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租凭排屋做新年聚会 网友冲凉遭偷拍

20-2-2013 01:11 PM| 发布者: 佳礼编辑 | 评论: 308|原作者: AsakuraWooi

摘要: 在这农历新年期间,和好友们一起在丹绒武雅附近租了一间双层徘屋来做新年聚会。这间徘屋是 ...


当该网友发现次 存有录像针孔的电子时钟是,立即打开里面的记录查看是否他们有被偷摄在其中。很不幸的,他们其中一位朋友冲凉的画面真的被偷拍了。

另外,他们也将这Micro SD card 做了复原 (recovery),也发现到这张卡是全新的因此不能知道在之前是否也有受害者被偷拍。


日期                 15 & 16 Feb2013
地点                 2X Tanjung Bungah Park, 11200 Tanjung Bungah (OppositeTg Bungah Beach Hotel)

在这农历新年期间,和好友们一起在丹绒武雅附近租了一间双层徘屋来做新年聚会。这间徘屋是经过朋友(Mr  A)的中学朋友 Mr  B)介绍的。 Mr B 并不是真正的屋主, 屋主是 Mr B 乾妈儿子而Mr B 只是帮忙打扫和出租 当天我们也和平时一样带着apartment stay 的心情来到了这间家,大家快快乐乐 地参观了一下屋子然后开始 准备当晚的晚餐,期间有朋友就开始使用厕所来冲凉和如厕 (注:一间在低楼,一间在二楼)。

1. 左边是吊衣服的地方
2. 右边是一个用玻璃镜子做成的橱柜 (高度和阔度有一个成人的尺寸),在走前一点是花洒
3. 前方是马桶和洗手盆,而马桶上方有一个窗户,窗户前面放着一个电子时钟
当天大家在二楼厕所冲凉的 时后都有看到这个电子时钟,大家心里都觉得有点奇怪 (为何厕所里会摆放着一个电子时钟)但大家也没有想太多或觉得有何不对经。这样我们就度过了一个很愉快的晚上。

第二天早上(退房当天),其中一个朋友在二楼厕所冲凉时,突然发现这电子时钟的 右下角有LED灯在闪烁。这时 他就开始注意到这电子时钟非比寻常也开始怀疑起这架电子时钟了,于是就把它拿下来查看看,结果发现这电子时钟并不是一般的电子时钟,而是设有录像针空的电子时钟!!!!
大家汇集后,我们就开始对这架录像针空的电子时钟研究一番,结果在它的右边发现到有暗藏TFcard slot, USB port 开关键。TF cardslot 里面有一张MicroSD card。由于现场没有人携带手提电脑,唯有使用手机来播放MicroSD card 里面的文件。不懂是什么原因(可能格式不支持),用手机所播放的 文件全都只能听到声音而画面是黑暗的

一开始 大家都觉得可能这架录像针空电子时钟操做不当,所以没有被录到像,只是录到声音而已。过后回到家,我们在就把Micro SDcard 进电脑里面然后重新看过一次,结果这次我们看到了画面!!!很不幸的我们其中一个 朋友中招了 (最早冲凉的 朋友,也是第一个冲凉的人)。我们也将这Micro SD card 做了 复原 (recovery),也发现到这张卡是全新的 (是有计划的想进行偷拍行为,我们也不懂之前有没有类似 的受害者中招因为复原后没有发现任何之前被删除过的文件)。

由于这张MicroSD card 只有 8 GB,而每次都会自动开始录影 长达20分钟。 当第一个受害者出现而被录影时, memory刚好满了,所以过后用二楼厕所的人都逃过一劫。过后我们也谷歌和youtube 了以下关于这架录像针空电子时钟,也发现原来它可以远程操控(15km),有 motion detection, 等等功能, 非常的 先进。
由于考虑到种 种因素,以及受害者不想在追究的 情况下,我们唯有给MrB一个改过自新的机会,除了口头警告也把事情真相告知屋主。希望屋主以后可以多加留意。
最后也想借由这起事件,让身边更多的 朋友(尤其是女生)知道这件事情。以后无论去到任何一个陌生的地方要特别小心及提高警惕。

[Ladies, please pay attention!! Penang real candid cameraincident]
Date                 15 & 16Feb 2013

In this Lunar New Year, we rented a double storey house atTanjung Bungah area for our CNY gathering. This house was introduced by one ofmy friend’s friend who is his secondary schoolmate.  My friend named as Mr A and his friend named asMr B. Mr B is not the owner of the house and this house is owned by Mr B’s godmotherson. Mr B only takes care for house cleaning and helps to provide the rentalservice to customer

During the arrival day, we are beyond excited and everyoneis in good mood. As usual, after touring the house,we started t o prepare our dinner. In this period of time, friends started touse the toilet for showering and etc. (Note: There are two toilets inside thishouse, one is located at ground floor and another one is located at 2ndfloor)
Structure of the 2nd floor toilet:

  • Cloth hanger is on     the left
  • One mirror cabinet is on     the right (The size of the cabinet is about a size of an adult). Moving     further is a place for shower
  • Right in front is a     toilet bowl and washbasins, on top of the toilet bowl has a window, in     front of the window stood a digital alarm clock

Friends who used the 2nd floor toilet on that daydid notice the present of this digital alarm clock and we did felt strange too atthe first place (Why there is a digital alarm clock stood inside the toilet?), anyhowwe just ignore and continue to enjoy our stay without any further thinking.

Next day morning (before checking out), one of my friendswho showering inside the 2nd floor toilet suddenly noticed got LEDlight blinking at the bottom right of the digital alarm clock. Itimmediately draws my friend’s curiosity and attention. He started to suspectabout this alarm clock.  Afterchecking the digital alarm clock carefully, he found out thatthis digital alarm clock is embedded with camera (This is a candid camera)!!!

After gathered most of us, we started to study this digitalalarm clock and we finally found the TF card slot, USB port and Power On/Offbutton hidden at its right corner side. Inside the TF card slot, there is aMicro SD card inserted.  At the scene,none of us carry a laptop, as the result we tried to play the files (Inside theMicro SD card) with our smart phone. Maybe due to the incompatible of the videoformat, the files were played only audio without any image shown.

At one moment, we suspect the digital alarm clock might setupimproperly which lead to only audio recorded without video capturing.  We replay all the files again right after wegot the laptop. This time all the files were played successfully like normalvideo!!! Unfortunately, one of my friends already became the victim in thisincident (The very first person who took bath at 2nd floor toilet).We tried to perform a recovery from this Micro SD card and we found out thatthis Micro SD card is new because no deleted file was found after done recovery(This candid camera is setup intentionally and we are not sure if there is anyother victims before us).

The memory size for the Micro SD card is only 8 GB and thevideo start capturing in every 20min automatically. When the first victimappears (which is my friend), the memory size is almost full (Since it starts videocapturing in earlier time). Consequently, people who used the 2nd floortoilet after first victim were not captured by this candid camera. We did quickresearch (Google and youtube) on this candid camera and realized it able toperform certain functionalities like remote control (15km distance), motiondetect and etc.

After taking all factors into considerationand thevictim do not wish to pursue for further prosecution,   we decidedto give Mr B a chance of rehabilitation. Besides verbal warning, we did informthe house owner about the incident and hope that he can pay more attention on MrB and delegates a right person to help him for house renting in future.

Hopefully with this incident able to brings the awareness andconsciousness to our friends (Especially for ladies). Be extra careful and vigilantno matter where you are.


注:转载新闻请标明出处为佳礼网, 谢谢!








发表评论 | 在论坛留言


引用 AsakuraWooi 17-2-2013 07:39 PM
引用 创世总监 17-2-2013 07:48 PM
引用 AsakuraWooi 17-2-2013 07:53 PM
我不是受害者,虽然我也有用那间厕所。因为没有拍到 (memory 满了)。


我发贴地目的是要提醒大家在外面,尤其是apartment stay时,要格外小心。现在槟岛有很多新崛起地homestay, aparment stay, etc。。。小心为上。。。。
引用 fish_pg 17-2-2013 07:58 PM
AsakuraWooi 发表于 17-2-2013 07:53 PM
我不是受害者,虽然我也有用那间厕所。因为没有拍到 (memory 满了)。

现在受害者本人也不想追究。。。。 ...

引用 富富 17-2-2013 07:58 PM
引用 fish_pg 17-2-2013 07:59 PM
富富 发表于 17-2-2013 07:58 PM

引用 AsakuraWooi 17-2-2013 08:06 PM
SD card 已在我们手上。而且这candid camera 也不能用 wifi 和 bluetooth 转发。算还好吧。。。。

我们 trace 了 video capture 时间,是案发当天,相信video没有外传到。。。。都在sd card 里。。。。


1。别把 device 那出案发现场,必须留在案发现场
2。别把卡毁掉,做recovery, 如果案发者有laptop和hardisk, 也要做recovery


引用 jim_teoh 17-2-2013 08:13 PM
引用 szesuen 17-2-2013 08:14 PM
引用 AsakuraWooi 17-2-2013 08:18 PM
jim_teoh 发表于 17-2-2013 08:13 PM

引用 AsakuraWooi 17-2-2013 08:20 PM
szesuen 发表于 17-2-2013 08:14 PM

本帖最后由 AsakuraWooi 于 17-2-2013 08:24 PM 编辑

引用 wolffer 17-2-2013 08:21 PM

引用 jim_teoh 17-2-2013 08:30 PM
AsakuraWooi 发表于 17-2-2013 08:18 PM

引用 AsakuraWooi 17-2-2013 08:33 PM
jim_teoh 发表于 17-2-2013 08:30 PM

引用 jim_teoh 17-2-2013 09:27 PM
AsakuraWooi 发表于 17-2-2013 08:33 PM

引用 AsakuraWooi 17-2-2013 09:35 PM
jim_teoh 发表于 17-2-2013 09:27 PM

机率 50:50.....你自己看着办吧。。。哈哈哈哈~
引用 GY仁Ver.27 17-2-2013 09:38 PM
引用 聂凤 17-2-2013 09:47 PM
引用 clarenceewe 18-2-2013 12:41 AM
AsakuraWooi 发表于 17-2-2013 08:06 PM
SD card 已在我们手上。而且这candid camera 也不能用 wifi 和 bluetooth 转发。算还好吧。。。。

我们  ...


既然有motion detection, 为什么过后的会失灵呢?是不是其他地方有其他的相机?






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