市面最强ENZ power gen 2 serum大马官方NOT认证,安全无副作用,效果极佳的外用擦抹式纤体精华液。
3 in 1 纤体溶脂疗程
📌后续皮肤护理,淡化妊辰纹,消除蜂窝组织/橙皮外观,改善皮肤水分,紧致和恢复弹性。 ENZSERUM gen 2 特点 : 15秒快速吸收,先进的纳米技术,gps 定点式燃爆脂肪,软脂爆脂不浪费时间,有效及明显的效果,成功见证,在皮肤科监督下测试,经过临床验证。
EnzSerum Power Gen II Serum
effectively elimates fat cells *Burn fat
*Body Reshaping
*Skin Improvement 3 in 1
Slimming Fat Blating Treatment 1 Reduces unwated fat
Stimulates and increases your body's metabolism rate, effectively eliminates fat cells. 2 Reshapes specific parts of your body
Giving you the highly desirable 'S' body shape by toning your back, waist, arms, thighs and hips. 3 Later stage Skin care
Reduce cellulites, moisturizes your skin, tightens and improves your skin's overall elasticity. The Most Effective Fat Blasing Nanotechnology
The main ingredient of fat blasting serum essence (Hydrogenated Phoshatidylcholine) is natural and comes from soy lecithin, therefore is absolutely safe; capable of destroying the fat cell membrane, removing the triglyceride to extermiate fat cells. Nest, the Coenzyme A and Vitamin BT (Carnitine) will proceed to gently eliminate the fatty acid. As accurate as GPS, the serum allows you to choose any particular fatty area that you would want to target, be it the belly, around the waist, the armpit, the hip, the upper thighs, the shoulder, the back or any other parts where fat tend to accumalate. In addition, it will also increase your skin's elasticity, tighten your body into the highly desirable 'S' body shape. EnzSerum Power Gen II Serum not only helps to slim and tone the body by reducing unwated fat, it also utilizes the latest Nanotechnology to break down its active ingredients, so that they could easily penetrate the skin cells and be fully absorbed, resolveing any skin problems, such as cellulite. In addition to that, the serum also moisturizes and nourishes the skin, making it smooth and full or elasticity. 最新产品 Enz Serum第二代已经出炉!一支200ml的瘦身液 附送一个价值RM39.90的按摩器 是不是很吸引?按摩器帮助加速新陈代谢 使脂肪燃烧 才能更快瘦下来。它的卖点就是 不粘不腻不油不辣 涂上去就是冰冰温温 重点就是有效果!您不容错过的好产品诞生了! 羡慕别人魔鬼S型身材?
不要当小肥羊,让EnzSerum2带你回归路,大造新一代“零脂”玲吧! Enzserum GEN 2溶脂针精华
此外还有滋润,光泽,和使皮肤有弹性 √对抗脂肪
别再做迷途小‘肥’羊了!! 无需动大手术溶脂、抽脂,只需一瓶超强精炼溶脂针精华ENZ SERUM GEM 2就能达到魔鬼S型身材!
它能像GPS精准定位,锁定局部渗透肌肤,溶脂达到瘦身缩身效果。 溶脂针精华主要功效
✔对抗脂肪✔去除水肿 、✔滋润皮肤 、✔橘皮外观、✔蜂窝组织
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