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发表于 28-11-2016 02:35 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

http://www.todayonline.com/singa ... -circle-site-launch

很多人對kiasuparents.com 的創辦人 mdm soon很多意見,因此她寫了一封公開信, 內容如下

取自於: https://www.kiasuparents.com/kia ... tter-from-mdm-soon/

Submitted by mdmsoon
I am the mother in the Today article that has generated much sympathy for my son and excoriation for me, and this is my side of the story.

To be fair to Today, I did say “You can forget about your Nintendo DS,” as was reported in the story. But it was not in response to my son’s text message sent to me, to check if I was angry. It was part of a longer private face-to-face conversation with my son, which I was trying to have while a reporter stood next to me. I didn’t expect our private conversation to be fodder for a newspaper article.

The reporter had contacted me through KiasuParents, and I was under the impression that she wanted my views on the PSLE experience, in my capacity as a co-founder of KiasuParents. When she expressed interest in being present for the release of the results, I agreed that she could follow me around, but it led to an article that invaded my son’s privacy and affected him—more than his results or my reaction did.

For those who have offered to purchase a Nintendo DS for my son, my family appreciates your generosity, but my son already owns a set. I had confiscated it because he couldn’t control his screen time according to our agreement—30 minutes per session. I then used the return of the Nintendo DS as an incentive, hoping to motivate him to work harder and better his score for the PSLE.

For those who deplore my son’s joyless existence, rest assured that we are intent on celebrating life. We had a post-PSLE treat right after the exams, where we went out for a good meal and my message to my son was: “What is done, is done. The hard part is over.” We’re looking forward to a family trip, which was planned before the exams and would have taken place regardless of how the results turned out. It’s not a reward for my son because I don’t believe in tying such experiences to grades—we travel for enjoyment and exposure.

For those who accuse us of unrealistic expectations, I had predicted that my son’s score would be around 230 (wrongly reported as 250), based on previous performance and my knowledge of his weak spots. His actual score fell short of my prediction by one mark, as was reported in the story.

For those who question why I wasn’t more media savvy and cautious in my dealings with the reporter, I did request that she not reveal personal information such as my son’s score, but that request was not honoured. I have wondered if there was more I could have done to protect my son’s privacy. I never thought we would be thrust in the spotlight and I admit I feel betrayed. I’m a private person by nature too.

For the most important person in all of this, my son, I want to tell you that your results are satisfactory. I have not explicitly said “Mummy will love you no matter how your results turn out,” but I hope you know this for a fact. Results are never the end goal; they only provide a form of feedback as to whether your efforts are working, and they are not always accurate. What you must strive for is a good attitude and a willingness to reflect and consider your next course of action. Never wallow. This will ensure that you’re ready to handle anything that life throws at you, even when I am no longer around.

Don’t be troubled by what people are saying about me, because I’m not affected. I won’t be brought down by others’ comments as I know who I am and why I do what I do. I hope to show you by example that other people’s comments about us don’t matter, especially if they don’t know us. And because you’ve gone through this, you will understand why you should never jump to conclusions based on a snapshot of information, and why you can’t believe everything you see or read online. I’m sorry that you have received all this unwanted exposure, but we will get through this together.

https://www.kiasuparents.com/kia ... tter-from-mdm-soon/



记者通过KiasuParents联系了我,我的印象是她希望我的PSLE经验的观点,作为KiasuParents的联合创始人。当她表示有兴趣出席结果发布时,我同意她可以跟随我,但它导致一篇侵犯我儿子的隐私并影响他的文章 - 比他的结果或我的反应。

对于那些提出为我的儿子购买任天堂DS的人,我的家人欣赏你的慷慨,但我的儿子已经拥有一套。我没收了,因为他不能根据我们的协议控制他的屏幕时间 - 每个会话30分钟。然后我使用任天堂DS的回报作为激励,希望激励他更努力工作,更好的PSLE分数。

对于那些对我儿子的无聊存在感到遗憾的人,请放心,我们打算庆祝生活。我们在考试后,我们有一个后PSLE治疗,我们出去吃一顿好,我给我的儿子的消息是:“做什么,做完了。困难的部分结束了。“我们期待着一个家庭旅行,这是在考试之前计划的,并将发生,无论结果如何结果。这不是对我的儿子的奖励,因为我不相信这样的经验,成绩 - 我们旅行享受和曝光。






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发表于 28-11-2016 02:50 PM | 显示全部楼层
google translate不是說upgrade了? 我被騙了

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发表于 28-11-2016 02:56 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 28-11-2016 03:16 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 28-11-2016 03:35 PM | 显示全部楼层
我被google translate 翻晕了

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发表于 28-11-2016 04:12 PM | 显示全部楼层

http://news.asiaone.com/news/sin ... erous-attitude-psle

His mother died two days before the first major examination in his life.
Kheng, 26, wrote: "rincipal shows up at the wake, gives me a hug, along with a trail of teachers who sit me in the corner of the room and give me supervised tuition. Dad tells them to pack up and go



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