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Adyashanti最后醒悟经历较详细描述(附英文原文),译自他的书 Emptiness Dancing

发表于 26-4-2016 01:38 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
                    数年前我有我最后的醒悟经历之前,我为开悟而疯狂。你得有些疯狂才来严肃地学习禅宗。我的老师曾说,“只有疯狂的才留下来。” 我的一个有效的疯狂方法是,在星期天上午我去与我老师的其它学员去坐几个小时前,我会早早地起来,在早晨5:00 或 5:30,加做坐功。我会坐在一个小房间冥思,冻到要死。

一个特别的早上坐在那里时,两件事发生了,一件接着另一件,它们似乎相互悖论。第一件事是一个自发的看到万物归一。  对我来说,那表现为听到鸟叫,叽叽喳喳,在前院,从我之内的某处,问题出来,“是什么听到声音?”我以前从未问过这个问题。我突然意识到我与声音和鸟以及听到鸟叫的都差不多,即听和声音和鸟都是来自同一东西的表现。我不能说这个同一的东西是什么,只能说同一东西。



突然间,意识不再局限于形体而独立存在。它不再以任何形体定义自己,无论那个形体是个身体,大脑,一个生命时间,一个思想,或一个记忆。我看到这, 但我几乎不能相信它。好像有人往我兜里塞放了一百万元,我却不断往外拉,似乎我不信我有那一百万。但它也不能被否认。尽管我在用这个词“我”,那里没有我,只有一。


接下来发生的是我迈了一步。它感觉好像婴儿迈好他的第一步,然后微笑,看看周围,好像说,“你看到那了吗?” 而且你可以看到他的喜悦。于是我迈了一步,如同,“哇,第一步!”然后又一步,又一步,我不停地转着圈儿走因为每一步都是第一步。它是个奇迹。

在每个“第一” 步,无形意识和“一”就合并在一起,这样那个曾总是与形体认同身份的醒悟这时实际在形体内,不认同身份的。它不再通过任何思想或来过之前的记忆看,只通过五个感官。没有历史或记忆,每一步感觉像第一步。



Before I had my final awakening years ago, I was crazed for enlightenment.  You have to be a little crazy to seriously study Zen.  My teacher used to say, "Only the crazy ones stay."  One way my craziness worked was that before I went to sit with my teacher's group for a couple of hours on Sunday mornings, I would get up early, at 5:00 or 5:30 a.m., and do extra sittings.  I would sit in a little room meditating and freezing to death.

Sitting there on one of those particular mornings, two things happened, one after another, and they seemed very paradoxical.  The first one was a spontaneous seeing that everything was one.  For me that manifested as hearing a birdcall, a chirp, in the front yard, and from somewhere inside me the question arose, "What is it that hears the sound?  I had never asked this question before.  I suddenly realized I was as much the sound and the bird as the one hearing the bird, that the hearing and sound and bird were all manifestations of one thing.  I cannot say what that one thing is, except to say one thing.

I opened my eyes, and I found the same thing was happening in the room -- the wall and the one seeing the wall were the same thing.  I thought that was very strange, and I realized that the one thinking this was another manifestation of that.  I got up and began to move around the house looking for something that wasn't part of the One.  But everything was a reflection of that One thing.  Everything was the divine.  I wandered into the living room.  In the middle of a step, consciousness, or awareness, suddenly left everything, whether it was a physical thing or body thing or world thing.

All in the step of a foot, everything disappeared.  What arose was an image of what seemed like an infinite number of past incarnations, as if heads were lined up one behind another as far back as I could see.  Awareness realized something like, "My God, I've been identified with various forms for umpteen lifetimes." At that moment, consciousness----spirit----realized it had been so identified with all these forms that it really thought it was a form right up to this lifetime.

All of a sudden, consciousness was unconfined to the form and existed independently.  It was no longer defining itself by any form, whether that form was a body, a mind, a lifetime, a single thought, or a memory.  I saw this, but I almost couldn't believe it.  It was like someone just stuck a million dollars in my pocket, and I kept pulling it out as if I didn't believe I had it.  But it couldn't be denied either.  Even though I am using the word "I," there was no "I," only the One.

These two experiences happened together, one following within a few moments of the other.  In the first, I became the Oneness of everything, and in the second, I became the consciousness or spirit that totally woke up out of all identification, even out of Oneness.  When the Oneness dropped away, there was still a basic awakeness, but it had two different aspects: I'm everything, and I'm absolutely nothing.  This was the awakening, the realization of Self.

The next thing that happened was that I took a step, just an ordinary step.  It felt like the way a baby does when it takes his first good step and then smiles and looks around as if to say, "Did you see that?" and you can see his joy.  So I took a step, and it was like, "Wow! The first step! and another step, and then another, and I kept moving in circles because every step was the first step.  It was a miracle.

In each "first" step, formless consciousness and Oneness just merged together so that the awakeness that had always identified itself as form was now actually inside of the form, unidentified.  It wasn't looking through any thoughts or memories of what had come before, just through the five senses.  With no history or memory, every step felt like a first step.

Then the funniest thought came through my mind---funny to me after thirteen years of Zen practice---'Oops.  I just woke up out of Zen!'  When you wake up, you realize that you wake up out of everything, including all the things that have helped to bring you there...



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