为什么这样说呢?先讲一个故事: 加拿大有一座城市举行了一个艺术大赛,而获奖作品是一幅画,画的内容只有一个红色的圆,当地居民举行了一个别致的抗议活动:每户居民的门前都摆了一副画,画的内容也是一个红色的圆,来讽刺这次颁奖。 在英语和汉语里,艺术都有Skill、技能、技艺的意思,所以一件有艺术价值的作品,必须是含有普通人不具备的高超技艺在里面,必须是普通人无法简单复制的。 Jonathan Ive批评“拟物设计”是“为了炫耀技能”,这完全是没有道理的,是反艺术的。“炫耀技能”正是艺术的最重要的一个元素:“高超的技艺及不可简单复制性”。 “拟物设计”需要高超的技艺,普通人很难在电脑上绘制出复杂的拟物化图标及图形界面元素,而“扁平化设计”是缺乏艺术价值的,任何人只要简单的学习下PS或者AI都能绘制出不错的“扁平化”图形界面元素。 没有创新 只有改变 创新是艺术的另外一个重要元素,一个崭新的作品能给人带来全新的感受,让人的精神感到新鲜和愉悦。 而iOS7的“扁平化”设计风格绝对不是创新,“扁平化”在Windows 8及Android系统上已经被用烂掉了,iOS7再去扁平化绝对是跟风,仅仅是改变而不是创新。 Windows 8的磁贴界面同样因为过于简单而缺乏艺术价值,但是磁贴界面具有充分的创新性,从而在一定程度上弥补了艺术价值的不足。 为了改变而改变 iOS6之前的设计已经取得了巨大的成功,被证明是非常受到欢迎的,而iOS7大幅度修改界面风格毫无道理,难道仅仅是因为“拟物设计”不合Jonathan Ive的口味?不仅如此,这还冒了触怒已经习惯了iOS经典界面风格的海量用户的风险,这是完全没有必要的。“扁平化”界面设计更加抽象,也更难于理解,iOS经典风格的界面即使是3岁的小孩子经过简单的摸索也能迅速掌握,而“扁平化设计”无疑已经降低了iOS界面的易用性及用户友好度。
很多人可能不会认同iOS界面优美,但是绝对不会否认iOS界面“非常简单易用”,而易用性是UI用户交互设计的核心,比美观度更加重要,iOS7的扁平界面以牺牲易用性为代价换来“简洁美观”显然是舍本求末、为了改变而改变。 iOS7恐将出现类似抵制微软Vista及Windows 8界面的风潮 Apple产品的艺术风格是简洁、创新、精美。iOS7的“扁平化”界面风格只有简洁,没有创新和精美,所以iOS7是失败的。 iOS 是苹果系列产品的核心竞争力所在,随着秋季iOS7的正式发布及苹果的推送机制,iOS7将会全面入驻苹果iPhone、iPad系列产品,数千万用户将不得不接受iOS7带来的巨大改变,其带来的影响将难以评估。或许微软遇到过的Vista及Windows 8一样的抵制浪潮,将首次在Apple身上重新演绎。 |
ttmm2010 发表于 13-6-2013 11:46 PM
koeweiwong 发表于 14-6-2013 05:11 PM
每个人审美不同啦,感觉视窗,机器人,与被咬的苹果,界面不见得不美,风格不一样~ 这次iOS 7风格方面似 ...
koeweiwong 发表于 14-6-2013 08:18 PM
沒錯啦,並沒什麼不妥。誰抄誰,其實很難說清楚的。沒錯,蘋果成功的打造智能手機市場,迅速取代了之前的 ...
A precursor to GUIs was invented by researchers at the Stanford Research Institute, led by Douglas Engelbart. They developed the use of text-based hyperlinks manipulated with a mouse for the On-Line System (NLS). The concept of hyperlinks was further refined and extended to graphics by researchers at Xerox PARC‍ and specifically Alan Kay, who went beyond text-based hyperlinks and used a GUI as the primary interface for the Xerox Alto computer. Most modern general-purpose GUIs are derived from this system.
Ivan Sutherland developed a pointer-based system called the Sketchpad in 1963 . It used a light-pen to guide the creation and manipulation of objects in engineering drawings.
Following PARC the first GUI-centric computer operating model was the Xerox 8010 Star Information System in 1981,[6] followed by the Apple Lisa (which presented the concept of menu bar as well as window controls) in 1983, the Apple Macintosh 128K in 1984, and the Atari ST and Commodore Amiga in 1985.
The early GUI commands, until the advent of IBM Common User Access, [7] used different command sequences for different programs. A command like the F3 function key activated help in WordPerfect, but exited an IBM program. The menus were accessed by different keys (control in WordStar, Alt or F10 in Microsoft programs, "/" in Lotus 1-2-3, F9 in Norton Commander to name a few common ones).
To this end, the early software came with keyboard overlays. These are plastic or wooden masks which sit over the empty space between the keys, providing the user with the named application's use of various keys. Even today, different keystrokes exist with radically different calls. For example, the Control-Alt-Delete interface is intercepted in Windows and Ubuntu to invoke a task menu. In other Unix PC-systems, this usually invokes an automatic shutdown.
The GUIs familiar to most people today (as of the early 2000s) are Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and the X Window System interfaces for desktop and laptop computers, and Symbian, BlackBerry OS, Android, Windows Phone, Palm OS / Web OS, and Apple's iOS for handheld ("smartphone") devices。
Apple, IBM and Microsoft used many of Xerox's ideas to develop products, and IBM's Common User Access specifications formed the basis of the user interface found in Microsoft Windows, IBM OS/2 Presentation Manager, and the Unix Motif toolkit and window manager. These ideas evolved to create the interface found in current versions of Microsoft Windows, as well as in Mac OS X and various desktop environments for Unix-like operating systems, such as Linux. Thus most current GUIs have largely common idioms.
ttmm2010 发表于 14-6-2013 09:46 PM
人家手机发展方向和思 ...