Mandsaur: Farmers indulge in arson and violence, attack shops and vehicles 印度曼达索尔爆发农民暴动,放火,暴力,砸毁商店和烧毁汽车 Updated: Jun 7, 2017, 05.31 PM IST 2017年6月7日 Farmers’ agitation turns violent as they torch trucks at Mhow-Neemuch Highway in Mandsaur district of Madhya Pradesh on Wednesday. (PTI photo) 周三,在印度中央邦的曼达索尔地区的Mhow-Neemuch高速公路,印度农民通过焚烧汽车搅动着暴力抗议活动。 PIPLIAMANDI (Mandsaur): More than a dozen policemen were injured, one critically, on Wednesday as thousands of farmers torched warehouse, shops and vehicles in Pipliamandi area of Mandsaur, the ground zero of the protest where five people were killed in firing+ to curb violence. 超过十名以上的警员受伤。其中一名伤势严重。周三,成千上万的农民放火焚烧了中央邦曼达索尔Pipliamandi地区的仓库、商场和汽车。该地区正是由于印度政府警察镇压印度人民,开枪打死了五名印度农民,从而引发暴力抗议的原爆点。 The protesters, who the administration and government termed as instigators, looted liquor and medicine shops right under the nose of the policemen, who seemed to be cautious after the angry backlash following the deaths. 警察因为开枪打死了印度农民从而引起了这次暴力反抗。所以行动看起来更加谨慎。只能眼看着抗议者在自己鼻子尖底下公然地抢劫商店里的酒和药店里的药。 A 5-km stretch of Mandsaur bypass road was completely blocked by the farmers, who indulged in arson and violence, while robbing long distance truckers. 长达5公里的曼达索尔绕城公路被抗议农民完全堵塞。这些农民沉醉于放火和暴力,并抢劫路过的长途货车。 Scared of the agitation, truckers parked their trucks away from the Pipliamandi toll collection booth on small rugged lanes away from the sight of people moving on the Mandsaur bypass. 恐惧的长途货车司机把他们的卡车停在远离Pipliamandi收费站的崎岖小路上,以免被曼达索尔绕城公路上的农民看见。 The violence started in morning after funeral processions of the deceased farmers were taken out and last rites performed in Barkheda Panth village. Mandsaur district collector Swantantra Kumar Singh reached the protest site to calm the sentiments, but was manhandled by the crowd+ . 这次暴力抗议活动开始于Barkheda Panth村被印度政府警察开枪打死的农民今天早晨出殡之后。曼达索尔地区的收费官员Swantantra Kumar到达抗议场所并企图平息抗议者的情绪。但是被村民暴打了一顿。 As the collector was escorted out of the spot, the mob set afire the collection booth and pelted stones at the policemen deployed in the area. 当所有收费员都被护送离开后,农民们开始放火焚烧收费站并向警察投掷石块。 The crowd pelted stones and torched a cotton warehouse, prompting two fire tenders to rush to the spot. The protesters broke windscreens of the tenders, forcing firemen to flee the spot. 印度老百姓们向印度政府和警察扔石块并点燃了一座棉花仓库。两辆消防车赶到现场。抗议者把消防车的挡风玻璃砸碎,并迫使消防员离开现场。 The mob later looted a three-storied departmental store and set it on fire in Pipliamandi area. Newsmen gathered to cover the event became the target of the crowd, as stones were hurled at them, forcing them to retreat to safety. 抗议者抢劫了周围的商场并放火把商场烧了。闻讯赶来的新闻记者也成了人群的攻击对象,石块儿猛砸向他们。记者被迫撤离到安全地区。 More than 22 vehicles, including large trucks, were set afire+ and their smoking remains dotted the Mandsaur bypass near the collection booth. 超过22辆车被烧毁。包含重型卡车。焚烧造成的烟柱在曼达索尔绕城公路的收费站周围星罗棋布。 Rapid action force with Vajra vehicles was pushed into service, but the crowd continued to swell. 快速反应部队和装甲车已经投入执行任务。但是抗议人群仍在快速壮大。 “The violence was restricted to Pipliamandi area. Calm prevailed in Mandsaur city where curfew was put in place,” a senior officer said. “暴力抗议被封锁在Pipliamandi地区。已经实行宵禁的曼达索尔市区仍然保持平静。”一位印度高级官员说。 Residents of Mandsaur were skeptical of violence and jittery of police vehicles zooming across the streets. 曼达索尔的居民因为暴力抗议和警车在大街上疾驶而过而紧张不安。 Police had cut off entry routes to the city preventing leaders of different political parties, including the BJP and the Congress, from entering. 警察已经切断了所有通往曼达索尔市的道路,用来预防有不同党派的领导人进入该市,包括国大党和BJP(人民党)。 Congress leader Meenakshi Natarajan and her supporters were detained, when they tried to reach Suwasara to meet the farmers. 国大党领导人Meenakshi Natarajan和她的支持者,试图到Suwasara会见抗议农民时,被警察拒之门外。 译者:最近这件事情在印度闹得很大,网站上有多篇关于此次农民起义的报道。译者后续也会多多翻译这些文章,大家敬请期待。 ![](
印度网民评论: [size=0.9em]译文来源:三泰虎 Tanmay Chakrabarti
Tanmay Chakrabarti – 1 day ago
Possibly, like Maoist party, some anti-national forces fuelled their angers. 也许,就像Mao派政党,一些反国家的力量正在他们的愤怒上火上浇油。
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ldbhatia68a Bhatia
Tanmay Chakrabarti – Dekhu – 1 day ago
The agitation seems to have passed into the hands
of unruly elements. Violence on such a large scale
can be possible when the instigators believe in violence to achieve their ends. Destruction of public
property cannot and should not be allowed under
any circumstances. 抗议活动看来已经落入一些不守规矩份子的手里。当煽动者认为暴力能够达到他们的目的时,如此大规模的暴动是有可能发生的。破坏公共财产在任何情况下都是不应该的。 (译者注:印度警察开枪打死农民就是应该的?)
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Rajat Lahiry
Rajat Lahiry – 1 day ago
Why are the farmers agitation only in BJP ruled states? There appears to be a distinct hand of the opposition in this agitation. Why did the media not educate the farmers about ILR? Why did the media not educate the farmers about fertiliser availability? Did media and the opposition ever talk about Soil health card. As it is the farmers are getting more facilities than other citizen and certainly more than the previous govt. Why is the media not putting facts on the table? 为什么农民只在BJP(人民党,莫迪老仙所在的党)统治的地区暴动?那里出现了一只明显的手在反对这次暴动。为什么媒体不教育这些农民关于劳资关系?为什么媒体不教育这些农民肥料的有效性?媒体和反对派们曾经讨论过土地健康卡吗?农民们得到了比其它公民更多的设备,并且确定比前政府多。为什么媒体不把真实的情况摆到桌面上?
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A concerned concerned
A concerned concerned – 1 day ago
Are these people really farmers. MP has witnessed double digit growth in Agriculture outputs over last decade. Farmers are by and large doing well. This whole movement seems to be a sham 这些人真的都是农民吗?在过去的十年里,中央邦已经见证了两位数增长的农业输出。农民们总体来说干得不错。这起运动看起来是虚假的。
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Naresh Verma
Naresh Verma – Mumbai – 1 day ago
This seems to be organised hooliganism, rather than the farmers agitation. They deserve no sympathy and have to be dealt with strictly. 这看起来像是有组织的小流氓,而不是农民暴动。他们不值得同情。应该严格处理。
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Yogesh Sharma
Yogesh Sharma – Location – 1 day ago
Policies of Congress, Communists and socialists parties are responsible for the destruction of farmers, villages, villagers, and agriculture. 国大党的警察,GongChanZuYi者和SheHuiZhuYi者应该为农业、村庄和农民的毁坏负责!
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Vizagite – 1 day ago
Who will pay reimburse the owners of the damaged vehicles. Pappu? Commies? 谁来偿还被破坏车辆主人的损失?小狗(指国大党领导人拉吉夫甘地)?GongChanZhuYi者?
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Abdul Ansari
Abdul Ansari – Mumbai – 1 day ago
they have daring in them to fight for rights///…. bhakts are silent and thinking of new terrorist attack in Kashmir or any new metropolitan cities so that this issue goes out of headlines… 他们有勇气为自己的权利而战。。。印度教狂热份子们(指莫迪老仙的追随者)沉默了并且正在想着新的恐怖份子袭击克什米尔或者印度大城市。所以把这个问题从标题中抹去了。。。
19赞 60踩 Nawaz Walele
Nawaz – Mumbai – 1 day ago
Now Feku will come with another speech ” Mitrooooo Mai bhi ek bar farmer hua karta tha, farmers Ka dukh yani Bharat Mata Ka dukh, wo dukh dur hona chahiye ke nahi, bolo hona chahiye ke nahi Jor se ek bar mere sath boliye hona chahiye ke nahi, Bharat Mata ki jay. Ab yahan koi kisan dukhi nahi rahega aur wo loan forfeit Ka mamala us ke liye 2019 ke election ki rah dekho. 现在Feku(莫迪老仙的绰号,意为虚假,虚伪)会再来一次演讲:“吱吱吱,吱吱吱”
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Sanat Samantray
Sanat Samantray – 1 day ago
These are political goons of congress trying to instigate the farmers in the name of Atrocities.. 这些是国大党的政治雇佣暴徒企图煽动农民进行暴乱。
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Sekh Rijaul Haque
Sekh Rijaul – Kolkata – 1 day ago
the end is beginning….. bjp! countdown now. BJP(人民党)的终结已经开始了。BJP现在已经开始倒计时了。
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Mumbaikar – 1 day ago
This is what happens when Promises are made but not fulfilled.
The farmers of MP and Rajasthan have realized this now. 当承诺无法兑现就会这样。中央邦和拉贾斯坦邦现在已经实现这点了。
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Yogesh Hinge
Yogesh Hinge – 1 day ago
This is organised loot and not any farmer protest.
It should b delt with hammer 这是有组织的抢劫,不是农民抗议。应当被用锤子抹去。
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Hardeep Sondhi
Hardeep Sondhi – 1 day ago
Modi’s Acche Din… 莫迪的“好日子”。(莫迪在竞选总理时的口号是“好日子要来了”)
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Sumesh Gai
Sumesh Gai – .. – 1 day ago
Anil Ambani took 45000 CRORES rupee loans from PSU Banks. All are Bad loans; he is not paying back. Adani took 90000 Crores loan. Yet no questions asked to such people. Now SBI is slapping so many extra fees on the common man to recover the losses. Modi promised crop loss money, it was very small amount but not paid up to 80% of the farmers. More than 15000 Farmers are suicide, but the government stayed muted. Now when the farmers are asking their dues, Modi trolls are unleashed to abuse them calling them “anti national”. 安巴尼从PSU银行借4500亿卢比的贷款,全变成了坏账。他没有把钱还回来。阿达尼借了9000亿卢比的贷款。对这些人来说没有问题。现在印度储备银行(印度的央行)对普通民众迅速增加如此多的额外收费用来弥补损失。莫迪曾承诺农业损失费。这笔费用少得可怜并且有80%的农民没有收到费用。超过1万5千名农民自杀。但是政府对此沉默。现在当农民们要讨回他们应得的东西时,莫迪马上辱骂他们“反国家”。
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Bidhan Sahu
Bidhan Sahu – Bangalore – 1 day ago
These guys cannot be genuine farmers !! 这些家伙不是真正的农民。
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Anil – 1 day ago
These are not farmers; this is the Ghotala Ghatbandhan Opposition Led By Congress and Laloo to throw out BJP! 这些不是农民!是国大党领导的!
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Ravi Shankar
Ravi Shankar – 1 day ago
I wonder when you people stop boot licking BJP !! Farmers are in distress.. A State is burning.. And you people are crying these are done by Pakistani agents.. if tap water didn’t come tmrw to your house, you would still blame Pakistan !! you just keep on living in a dream Hindurashtra while Indian framers fight and die everyday.. and when you wake up there will be only desert !!! it’s not about BJP or Congress.. it’s about the very survival of people who give you food ! 我想知道人们什么时候能停止对BJP(人民党)的跪舔。农民们正在苦难中挣扎。。。整个邦正在燃烧。。而你们的人民却哭诉巴基斯坦人做了什么。。。如果自来水明天无法流进你的屋子,你仍然会责怪巴基斯坦!!当印度的农民还在日复一日地挣扎或死亡时,你们只是生活在印度教式的梦里。当你们醒来的时候,这里只剩下了沙漠!!!这不是关于人民党或国大党,这是关系到为你提供食物的人的生存!
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Ashwani – 1 day ago
These farmers will lose the sympathy of public if they allow anti- social elements to take law into their hands. 这些农民将失去人们对他们的同情,如果他们允许反社会份子践踏法律。
7赞 3踩 Prasad Koranne
Prasad – Thane – 1 day ago
Con-gress role in this violence should be investigated immediately 应该立即调查国大党在这次暴动中扮演的角色。
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FekUji Flops
Fekuji – Jumaalgutta – 1 day ago
Modi’s CCC model : Chaddis, COWs & Corporates. Rest all are called ‘anti national’.. 莫迪的CCC模式。Chaddis(卖茶小贩),Cows(神牛)和Corporates(帮派)。其它剩下的人全部是“反国家份子”
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Ashwani Monga
Ashwani Monga – FARIDABAD – 1 day ago
Acts of vandalism by anti social elements provocated by defeated political parties perhaps are behind this destruction of national property. The state Govt. since has already discussed and sorted out various issues with the leading association representing farmers mitigating the agitation Subsequent flare up is beyond comprehension. Besides, seeking waive on repayment of agricultural loans by farmers in one or the other state by one or the other political party has become a trend in the country there by adversely affecting financial position of lending institutions seem to be of no concern to political parties . 也许在这起破坏国家财产行为的背后,有反社会份子为了击败政党,从而挑起了破坏公共设施的行为。邦政府已经和领导协会的农民代表讨论和整理了各种各样的问题,缓和了这次暴动。随后突然爆发的冲突让人无法理解。另一方面,在这个国家,寻求农业贷款还款的推迟已经成了各个邦和各个政党的趋势,在那些地方,政党们根本不关心这样对金融机构的负面影响。
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SHIRI S K – 1 day ago
Oppositions dont have any matter in hand these are congress persons 这些人是国大党的人。
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Nobinkumar Pradhan
Nobinkumar Pradhan – PUNE – 1 day ago
This is insane and these vandalists must be dealt with severely. 事态严重,必须严肃处理这些人。
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Kamal Agrawal
Kamal Agrawal – 1 day ago
Some people are instigating farmers to resort to arson and violence 有人教唆农民采取放火和暴力手段。
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Rounak Singh
Rounak – New Delhi, India – 1 day ago
This was bound to happen when you fire bullets on innocent farmers…..Shivraj Singh’s govt is a failure at dealing with the farmers…. 当印度政府向无辜的农民开枪射击的时候,这种事终究是要爆发的。Shivraj Singh政府(人民党)在处理农民的问题上已经失败了。
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hemant Meher hemant – 1 day ago
It is always easy to blame the farmer but thing for a moment that the person who has spend his money, time,sweat and blood in raising crops will not be paid accordingly he does not even have the right to revolt.Every year the govt. is I giving increment and da to the govt. employee what about the farmers.i would like to know from my country man how many of them are willing to be farmer or ask their near or dear one to do farming. It is surprising that mass leader like Mr. modi and Mr. shiva blaming the opposition.How long will you fool the Indians by your hollow promises and speeches. 责怪农民总是简单的。但是想想他们为了庄稼的生长,付出了他们的金钱,他们的心血,到头来却没有得到报酬。他们甚至没有对发生的这一切感到厌恶的权利。每年政府雇员的收入都在增加,农民们又怎么样呢?我想知道,我们印度有多少人想要成为农民,或者希望让自己的家庭亲属成为农民?令人惊讶的是那些像莫迪姬和Shiva那样的大领导竟然去责怪反对派。你们还能用你们空洞的承诺和演讲愚弄印度人民多久?
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Pbch Chowdhuri
Pbch Chowdhuri – 1 day ago
Just wondering whether the mob indulging in arson, loot, burning and stone pelting are really the farmers. They could also be goons and anti-socials taking advantage of the farmers’ agitation. 我只想知道这些沉溺于纵火,抢劫和丢石头的暴徒是否真是农民。他们可能是受雇的暴徒和利用农民抗议的反社会份子。
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sureshachar – Bangalore – 1 day ago
Why media is taking bjp side? BJP fired at farmers, killing farmers and this didn’t become big news 为什么媒体都站在人民党一边?是人民党开枪打死了农民,但是新闻却不报道。
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Alex – 1 day ago
Again it seems Congress Goons were there to instigate the mob and killed them. Same kind of act happened in Gujrat, Maharashtra etc. Congress is exposing themselves by killing innocent people, cows, values and ethics. They nearly destroyed India now want to destroy peace among people in India. #ShameOnCongress. 看起来像是国大党的人唆使这些暴徒并杀死他们。相同类型的行动也在古吉拉特邦和马哈拉施特拉邦等发生(译者注:这些邦全是莫迪老仙的人民党统治的邦)。国大党通过杀害无辜平民和神牛,践踏价值观和道德来不断暴露自己。他们之前破坏了印度,现在又想破坏居住在印度的人民的和平。真为国大党害臊。
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