(檳城14日讯)民主行动党檳城丹绒国会议员黄伟益因不满某知名商场停车场,採取不同的收费率而拒绝缴付泊车费,甚至与停车场管理员及警员起爭执,火药味十足。 黄伟益日前因不满檳城某广场场底层停车场收费比楼上或户外的停车场收费贵了5令吉,即10令吉;管理层也没有任何明確標示,所以拒绝缴付10令吉的泊车费,只愿意给5令吉。他也在面子书讲解事情的经过。 他表示,停车场內的泊车费缴付机仅写著晚上10时开始至隔日凌晨6时只一次性收费5令吉,而他在1月9日事发当天,晚上10时03分將轿车泊在底层停车场出席婚宴,晚宴结束后,约10时30分离开。 当时他將车票插入缴付机时,机器显示屏却显示他须缴付双倍价格,即10令吉,而非5令吉,因而拒付泊车费。 隨后,黄伟益向商场管理员投诉,对方解释道,底层停车场与楼上的收费有別。黄伟益在面书说:「我想与经理谈一谈,但他们却报了警。」 他也指责,到场了解情况的警员態度粗暴,其中一名警员还貌似要逮捕他,同时也展示其警员证,以及坚持他须缴付10令吉的泊车费。 儘管对方表示,黄伟益可免缴10令吉泊车费,但他只付5令吉,並告诉对方自己仅是遵守泊车费缴付机上所列明的数额。 「这显然是商场及停车场的管理问题,没有明確告知顾客有关收费事宜。希望这种不幸事件不会再次发生!」 事件过程被路人全程拍下,並上载至网络,网民们的赞贬参半。 据悉,该商场底层停车场过了晚上10时后,泊车费会从5令吉上调至10令吉,其他地方的停车费则维持在5令吉。
If you parking in Penang Times Square and the parking rate displayed on the payment machine shown that RM5 will be charged per entry for 10pm to 6am. I entered the basement carpark at 10.03pm and leaving the wedding dinner around 10.30pm last night. When you slot in the parking ticket, the display panel shown that I must pay RM10. What's your first feeling? Will you feel cheated? When you complained to the parking staffs, they said RM10 per entry will be charged for basement parking. But, the parking rate is not shown like that. They want me to go basement and check out the parking rate displayed there. Is this sensical? One complex two parking rates, and the different rate is not displayed on every payment machine. I want to talk to the manager but they called the police. The policemen present there was very rude and one even shown me his ID and seems like want to arrest me. The policeman even shouted at me and insisted that I have to pay RM10.00. What kind is this policeman? The police supposedly have to be neutral but they seem taken side in this case. If they can treat an MP like me with this high-handed altitude, I cannot imagine what will happen to an ordinary citizen like you and the others? This is very unfortunate but really happened at Penang Times Square last night. Even though the parking attendant allowed me to leave without paying RM10, I insisted to pass him RM5 and told him that I will just follow what clearly written on the payment machine. He refused to take the money but I said, I was not there to create the issue for the purpose to avoid the payment. This is clearly the fault of complex/parking management, i.e. praticising double standard without announcing it properly to the customers. Hopefully such an unfortunate incident won't be recurring again!