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Big Brother US (老大哥)

10-7-2013 04:03 PM| 发布者: 佳礼编辑 | 评论: 18|原作者: winlocker

摘要: 简介:英语里有一个专有名词,BIG BROTHER,直译为汉语便是“老大哥”,典出乔治·奥威尔的名著《1984》.......
  • 年代:2013
  • 导演:Rich Meehan
  • 简介:
  •                               英语里有一个专有名词,BIG BROTHER,直译为汉语便是“老大哥”,典出乔治·奥威尔的名著《1984》。    《老大哥》是一台劲爆的真人秀节目,一群陌生人将住进一间布满了摄像机及麦克风的屋子,他们一周7天,一天24小时,所有的一举一动都将被记录下来放到银幕上。选手们在比赛时间内将互相投票,决定对方的去留。最终留下来的人将赢得大奖。    第15季于2013年6月27日首播。

    Big brother US版已经进入15季了。我竟然是第一次接触这部reality show。里面的各种drama和人物关系让人无不想八卦一下,16个人各个都暗怀鬼胎,这次的规格改变也让这个节目更有看头。现在观众还能24小时步步追踪他们的一举一动(我也是那个24小时偷窥他们的人,呵呵)现在已经欲罢不能了。为其三个月的节目将会让人废寝忘食。喜欢观看或还没观看的一起讨论吧。现在全美最火红的节目。

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    Meet the houseguests



Aaryn Elizabeth Gries is a 22-year-old unemployed college student from San Marcos, Texas.[2] Prior to entering the house, Aaryn had modeled for Maxim as a promotional model.[3] She describes herself as being outgoing, driven, and spontaneous.[4] She has stated that she can "read people very well" and hopes that her work as a psychology student can help further her in the game.[5] While in the house, Aaryn quickly formed a romantic relationship with David.[6] She was also part of the "Blonde-tourage" alliance with David, Kaitlin, Jeremy, Nick, GinaMarie, and Jessie.[7] She quickly became the source of much drama in the house, having numerous arguments with HouseGuests Elissa and Candice.[8] Shortly after David was evicted, Aaryn won HoH on Day 13.

Aaryn, along with numerous other HouseGuests, also caused much controversy outside the house after various racist and homophobic remarks.[9][10] In one instance, she was caught saying, "no one's going to vote for whoever that queer (Andy) puts up" and "I probably look like a squinty Asian right now."[11] Fan sites began to levy pressure on the show and CBS, and a petition was created on Change.org for ouster of Gries. The outrage forced CBS to issue a statement that Gries' behavior does not "represent the views or opinions of CBS or the producers of the program."[10]


Amanda Zuckerman is a 28-year-old real estate agent from Boynton Beach, Florida.[12] She describes herself as being confident, sexy, and funny,[13] and would bring her dog, cell phone, and laptop into the house with her.[14] Amanda feels that her ability to listen well and make people feel comfortable will most help her in the game.[15] While in the house, Amanda formed a close friendship with McCrae. Despite having a boyfriend outside of the house, she and McCrae later engaged in various sexual acts.[16] Amanda, along with McCrae, later became a part of the eight person alliance that formed in the first week to go against the "Blonde-tourage" alliance.[17]


Andy Herren is a 26-year-old professor from Chicago, Illinois.[18] He described himself as being friendly, funny, and red, a reference to his red hair.[19] Andy openly identifies himself as being gay, and is the only LGBT HouseGuest this season.[20] He believes that his background in communication can help further him in the game.[21] Andy became a part of the eight person alliance that formed in the first week to go against the "Blonde-tourage" alliance.[17]


Candice Dontrelle Stewart (born September 19,1984) is a 29-year-old pediatric speech therapist from Houston, Texas.[22] When she was 26, Candice learned that she had been adopted and now has a relationship with both her biological and adoptive families.[23] Prior to entering the house, Candice had been an NFL cheerleader,[24] as well as a former Miss Louisiana.[25] She describes herself as being outgoing, loyal, and compassionate.[26] While in the house, Candice clashed with HouseGuests Kaitlin and Aaryn, with the latter of the two going on to make numerous racist comments in reference to Candice.[9][10] On Day 5, McCrae chose to nominate Candice and Jessie for eviction,[27] with David later being nominated against the two.[28] Despite this, McCrae later won the Power of Veto and chose to remove Candice from the block, with Elissa being nominated in her place.[29]


David Luther Girton is a 25-year-old lifeguard from San Diego, California.[30] He describes himself as being goofy, sarcastic, and competitive.[31] David has stated he hopes to be "laid back" and "chill", both of which he feels could help him advance in the competition.[32] He has stated that he does not shower daily, and feels that this could annoy some of the other HouseGuests.[33] While in the house, David had a flirtatious and romantic relationship with Aaryn.[34] On Day 1, David formed an alliance with Jeremy and Jessie.[35] He was also part of the "Blonde-tourage" alliance with Aaryn, Kaitlin, Jeremy, Nick, GinaMarie, and Jessie.[7] Elissa, as the first "Big Brother M.V.P.", chose to nominate David for eviction against Candice and Jessie on Day 7.[36] On Day 13, he was evicted by a 7-5 vote. He finished in 16th Place.


Elissa Reilly Slater (born February 9, 1986) is a 27-year-old nutritionist from Kannapolis, North Carolina.[37] She is married, and is a mother to one child.[38] Elissa is the sister of former HouseGuest Rachel Reilly, though hoped to hide this from the other HouseGuests.[39] She describes herself as being effervescent, ambitious, and intriguing.[40] While in the house, Elissa quickly became a target when the other HouseGuests realized that she was Rachel's sister.[41] Elissa also engaged in numerous arguments with HouseGuests Aaryn and Jeremy in the first week, leading numerous HouseGuests to turn against her.[42][43] Elissa was voted to be the first M.V.P. of the season, and chose to nominate David for eviction.[44] On Day 9, McCrae chose to use the Power of Veto to remove Candice from the block, and chose to nominate Elissa in her place.[45] Despite this, McCrae later began to try and get Elissa the votes to stay in the game.[46]


GinaMarie Zimmerman is a 32-year-old unemployed pageant coordinator from Staten Island, New York.[47] Prior to entering the house, GinaMarie had done some modeling.[48] She describes herself as being crazy, sexy, and cool.[49] GinaMarie feels that her "thick skin" will help her in the game, along with her people skills.


Helen Kim is a 37-year-old political consultant from Chicago, Illinois.[50] Helen is married, and is the mother of two children.[51] She described herself as being stubborn, loyal, and energetic.[52] Upon entering the house, Helen chose not to reveal to the others that she had a background in politics, feeling as though it could hurt her game.[53]


Howard Overby (born September 3, 1983), is a 29-year-old youth counselor from Hattiesburg, Mississippi.[54] Howard has a strong Christian faith, a fact that he is very open about.[55] He describes himself as being observant, trustworthy, and reliable.[56] He states that his most proud moment is the fact that he is the only person in his immediate family to graduate from college.[57] On Day 1, Howard formed an alliance with Jeremy and Spencer.[58]


Jeremy McGuire is a 23-year-old boat shop associate from Katy, Texas.[59] He describes himself as being charismatic, spontaneous, and fearless.[60] Jeremy later stated he feels that his ego could hinder his game.[61] On Day 1, Jeremy formed an alliance with HouseGuests Howard and Spencer.[62] Only minutes later, he formed an alliance with David and Jessie.[63] During the first Head of Household competition, Jeremy was the winner of the Never-Not pass, meaning he was not eligible to be a Have-Not during his time in the house. He was nominated for eviction on day 16 against Elissa and Helen [64] 本帖最后由 winlocker 于 9-7-2013 11:16 PM 编辑


Jessie Claire Kowalski is a 21-year-old from San Antonio, Texas; she is unemployed.[65] Jessie describes herself as being sexy, driven, and smart.[66] Jessie feels that being unemployed can help her in the game as she will not be concerned with her job, thus further allowing her to focus on the game.[67] Jessie has stated she feels the girls will target her as she is the prettiest in the house, and later formed an alliance with David and Jeremy.[68] On Day 5, Jessie was nominated for eviction alongside Candice; David was later nominated against the two.


Judd Daughtery is a 26-year-old property appraiser from Etowah, Tennessee.[69] Judd described himself as being funny, unreadable, and unpredictable.[70] He has been a fan of the series since early on.[71] While in the house, Judd hopes to have a strong social game.[72]


Kaitlin Barnaby is a 23-year-old bartender from Minneapolis, Minnesota.[73] Kaitlin describes herself as being persevering, tenacious, and analytical.[74] She feels that keeping to herself will help further her in the game. Kaitlin was approached to do the show, rather than having applied.[75]


McCrae John Olson (born July 21, 1989) is a 23-year-old pizza delivery Boy from Oak Grove, Minnesota.[76] McCrae describes himself as being funny, observant, and calculated.[77] While in the house, McCrae feels he will use both a strong mental and physical game strategy.[78] On Day 1, McCrae became the first Head of Household of the season.[79] He chose to nominate Candice and Jessie for eviction.[80] On Day 7, McCrae won the first Power of Veto competition.[81]


Nicholas Alexander "Nick" Uhas (born March 30, 1985) is a 28-year-old entrepreneur from New York, New York.[82] He is a rollerblader, and enjoys physical activities such as hiking and skiing.[83] Nick described himself as being positive, adventurous, and excited.[84] Nick is a big fan of former HouseGuest Mike "Boogie" Malin.[85] Nick formed the "Moving Company" Alliance with Jeremy, Spencer, McCrae, and Howard.


Spencer Clawson is a 31-year-old railway conductor from Conway, Arkansas.[86] Spencer describes himself as being mouthy, opinionated, and chill.[87] Spencer hopes to play a strong social game, and feels that he is very likeable.[88] He also feels that his fellow HouseGuests will either really like or really dislike him.[89] On Day 1, he formed an alliance with Howard and Jeremy.[90]







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引用 winlocker 9-7-2013 10:59 PM

Aaryn Elizabeth Gries is a 22-year-old unemployed college student from San Marcos, Texas.[2] Prior to entering the house, Aaryn had modeled for Maxim as a promotional model.[3] She describes herself as being outgoing, driven, and spontaneous.[4] She has stated that she can "read people very well" and hopes that her work as a psychology student can help further her in the game.[5] While in the house, Aaryn quickly formed a romantic relationship with David.[6] She was also part of the "Blonde-tourage" alliance with David, Kaitlin, Jeremy, Nick, GinaMarie, and Jessie.[7] She quickly became the source of much drama in the house, having numerous arguments with HouseGuests Elissa and Candice.[8] Shortly after David was evicted, Aaryn won HoH on Day 13.

Aaryn, along with numerous other HouseGuests, also caused much controversy outside the house after various racist and homophobic remarks.[9][10] In one instance, she was caught saying, "no one's going to vote for whoever that queer (Andy) puts up" and "I probably look like a squinty Asian right now."[11] Fan sites began to levy pressure on the show and CBS, and a petition was created on Change.org for ouster of Gries. The outrage forced CBS to issue a statement that Gries' behavior does not "represent the views or opinions of CBS or the producers of the program."[10]


Amanda Zuckerman is a 28-year-old real estate agent from Boynton Beach, Florida.[12] She describes herself as being confident, sexy, and funny,[13] and would bring her dog, cell phone, and laptop into the house with her.[14] Amanda feels that her ability to listen well and make people feel comfortable will most help her in the game.[15] While in the house, Amanda formed a close friendship with McCrae. Despite having a boyfriend outside of the house, she and McCrae later engaged in various sexual acts.[16] Amanda, along with McCrae, later became a part of the eight person alliance that formed in the first week to go against the "Blonde-tourage" alliance.[17]


Andy Herren is a 26-year-old professor from Chicago, Illinois.[18] He described himself as being friendly, funny, and red, a reference to his red hair.[19] Andy openly identifies himself as being gay, and is the only LGBT HouseGuest this season.[20] He believes that his background in communication can help further him in the game.[21] Andy became a part of the eight person alliance that formed in the first week to go against the "Blonde-tourage" alliance.[17]


Candice Dontrelle Stewart (born September 19,1984) is a 29-year-old pediatric speech therapist from Houston, Texas.[22] When she was 26, Candice learned that she had been adopted and now has a relationship with both her biological and adoptive families.[23] Prior to entering the house, Candice had been an NFL cheerleader,[24] as well as a former Miss Louisiana.[25] She describes herself as being outgoing, loyal, and compassionate.[26] While in the house, Candice clashed with HouseGuests Kaitlin and Aaryn, with the latter of the two going on to make numerous racist comments in reference to Candice.[9][10] On Day 5, McCrae chose to nominate Candice and Jessie for eviction,[27] with David later being nominated against the two.[28] Despite this, McCrae later won the Power of Veto and chose to remove Candice from the block, with Elissa being nominated in her place.[29]


David Luther Girton is a 25-year-old lifeguard from San Diego, California.[30] He describes himself as being goofy, sarcastic, and competitive.[31] David has stated he hopes to be "laid back" and "chill", both of which he feels could help him advance in the competition.[32] He has stated that he does not shower daily, and feels that this could annoy some of the other HouseGuests.[33] While in the house, David had a flirtatious and romantic relationship with Aaryn.[34] On Day 1, David formed an alliance with Jeremy and Jessie.[35] He was also part of the "Blonde-tourage" alliance with Aaryn, Kaitlin, Jeremy, Nick, GinaMarie, and Jessie.[7] Elissa, as the first "Big Brother M.V.P.", chose to nominate David for eviction against Candice and Jessie on Day 7.[36] On Day 13, he was evicted by a 7-5 vote. He finished in 16th Place.


Elissa Reilly Slater (born February 9, 1986) is a 27-year-old nutritionist from Kannapolis, North Carolina.[37] She is married, and is a mother to one child.[38] Elissa is the sister of former HouseGuest Rachel Reilly, though hoped to hide this from the other HouseGuests.[39] She describes herself as being effervescent, ambitious, and intriguing.[40] While in the house, Elissa quickly became a target when the other HouseGuests realized that she was Rachel's sister.[41] Elissa also engaged in numerous arguments with HouseGuests Aaryn and Jeremy in the first week, leading numerous HouseGuests to turn against her.[42][43] Elissa was voted to be the first M.V.P. of the season, and chose to nominate David for eviction.[44] On Day 9, McCrae chose to use the Power of Veto to remove Candice from the block, and chose to nominate Elissa in her place.[45] Despite this, McCrae later began to try and get Elissa the votes to stay in the game.[46]


GinaMarie Zimmerman is a 32-year-old unemployed pageant coordinator from Staten Island, New York.[47] Prior to entering the house, GinaMarie had done some modeling.[48] She describes herself as being crazy, sexy, and cool.[49] GinaMarie feels that her "thick skin" will help her in the game, along with her people skills.


Helen Kim is a 37-year-old political consultant from Chicago, Illinois.[50] Helen is married, and is the mother of two children.[51] She described herself as being stubborn, loyal, and energetic.[52] Upon entering the house, Helen chose not to reveal to the others that she had a background in politics, feeling as though it could hurt her game.[53]


Howard Overby (born September 3, 1983), is a 29-year-old youth counselor from Hattiesburg, Mississippi.[54] Howard has a strong Christian faith, a fact that he is very open about.[55] He describes himself as being observant, trustworthy, and reliable.[56] He states that his most proud moment is the fact that he is the only person in his immediate family to graduate from college.[57] On Day 1, Howard formed an alliance with Jeremy and Spencer.[58]


Jeremy McGuire is a 23-year-old boat shop associate from Katy, Texas.[59] He describes himself as being charismatic, spontaneous, and fearless.[60] Jeremy later stated he feels that his ego could hinder his game.[61] On Day 1, Jeremy formed an alliance with HouseGuests Howard and Spencer.[62] Only minutes later, he formed an alliance with David and Jessie.[63] During the first Head of Household competition, Jeremy was the winner of the Never-Not pass, meaning he was not eligible to be a Have-Not during his time in the house. He was nominated for eviction on day 16 against Elissa and Helen [64] 本帖最后由 winlocker 于 9-7-2013 11:16 PM 编辑

引用 winlocker 9-7-2013 11:15 PM


Jessie Claire Kowalski is a 21-year-old from San Antonio, Texas; she is unemployed.[65] Jessie describes herself as being sexy, driven, and smart.[66] Jessie feels that being unemployed can help her in the game as she will not be concerned with her job, thus further allowing her to focus on the game.[67] Jessie has stated she feels the girls will target her as she is the prettiest in the house, and later formed an alliance with David and Jeremy.[68] On Day 5, Jessie was nominated for eviction alongside Candice; David was later nominated against the two.


Judd Daughtery is a 26-year-old property appraiser from Etowah, Tennessee.[69] Judd described himself as being funny, unreadable, and unpredictable.[70] He has been a fan of the series since early on.[71] While in the house, Judd hopes to have a strong social game.[72]


Kaitlin Barnaby is a 23-year-old bartender from Minneapolis, Minnesota.[73] Kaitlin describes herself as being persevering, tenacious, and analytical.[74] She feels that keeping to herself will help further her in the game. Kaitlin was approached to do the show, rather than having applied.[75]


McCrae John Olson (born July 21, 1989) is a 23-year-old pizza delivery Boy from Oak Grove, Minnesota.[76] McCrae describes himself as being funny, observant, and calculated.[77] While in the house, McCrae feels he will use both a strong mental and physical game strategy.[78] On Day 1, McCrae became the first Head of Household of the season.[79] He chose to nominate Candice and Jessie for eviction.[80] On Day 7, McCrae won the first Power of Veto competition.[81]


Nicholas Alexander "Nick" Uhas (born March 30, 1985) is a 28-year-old entrepreneur from New York, New York.[82] He is a rollerblader, and enjoys physical activities such as hiking and skiing.[83] Nick described himself as being positive, adventurous, and excited.[84] Nick is a big fan of former HouseGuest Mike "Boogie" Malin.[85] Nick formed the "Moving Company" Alliance with Jeremy, Spencer, McCrae, and Howard.


Spencer Clawson is a 31-year-old railway conductor from Conway, Arkansas.[86] Spencer describes himself as being mouthy, opinionated, and chill.[87] Spencer hopes to play a strong social game, and feels that he is very likeable.[88] He also feels that his fellow HouseGuests will either really like or really dislike him.[89] On Day 1, he formed an alliance with Howard and Jeremy.[90]
引用 winlocker 10-7-2013 02:16 AM
Aaryn和 Gina因为在24小时live feed被网友踢爆说了很多歧视性语言侮辱亚洲,有色人种,同性恋者被全美观众讨伐。他们两个模特儿经纪公司已经马上终止两人合约,最有趣的是他们还被蒙在鼓里。(因为他们16人完全无法和外界沟通)
引用 bring 10-7-2013 04:04 PM
winlocker 发表于 10-7-2013 02:16 AM
Aaryn和 Gina因为在24小时live feed被网友踢爆说了很多歧视性语言侮辱亚洲,有色人种,同性恋者被全美观众讨 ...

好啊。。。。不喜欢 aaryn
引用 dennis2chua 10-7-2013 11:14 PM
GinaMarie 我喜欢
引用 winlocker 12-7-2013 01:45 AM
Helen和Ellisa用错了策略,他们竟然要evited jeremy out。 目前的情况来说jeremy太强了,应该把Amanda或是Kathin弄走。这样moving company自然而然就解散了。现在更糟jeremy赶不走换了nick(the moving company)的头头。我看Elisa时日无多。
引用 Charmaine傻妹 12-7-2013 12:55 PM
引用 winlocker 12-7-2013 02:52 PM
引用 max_cool29 13-7-2013 06:12 PM
winlocker 发表于 12-7-2013 02:52 PM

引用 bring 13-7-2013 09:23 PM
winlocker 发表于 12-7-2013 01:45 AM
Helen和Ellisa用错了策略,他们竟然要evited jeremy out。 目前的情况来说jeremy太强了,应该把Amanda或是K ...

结果并不是你想那样。。。helen和ellisa 走了危险又成功地一步。。。

引用 winlocker 13-7-2013 11:34 PM
怎么说呢? 他们在"机舱"的悄悄话我没听清楚
引用 winlocker 16-7-2013 10:43 PM
Elissa 这次真的打了一个完美的战,击破了the moving company更把首领拿下,大快人心。Helen 拿了HOH 这次我看Aaryn 和Jeremy应该睡不着了。
引用 winlocker 28-7-2013 11:59 PM
在等待美国版的当儿,我无意间发现加拿大版,感觉很精彩,里面的house guest个个都各怀鬼胎,最后投票更是有惊人结果。让我迫不得已把29集3天看完。


本帖最后由 winlocker 于 29-7-2013 12:02 AM 编辑

引用 毛毛虫的妹妹 13-8-2013 05:41 PM
引用 winlocker 15-8-2013 01:13 AM
毛毛虫的妹妹 发表于 13-8-2013 05:41 PM

引用 毛毛虫的妹妹 8-9-2013 06:34 PM
看到这final 5
引用 winlocker 8-9-2013 11:46 PM
毛毛虫的妹妹 发表于 8-9-2013 06:34 PM
看到这final 5


引用 winlocker 20-9-2013 12:19 AM







還有那隊痴男怨女,mccray和amanda,很明顯到了後期mccray對amanda似乎冷淡了許多,我以為他是老大哥裡面厲害角色,但是事實證明他還是做pizza boy比較適合。






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