead to a regional war
which has been on the drawing board of the Pentagon since 2003.
Assad was elected by democratic election in Syria, even with international
monitors ensuring a fair election. To top that, Assad had and continues to
hold a far greater popular support in Syria than Obama has now in America.