剧名: London Spy 伦敦谍影
类型:剧情 播出:BBC
地区:英国 主演: 本·卫肖 / 爱德华·霍尔克罗夫特Ben Whishaw, Jim Broadbent, Charlotte Rampling.
语言:英语 首播日期:2015-11-09(英国)
英文:London Spy
别名:伦敦间谍 / 伦敦谍
《伦敦谍影》故事描述天真的年轻人Danny(Ben Whishaw)卷入危险的间谍世界。伦敦城的中心有一条街道,一侧是英国秘密情报局(Secret Intelligence Service,俗称军情六处)的总部,另一侧是一家同性恋俱乐部。来自两侧的两个人——乐观的、骨子里充满浪漫主义的军情六处密码分析专家Danny和 不喜欢社交的、谜一般难懂的Alex(Edward Holcroft)——坠入情网,但是Alex突然神秘失踪,一场间谍游戏随即开始。Danny是否已经做好为真相而战的准备?男友失踪的背后究竟隐藏着 怎样的秘密?
Summary: Danny is a gregarious, hedonistic romantic who gets drawn into the dangerous world of British espionage in this contemporary, emotional thriller. He falls for the anti-social but enigmatic Alex, both from opposite worlds, and they soon realise they’re perfect for each other. But when Alex suddenly disappears, Danny is utterly ill-equipped to take on his complex and codified world. Young, innocent and adrift he needs to decide whether he’s prepared to fight for the truth?