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Galaxy S4 Mini首曝光:4.3寸/1.6GHz双核

25-3-2013 03:17 PM| 发布者: 佳礼记者 | 评论: 12|原作者: BreakLumia920

摘要: 早在Galaxy S4发布之前,我们就曾报道过Galaxy S4 mini的消息。当时猜测,Galaxy S4 mini会像去年Galaxy S3 mini一样,在Galaxy S4发布几个月后问世。而外媒为大家带来了Galaxy S4 mini的真机谍照,还有它的详细规格 ...
早在Galaxy S4发布之前,我们就曾报道过Galaxy S4 mini的消息。当时猜测,Galaxy S4 mini会像去年Galaxy S3 mini一样,在Galaxy S4发布几个月后问世。而外媒为大家带来了Galaxy S4 mini的真机谍照,还有它的详细规格以及上市消息。

据外媒报道,Galaxy S4 mini将在今年夏季的6-7月份发布,价格未知。规格方面,将采用4.3寸AMOLED屏幕(分辨率960X540、256ppi),搭载1.6Ghz双核处理器,支持双卡双待,运行Android 4.2.2系统。

从曝光的真机谍照来看,Galaxy S4 mini基本就是缩小版的Galaxy S4,但功能键采用了较为传闻的三建式设计,机身侧面采用银色材质包边,系统界面和Galaxy S4一样采用三星自家的TouchWiz Nature UX。

虽然消息源并未指明Galaxy S4 mini是否会像Galaxy S4配备“眼球滚动”等智能操作,但考虑到这些功能均为软件实现,而Galaxy S4 mini运行的较新Android 4.2.2系统,所以应该不会缺失。









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引用 azg14 24-3-2013 01:59 AM
接下来就Note2 mini,Note 3 mini,S5 mini。
引用 dicfai 24-3-2013 03:07 AM
除了MINI series以后应该也会有PLUS series
引用 proton_saopei 24-3-2013 03:52 PM
dicfai 发表于 24-3-2013 03:07 AM
除了MINI series以后应该也会有PLUS series

接下来就会发表 S3 Plus, S3 Advance, S4 Mini, S4 Plus, S4 Advance, S2 Plus (已经发布了 ),S2 Advance (还没有),S1 Plus (发表了 ),S1 Advanced (发布了 )。

这些前任机王在停产后,就会被 Samsung 不断的一次又一次拖出来强奸,推出各种垃圾 Plus/ Mini/ Advance 版本,阴魂不散,真的看到我都反胃。 本帖最后由 proton_saopei 于 24-3-2013 03:55 PM 编辑

引用 vxion 24-3-2013 06:07 PM
等下他出mini plus, mini advance 你们更吐血
引用 姑姑鸟们 24-3-2013 10:06 PM
对 samsung 很反感了
引用 简单的爱 25-3-2013 12:49 AM
引用 chiew2005 25-3-2013 07:34 AM
引用 Danley 25-3-2013 09:07 AM
引用 tian1998 25-3-2013 05:13 PM
不明白有些人 选择多又说没创意,反感 选择少也说没创意,反感
引用 kukubond007 25-3-2013 07:35 PM
http://www.gsmarena.com/exynos_5 ... _mini-news-5753.php
这架S4 mini不是来打酱油的。。。

Samsung has unveiled only two Exynos 5 chipsets so far – the 5250 Dual in the Nexus 10 and the 5410 Octa in some variants of the Galaxy S4 – but there seems to be a third one in development, the Exynos 5210. To spice things up, there’s a rumor going around that this will be the chipset used in the Galaxy S4 mini.
Linux dev tools were committed to Free-electrons.com for a smdk5210 development kit. The model number also appears in an AOSP port on GitHub where “Exynos 5210” is mentioned by name.
The Samsung Exynos naming scheme marks the generation with the first digit and the number of cores with the second.
So the Exynos 5210 is in the same generation as the two Cortex-A15 based chipsets and is a dual-core model. Note that the Exynos 5 Octa is marked 5410, but uses ARM’s big.LITTLE architecture and has four Cortex-A15s and four Cortex-A7s with only one group of four works at the same time.
It’s unclear if the 5210 will be a big.LITTLE with four physical CPU cores that work as a dual-core processor (switching between a fast dual-core and an energy efficient one) or just pack to A15s like the 5250. The GPU is also unknown, for this generation Samsung has used both Mali and PowerVR, so it’s anyone’s guess.
Naturally, the rumor mill linked the Exynos 5210 and the Samsung Galaxy S4 mini. So far we know that it will have a 4.3” qHD Super AMOLED screen and run Android 4.2.2 on a dual-core 1.6GHz processor – the same clockspeed as the Cortex-A15s in the I9500 Galaxy S4, the A7s run at 1.2GHz.
Keep in mind that there will be an LTE version of the Galaxy S4 mini, which might switch to Snapdragon, like the I9505 Galaxy S4.
引用 Frigedaeg 25-3-2013 10:28 PM
引用 teym 26-3-2013 03:25 AM






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