![jw.jpg jw.jpg](https://uf.cari.com.my/forumx/cforum/forum/201307/23/103943ewgqmwvxevmgvvnb.jpg.thumb.jpg)
他叫James Wan溫子仁,如果楊拿督是馬來西亞的好萊烏影星,那不是拿督的James Wan可是馬來西亞的好萊烏導演,出生於東馬古普。
導演,製片,編劇和剪接都是他的強項。最近將要上映的The Conjuring就是他的作品。他是目前好萊鳥最被看好的驚悚片導演, 年僅36歲。
他在2003年寫了Saw,後來把它弄成了Franchise來經營,往後的系列都是他監製,目前他在拍著Fast & Furious 7,有人問製片Moritz為什麼這次會找Jams來導FF7,他這樣說 : "“He’s a terrific, terrific director at the top, top of his genre. He’s done everything you could do in the genre he’s been working in, and as he said to me the other day, everything he has trained himself within that genre has been so he could take the next step up into something like Fast & Furious. I’ve always been a fan of his, he’s one of the people that we initially had on our list as a possible replacement, but I can just tell you when he came in and told us what his vision was, when he left the room we all looked at each other and said ‘That’s our director.’”
James Wan作品:
2003 : 奪魂鋸-短片(Saw)
2004 : 奪魂鋸(Saw)
2007 : 死寂(Dead Silence)
2007 : 非法制裁(Death Sentence)
2011 : Insidious
2013 : The Conjuring
目前 : 拍著Fast & Furious 7
2005 : 奪魂鋸2(Saw II)
2006 : 奪魂鋸3(Saw III)
2007 : 奪魂鋸4(Saw IV)
2008 : 奪魂鋸5(Saw V)
2009 : 奪魂鋸6(Saw VI)
2010 : 奪魂鋸3D(Saw 3D)