Sony Music签下的大马新晋歌手NYK终于在8月4日发行了他的首支单曲 什么是FWB?其实那是英文缩写,FWB的正确英文是Friend with Benefits,中文解释就是共享利益的朋友,实际指的是有了超越朋友关系但又不是男女朋友的朋友, 说明白点就是炮友关系。 23岁的NYK在4日的媒体发布会上表示,这首歌曲是源自自己的经历,他在夜店认识了一名女生,当他想要和她进一步交往维持长久的男女关系时,女方竟然拒绝并表示只想要维持“床上关系”。 “这是我写过最快的一首歌,30分钟就完成了。” 喜爱R&B和Pop音乐风格的NYK还为成为一名正式歌手前常常会在网络翻唱喜欢的歌,而Sony Music则找上他,并为他找来知名制作人Fredik Haggstam录制和发布单曲。 Sony Music也为NYK找来了一班陌生人试听他的单曲,并让他们说出感想,有人听了后不相信这是一名马来西亚人所唱的歌,也有人直言听了后想搭Uber到酒店一趟。 单曲 现在就来听听这首歌!
歌词: Quarter past 24, water on the windowpane, You say I should close my eyes, I just say the same to you, “Just this once,” I tell her, “I’d like to not move my fingers up your skin”, It’s almost like you didn’t hear me; you were too busy whispering through your lips. And you tell me that it’s too bad, it’s too bad, But I think I got a bad habit. I wanna fuck you so bad, I’m mad, It’s safe to say our love’s tragic. And when your skin’s on mine, forget the lies, forget the rules, it’s true, There’s no place for us to go, baby. We oughta stop this right now, right now, I know you can feel my heart breaking. Nicotine, cocaine, I don’t want to stop.(I can’t stop, baby) Hit the blunt, in my lungs, you’re inside me. And I know that you don’t know how to fee, how to love, but you keep coming back to this tragedy. Yeah and I know That I should tell you “no”, to spare us both. But instead I say,baby: I tell you that it’s too bad, it’s too bad, But I think I got a bad habit. I wanna fuck you so bad, I’m mad, It’s safe to say our love’s tragic. And when your skin’s on mine, forget the lies, forget the rules, it’s true, There’s no place for us to go, baby. We oughta stop this right now, right now, I know you can feel my heart breaking.