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描述开悟或灵性觉醒所带来的认知 by Adyashanti

发表于 9-5-2016 06:22 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
录像有中文字幕,在 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_15eb5b14a0102w9ok.html
或  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8fHZyRb4m0










...but with the dawning of the awakening, this whole world beginsto collapse. It's as if we lose the whole worldas we knew it, and we lose our whole sense of self as we knewit...and at that moment, whether that moment is just a glimpse orthat moment is something more sustained, at that moment we realizesuddenly and with incredible clarity that what we are is in no waylimited to who we thought we were and it's very difficult to defineactually what we realize ourself to be in these moments ofawakening.  Many people describe it in manyways.  Some would awaken to realize that they areawareness itself.  Some would say that they areconsciousness itself.  I often say you wake up andrealize that you are spirit...and all things and all beings arespirit as well.  But with each of thesedescriptions, the mind creates another image.  Themind creates another idea of what this ultimate truth or ultimatereality must be.  And as soon as these images arecreated, they distort perception onceagain.

So in truth it's really impossible to describe exactly what thetrue nature of reality is, except to say it's not at all what wethink it is. It's not what we've been taught it is and certainly weourselves are nothing we could ever imagine ourselves to be becausewhat we are is literally beyond all imagination, what we are isthat which is watching, watching us pretending to be a separateperson, a separate being.  What we are is thatwhich is continually partaking of all experience. What we really are is that which is awake to each and everyinstant, each and every moment, each and everyexperience.  In awakening, what's revealed to usis that we are not a thing or a person, or an entity,  that what we are is that which manifests as allthings, all experiences, all personalities.  Weare that which dreams the whole world intoexistence.

From a mind held in a conventional view, with conventional ideas,this sort of notion is fanciful.  It almost seemscompletely unreasonable and to such a mind, you can never convincesuch a mind that maybe what they perceive is literally beingdictated by what they think because a human mind in a human body isvery much like a computer.  We all know there'scomputer games that are based on virtual reality, which means youprogrammed the computer that literally creates a whole world...andthen if you are in the game, you go and you play the game in thatworld and  that world has certain rules of howit's run and how it's not run, how things happen and how they don'thappen, and what the goals of that world are, what the purpose ofthat world is, and what meaning of that world is, but that wholeworld is a virtual reality.

And in the same way, as human beings we get programmed, this iscalled our conditioning, or in the East, they might call it ourkarma, and this conditioning is literally that our systems areprogrammed, our minds are programmed, our bodies are programed, oursenses and our perceptions are literally programmed, and part ofthat programing creates a virtual reality.  Itliterally creates the world that we tend to see and perceive and itcertainly creates the interpretation we make about what we see andwhat we perceive.

And so sadly most people, the vast majority of humanity will livetheir whole lives in a virtual reality.  They'lllive their whole life basically from a reality that's created fromtheir own imagination.  They will think the worldis good, or the world is bad, or people should be like this, orpeople shouldn't be like this, or such and such shouldn't havehappened and all the ways that our minds judge the world andcondemn the world, and point fingers and grasp at it and push itaway, all the ways that our mind gets caught in dualistic ideaslike love and hate and anger and jealousy and pushing and pulling,all these ways that the mind gets caught and fixated, are not onlymental fixations, are not only thoughts, but these thoughts andthese beliefs literally give rise to perceptions. They color the way we see things.

And so very quickly in our lives as we grow up, we're literallytaught to perceive our self as being separate fromothers.  We're taught that we are essentially andin the deepest realm of our self that we are different from theworld, that we and the world are two different things, that ourneighbour, our parent, our friend, or even our dog or our cat areessentially something other than what we are. Well, on the surface of things, there is an obvious differencebetween a human being and a cat, or a parent and a child, a motherand a daughter, on the surfaces of things, there are certainlydifferences and yet these differences obscure an underlyingreality, an underlying reality which is really what gives birth tothe spiritual longing because this underlying reality alwaysfunctions within us of an intuition or longing for connectivity,for union, to heal this imaginary split.

It's very important to understand that this split between oneselfand others, oneself and the world, is purelyimaginary.  It's being perceived only because ourminds have been taught to perceive that way.   Ourthinking along lines in which colors our perception but there aretimes, there are moments, when this whole virtual reality almostcracks, like an egg cracking, and a light comes through that crack,and at that moment when consciousness opens to somethingelse.  It's as if our spirit, our consciousnessescapes this false confinement of virtual reality, of a virtualself and a virtual world, and at once recognizes and awakens to, orperhaps more accurately, literally remembers because this is whatspiritual awakening is.  It's really aremembering...










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