爸比,妈咪们看过来, 孕期护腰枕, 让你一夜好眠!!!!产期过后也是你的最佳哺乳用品哦!!!
在孕期中最辛苦的莫过于晚上睡觉不能好眠,左躺不适右躺不舒服。。起床时背后的酸, 双脚并拢时的疼。。
这是预购货, 结单日期将在2月2日哦!!大概4-5个星期会到。。
现在购买还有小小惊喜哦!!快来PM FB: kaixinjiuhao开心就好/WeChat: JEJLove我吧!!!
Daddy , Mommy look over here , pregnancy waist pillow , let your good night's sleep ! ! ! ! After the birth is your best feeding supplies ! ! !
During pregnancy in the most difficult way to sleep at night can not sleep well and uncomfortable. . When the time you wake up, your back getting acid , the pain when your feet together . . So, Daddy please take an action now and get one for your beloved wife! ! ! Mommy bought a pamper yourself! !
This is a pre-order goods, statement date will be on 2nd February(Monday) ! ! It will be take about 4-5 weeks will go to . .
Buy now there are a little surprise for you ! ! Come PM FB:kaixinjiuhao开心就好 / WeChat: JEJLove me! ! !