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要多久就能开悟?by Adyashanti (带英文原文)
有个很精彩关于一个想入寺庙的年青人的故事。 这个年青人充满信心,之前一天准备好要开悟。 他问方丈,“要多久我就能开悟?” 方丈答道,“大约十年。” 年青人说,“十年! 为什么十年?” 方丈答道,“噢,就你的情况二十年。” 年青人又问,“你为什么说二十年?” 方丈说, “噢,对不起,我搞错了...三十年。”
如果你真懂了,你就认识到即使是问这个问题本身就得十年。一旦这个思想,“我什么时候会自由?” 出现,时间便来到存在中。随之你得想,“或许至少十年,或许永远。”你能去哪里以便抵达这里?任何迈步都把你带到别处。
每当你的开悟的念头变为受时间限制时,它总是关于下个时刻。你可能有个很深的灵性经历,然后问,“我能让这个经历持续多久?” 只要你坚持这个问题,你就被继续困在时间内。如果你仍对时间和你能随着时间有灵性的积累感兴趣,你就会得到一个受时间限制的经历。大脑假装好像你所寻找的此时此刻还没有呈现。当下是在时间以外的。 没有时间,这个悖论是:阻碍你看到永恒的唯一东西是你的大脑被困在时间内。这样你错过实际在这里的。
你曾否感到你其实并不很喜欢在这里,而是想要某种精彩的永恒经历?当老师说,“此时此刻在这里”, 那其实是常见的不言而喻的思想。你内在感觉到, “我在这里,我不喜欢在这里。我想在那里,那里有开悟。” 如果你有个真老师,你会被告知你错了,你从来都没在这里。你一直都在时间里,所以,你还从未在这里出现。你的身体在这里,但你其余一切都去了别处。
你的身体一直在经历这个叫做“生活”的东西,但你的头脑一直都在经历这个叫做“我对生活的幻想” 或 “关于我的生活的伟大故事” 这个东西。你被卡在关于生活的诠释,所以你从未在这里过。
How Long Will It Take?
There is a wonderful story about a young man who checks into the monastery, full of juice and ready to be enlightened yesterday. He asks the abbot, "How long will it take me to be enlightened?" To which the abbot answers, "About ten years." The young man says, "Ten years! Why ten years?" The abbot replies, "Oh, twenty years in your case." The man asks, "Why do you say twenty years?" The abbot says, "Oh, I’m sorry. I was mistaken…thirty years."
If you really get it, you realize that to even ask the question gets you ten years. As soon as the thought, "When will I really be free?" comes up, time has just birthed itself into existence. And with this birth of time you have to think, "Probably at least ten years, maybe forever." Where can you go in order to get here? Any step takes you somewhere else.
This is surprising to the mind because the mind always thinks of freedom, or enlightenment, as some sort of accumulation, and of course there is nothing to accumulate. It’s about realizing what you are, what you have always been. This realization is outside of time because it’s now or never.
As soon as your idea of enlightenment becomes time-bound, it’s always about the next moment. You may have a deep spiritual experience and then ask, "How long will I sustain this experience?" As long as you insist on the question, you remain time-bound. If you are still interested in time and the spiritual accumulations you can have in time, you will get a time-bound experience. The mind is acting as if what you are looking for isn’t already present right now. Now is outside of time. There is no time, and the paradox is that the only thing that keeps you from seeing the eternal is that your mind is stuck in time. So you miss what’s actually here.
Have you ever felt that you really didn’t like being here very much and that you wanted some wonderful eternal experience? That’s what is often thought but not said when the teacher says, "Be here right now." Inside you are feeling, "I am here, and I don’t like being here. I want to be there, where enlightenment is." If you have a really true teacher, you will be told that you are mistaken, that you have never been here. You’ve always been in time, therefore, you have never actually shown up here. Your body was here, but the rest of you went somewhere else.
Your body has been going through this thing called "life," but your head has been going through this thing called "my fantasy about life" or "my big story about life." You have been caught in an interpretation about life, so you have never really been here.
Here is the Promised Land. The eternal is here. Have you ever noticed that you have never left here, except in your mind? When you remember the past, you are not actually in the past. Your remembering is happening here. When you think about the future, that future projection is completely here. And when you get to the future, it’s here. It’s no longer the future.
To be here, all you have to do is let go of who you think you are. That’s all! And then you realize, "I’m here." Here is where thoughts aren’t believed. Every time you come here, you are nothing. Radiantly nothing. Absolutely and eternally zero. Emptiness that is awake. Emptiness that is full. Emptiness that is everything.
发表于 3-5-2016 08:54 PM
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