Get ready for ‘war’, Zahid tells UmnoKUALA LUMPUR, Nov 29 — Umno must adopt a “war mindset”, party vice-president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamid said today as the annual gathering of the party faithful came to a close after some startlingly blunt attacks on the country’s minorities. Zahid, who is also home minister, revealed the party’s efforts to help Barisan Nasional (BN) regain its two-thirds parliamentary majority in the next general election through a training module developed by Keris 2314, the party’s training and research bureau. “We must attack our enemies on the outside,” said Zahid at the close of the Umno annual general assembly. “The best form of defence is to attack,” he added to rousing applause. Zahid described the “war mindset” as cyber and psychological war tactics. The home minister added that a dozen people have been charged under the Sedition Act 1948 this year. “When this Act is strengthened by the prime minister, I will immediately take action against offenders,” he said. Zahid also repeated his earlier claim that the four “key thrusts” of the Federal Constitution are Islam as the religion of the federation (Article 3), the sovereignty of the Malay rulers (Article 181), Malay as the national language (Article 152) and the special position of the Malays and Bumiputera (Article 153). Lawyers, however, have said there is nothing in the country’s supreme law that upholds those provisions above others. “They cannot be disputed,” said Zahid today. The Umno general assembly has seen delegates claiming that the Chinese gained political power through illicit businesses like illegal gambling and prostitution and that the non-Malays are taking advantage of the Malays. Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin has suggested the Chinese community was not upholding their part of the bargain as agreed upon in a purported social contract between the three major races post-independence.
(吉隆坡29日訊)巫統副主席拿督斯里阿末扎希說,他已向首相兼黨主席拿督斯里納吉建議,那些無法參與“Keris 2314”計劃的最高理事、中央代表、區部主席和委員,將自動喪失成為來屆全國大選候選人的資格。
他說,配合黨主席“巫統年輕化”的呼吁,巫統訓練局擬定了“Keris 2314”計劃,以塑造黨年輕化的新生代,俾使巫統更為強大。 阿末扎希今日在巫統代表大會總結辯論時說,“KERIS的組成字母分別是K代表“魅力”(Karisma),意即要培養有魅力的領袖,E代表“禮貌” (Ehsan),即塑造有宗教信仰的領袖,R代表“理性”(Rational),即塑造知識型領袖,I代表“承諾”(Iltizam),即打造更穩固的鬥爭力,S代表“忠誠”(Setia),即黨員對黨鬥爭的忠誠。 “`23’代表致力於在全國大選贏取超過三分二多數國會議席的優勢,`14’就是指第14屆全國大選。 因此,為了使黨強大和促進年輕化,我已獲得黨主席認可,誰要是缺席“Keris2314”計劃就自動失去成為候選人的資格。 “最好的防守便是進攻,我促請黨員善用網絡戰和心理戰術,鎗口一致對外,黨內勿發生扯後腿、自相殘殺的局面。 成立特別機構
全權處理非法外勞課題 阿末扎希也是內政部長,他說,政府已同意成立一個特別機構,全權專注處理與非法外勞有關的課題。今後,管制非法外勞的問題,不再屬於任何特定部門,反之是由這個特別機構處理。 他說,截至今年11月24日,執法人員已檢舉了8萬7千977名外勞,當中2萬7千469人確認為非法外勞;若與“6P漂白計劃”取締行動比較,內政部已將當年的10對30比例降至目前的10對3,也就是10人是屬於持有證件的合法外勞,3人是非法外勞。 另一方面,他也透露,截至2010年,政府援引煽動法令逮捕和提控了40人,而單在2014年,共有12人牴觸煽動法令而被提控。 “一旦煽動法令獲得強化和增設了新條文,我將嚴厲對付觸犯煽動法令的人士,但內政部很需要總檢察署和大馬通訊及多媒體委員會的合作。” 播IS斬首短片刪血腥一幕 他在其總結近尾聲時,播放了“哈里發國”(IS)組織斬首人質的短片,藉此提醒和呼吁所有人,若大家不團結和不採取防範措施,此事可能會發生在大馬。 在短片播放時,會場內氣氛凝重,一片寧靜,代表聚精會神地注視大熒幕,一些婦女組代表甚至遮著眼睛,不敢直視熒幕。 無論如何,短片並沒有播出斬首的血腥一幕,在人質被推倒在地後,IS成員正要用刑時就結束。