本帖最后由 玩死你 于 19-5-2016 03:58 PM 编辑
ASEAN NCAP两种选择测试车辆的方法。第一种方法就是直接在汽车市场上拣选这些车回去测。
第二种方法会用到是如果制造商选择赞助车辆进行测试。在第二种方法的情况下,制造商仅可以通知ASEAN NCAP,它们有意参与测试,但制造商不允许指明哪个特定车辆将被用于测试。相反,ACEAN NCAP的技术人员将随机在车辆识别号码(VIN)中选择用去测试的车辆并把选中的车送到实验室测试。
质料来源:http://www.livelifedrive.com/new ... ne-asean-ncap/21999
“There are two options to selecting a vehicle - ASEAN NCAP will either purchase the vehicle from a showroom or a manufacturer can opt to sponsor a vehicle for testing. In the case of the latter, a manufacturer can only notify ASEAN NCAP of its intention to participate, but it is not allowed to dictate which particular unit is to be used for testing. Instead, ASEAN NCAP's technicians will select a random vehicle based on the Vehicle Identification number (VIN) and have it transported to the crash lab. ”
两个选车方法的差别,在于一个是在show room的仓库拿车去试,另一个是在车厂准备载出去出售的仓库那里拿车去试。以这两种选车方法来看,车厂没有办法作弊(除非_污那就另当别论)
proton saga tethergate的case 在解决后就没有更近一步的报道了,所以到底之间有什么原因,我也不知道。
但是以我个人以ASEAN NCAP选车的方式得到的个人看法是,proton在ASEAN NCAP要测试的那段期间,所有同批生产的saga都有tethergate,可是之后再生产的车也许自己cut cost,把tethergate拔掉,然后被消费者发现。
ASEAN NCAP的工作也包挂持续反映车厂出售车和用在测试车的差别。像saga的case, ASEAN NCAP也有要求proton必须把tethergate加装回去没有那个配备的saga,不然的话saga在测试得到的分数将会被减少。
原文:“According to the secretary-general of the ASEAN NCAP (New Car Assessment Programme) Khairil Anwar Abu Kassim, the tethergate issue involving the Proton Saga has been resolved after recent negotiations with the national carmaker, The Sun Daily reports. The top tether would be fitted by the automaker from this month onwards, ASEAN NCAP understands.”