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Taylor Swift与哈莉分手 已获新专辑歌曲素材

9-1-2013 09:46 AM| 发布者: 佳礼编辑 | 评论: 23|原作者: 半人半仙

摘要: 据来自国外娱乐媒体的消息称,好莱坞创作小歌后泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)已经与哈莉(Harry Styles)分手,两人的这段跨年恋,仅仅维持了65天就宣告结束。

据来自国外娱乐媒体的消息称,好莱坞创作小歌后泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)已经与哈莉(Harry Styles)分手,两人的这段跨年恋,仅仅维持了65天就宣告结束。

爱的轰轰烈烈,分的果断决绝,这就是23岁的泰勒·斯威夫特的情感生涯。据报道,今年的新年之际,斯威夫特本来与18岁的哈莉前往英国的维京果岛(Virgin Gorda)度假,前几天两人还兴致盎然情深意浓,但几天后这对情侣就因争执而出现剧烈冲突,斯威夫特直接乘坐私人飞机回到了美国。

一位知情人士向媒体曝料:“今年1月1日,她们一起来到这里度假,但在1月4日的时候,两人发生了剧烈的争执,斯泰尔斯决定结束这段关系,斯威夫特则一个人直接回到了美国。也在附近度假的亿万富翁理查德·布兰森(Richard Branson)听说哈莉就在这里,因此他邀请后者来自己的小岛上享受假期,既然斯威夫特已经回了美国,哈莉干脆就去了理查德的岛上。”



由于与哈莉的恋情仅仅持续了65天,因此泰勒·斯威夫特恐怕也不会过度伤心,毕竟分手对她来说已经是家常便饭,在与哈里约会之前,斯威夫特刚刚与来自肯尼迪家族的康诺·肯尼迪(Conor Kennedy)分手,而她的其他男友还包括约翰·梅尔(John Mayer)、泰勒·劳特纳(Taylor Lautner)、杰克·吉伦希尔(Jake Gyllenhaal)和乔·乔纳斯(Joe Jonas)。







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引用 2percent 8-1-2013 11:53 PM
引用 泪王子 9-1-2013 12:21 AM
引用 RingRingRing 9-1-2013 01:37 AM
引用 devilredcantona 9-1-2013 08:09 AM
引用 小鸟的鸟 9-1-2013 09:24 AM
引用 iLLkiD 9-1-2013 09:39 AM

引用 elaine1009 9-1-2013 10:14 AM
youtube有人说下一首叫:wrong direction
引用 sadly 9-1-2013 10:43 AM
我有少少乱 请问下哈莉(Harry Styles)这位是男还是女 为何文章会用'她'?
引用 19810725 9-1-2013 10:56 AM
引用 danielle_danz 9-1-2013 11:29 AM
我还以为Harry styles是gay的

引用 水果冰淇淋 9-1-2013 11:41 AM
引用 圣獄之光 9-1-2013 11:45 AM
引用 我還是我 9-1-2013 11:45 AM
引用 joy10 9-1-2013 02:23 PM
引用 chowsc86 9-1-2013 04:03 PM
引用 小鸟的鸟 9-1-2013 06:07 PM

對象 Joe Jonas
交往期間 3個月
中槍歌曲 Forever and Always

對象 Taylor Lautner
交往期間 3個月
入選歌曲 無

對象 John Mayer
交往期間 2個月
中槍歌曲 Dear John

對象 Jake Gyllenhaal
交往期間 1個月
入選歌曲 無

對象 Conor Kennedy
交往期間 3個月
入選歌曲 無

對象 Harry Styles
引用 半人半仙 9-1-2013 06:11 PM
  • The song Tim McGraw was inspired by an ex-boyfriend named Brandon Borello. Their relationship ended because he had to go to college. She told USA today, "He bought the album and said he really loved it, which is sweet. His current girlfriend isn't too pleased with it, though." It was named after a musician whose songs she liked. He was going away to college so she wanted to write him something to remember her by.
  • Picture to Burn was written about an ex-boyfriend, whom she calls a redneck, and says he never let her drive his pick-up truck.
  • Teardrops on My Guitar was written about a boy she liked, whom she never actually dated. "Drew was a real person!" she tells. Drew was surprised when he heard his name in the song. "I never knew she liked me" Drew says. Taylor stated that two years after the song came out Drew showed up at her house and asked her on a date. She declined. "It was the perfect fairytale ending but a little too late."
  • Should've Said No was about an ex-boyfriend that cheated on her. The boyfriend's name was Sam Armstrong, and, in the CD booklet, every S, A, and M was capitalized if it was in the correct order.
  • Joe Jonas broke up with her over the phone, which is something she has complained about on Ellen Degeneres' show and elsewhere. She got her record company to let her record a song about it, to add at the last minute to her album. Forever & Always is the name of that song. She also wrote 'Last Kiss' about him and 'Better than Revenge' is about his ex-girlfriend, Camila Belle.
  • Taylor Lautner became her boyfriend after they met on set for the film Valentine's Day. Their relationship was popularly known as Taylor Squared. They broke up in early 2010. She mentioned going to a hockey game with him during her October 29th 2009 appearance on the Ellen Show. According to MTV he was more into her than she was into him, he going everywhere he could to see her, but it was not working out. [1] They have apparently decided to just be friends.
  • The song, Back to December is suspected to be about Taylor Lautner. The song is an apology to him. Some of the lyrics go..." Your guard is up and I know why. Because the last time you saw me is still burned in the back of your mind ...you gave me roses and I left them there to die. So this is me swallowing my pride, standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night. And I go back to December all the time. You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye." At the end of the song she asks for his forgiveness and hints to the fact she wants to be with him again. The couple hasn't reunited and at the recent American Music Awards Swift performed the song and at the end added "and he said..it's too late to 'pologize" from popular song "Apologize" by the band One Republic. [2] She is alluding to the parody video Taylor Lautner made for "Apologize". [3] Time magazine listed this is one of the top apologies of 2010. [4]
  • Jake Gyllenhaal reported spent $160,000 to have her flown over on a private jet for a date. [5]He later broke up with her through text. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together, State of Grace, All Too Well, Girl at Home and The Moment I Knew are rumored to be about him.
  • The songs Dear John and I Knew You Were Trouble are rumored to be about her ex-boyfriend John Mayer, whom she had a fling with at one time.
  • The song Enchanted is about Adam Young of Owl City but she never dated him, although he did state his interest in her. [6]
本帖最后由 半人半仙 于 9-1-2013 06:14 PM 编辑

引用 红衣骑士 10-1-2013 05:31 PM
引用 Moon59 11-1-2013 01:15 AM





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