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科幻英文页游《Lost realm》新马服 高清游戏画面 最优游戏质感
召唤所有Lost Realm英雄!科幻英文页游Lost realm即将在3月21日推出全新服务器“S7 Identical", 欢迎所有新马页游玩家加入Lost Realm, 一起享受至尊无上的游戏乐趣!
Lost Realm launches S7 Identical on 21 March 2014
Voomga (www.voomga.com) announces the launch of 7th new server for their MMORPG Lost Realm on 21 March.
Lost Realm new server “S7 Identical” goes live on 21st March 2014.
There will be a series of events to celebrate the official launch of S7 Identical with fabulous prizes and awesome adventures waiting!
All players, newbies and veterans are welcome to join us in S7 Identical, the new world in Lost Realm!
Lost Realm is a browser based MMORPG which uses the latest 3D technology and truly achieves the dream – 3D on web.
In Lost Realm, you are the only survival after a blood combat, but lost all the powers. You need to regain your powers, enchant gears to conquer the lost realm.
Minions, mounts and formations will make the battle more different. PVP system, team combat, solo and team instances, guild war, costumes will also enrich the game content.
With the opening of the new server, gamers are welcomed to start their adventure in this brand new world.
Check out more details on Lost Realm Facebook Fan page! Lost Realm is waiting to be discovered!
Facebook Fanpage: www.facebook.com/LostRealmOnline
Website: http://lr.voomga.com/
Forum: http://forum.voomga.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=122
本帖最后由 VoomgaMY 于 25-3-2014 11:14 AM 编辑
楼主 |
发表于 25-3-2014 11:15 AM
Lost Realm Server Merge Notice:
为让每一个喜欢《Lost Realm》的玩家提供更好更全面的游戏体验,享受到更多游戏的乐趣和挑战以及结识更多志同道合的战友;《Lost Realm》顺应广大玩家的要求,将在3月24日进行合服程序,服务器将根据维护操作时间完成,请玩家多留意。
Dear all,
As everyone expects, we will offer you a vaster world to explore, where new friends, fierce competitions and thrilling adventures await. Now take this chance to gain fame and glory! Are you ready?
1. S1-S4
2. S5-S6
14:00-16:00, March. 24th 2014
All rankings will be rearranged according to all players’ stats on the day of server merger.
Lost Realm Team
Fanpage: www.facebook.com/LostRealmOnline
Website: http://lr.voomga.com/
Forum: http://forum.voomga.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=122
Click HERE for Merge Carnival Event. 本帖最后由 VoomgaMY 于 25-3-2014 11:16 AM 编辑
楼主 |
发表于 9-4-2014 02:30 PM
Lost Realm Booster, Gears, Or Mounts. Never Choose Hard
Event -1 Boom’s Free Gift-Going on
Time: April 8th, 2014 to 23:59 Aril 10th 2014
Rewards: All players can get great free rewards:
Mystic Surprise*5
Gem Pack[7]*3
Gold Key*1
Event -2 Daily Login Rewards.
Time: April 8th, 2014 to 23:59 Aril 10th 2014
Rewards: During the event, when you login in LR, you will receive great rewards:
On 8th: VIP Points*30 Major EXP Charm*3 Tempering Orb*50
On 9th: VIP Points*50 Mount Potion*30 Minion Potion*30
On 10th: VIP Points*100 Attune Pack [Com]*1 Golden Key*1
Event-3 200% Experience
Time: 00:00 April 9th, 2014 to 23:59 Aril 9th 2014
Detail: During the time, it will give you 200% Exp when you kill monsters. Level up fast.
Event-4 Amass Fortunes. 3 Times Credits.
Time: April 8th, 2014 to 23:59 Aril 10th 2014
Detail: Invest Gold during the event and you will obtain multiplied Credits. Detail please check .
For more event info, kindly visit event page at:http://www.voomga.com/news_center/news_view/6502
Lost Realm official website: http://lr.voomga.com/ |
楼主 |
发表于 11-4-2014 10:48 AM
Say the magic word on 11 April 2014 Lost Realm New Server – S8 Magical
Lost Realm is proud to announce the launch of S8 Magical, the newest server, on April 11, 2014. There will be a series of events to celebrate the official launch of S8 Magical with fabulous prizes and awesome adventures waiting!
All players, newbies and veterans are welcome to join us in S8 Magical, the new world in Lost Realm!
Lost Realm is a browser based MMORPG which uses the latest 3D technology and truly achieves the dream – 3D on web.
In Lost Realm, you are the only survival after a blood combat, but lost all the powers. You need to regain your powers, enchant gears to conquer the lost realm.
Minions, mounts and formations will make the battle more different. PVP system, team combat, solo and team instances, guild war, costumes will also enrich the game content.
With the opening of the new server, gamers are welcomed to start their adventure in this brand new world.
Check out more details on Lost Realm Facebook Fan page! Lost Realm is waiting to be discovered!
Facebook Fanpage: www.facebook.com/LostRealmOnline
Website: http://lr.voomga.com/
Forum: http://forum.voomga.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=122 本帖最后由 VoomgaMY 于 28-4-2014 11:43 AM 编辑
楼主 |
发表于 28-4-2014 11:39 AM
高清英文页游Lost Realm版本更新啦!
Lost Realm-New Patch Update Announcement
久等了!高清英文页游Lost Realm最新版本已进行更新咯!各位Lost realm玩家又能遨游在更广大的迷幻世界里!
After long waiting of several months, we are very obliged to say: New Patch is coming. Find more exciting new contents and new challenges.
Time: 14:00-15:00 April 18th, 2014
Update Detail:
1.Open Minion's Soul Locker system.
2.Add Relic Quality.
3.Add new event, Realm Tycoon, , Territory War and Beast Battle ![](http://admin.voomga.com/themes/js/editor/attached/20140416/20140416151656_69480.png)
4.New Minion Morph Card, Moonlight Butterfly, Nian Mount Morph Card.
5.Add New Event, Divine Couple, Moonlight Spring![](http://admin.voomga.com/themes/js/editor/attached/20140416/20140416151945_47577.png)
6.Add Warehouse Function.
7.Open North Star 2(North Star 14th).
8.Ten tier Mount: Purple Dragon Lord
9.More attractive new functions, find in Lost Realm.
Lost Realm waiting to be discovered!
Lost Realm Team
Fanpage: www.facebook.com/LostRealmOnline
Website: http://lr.voomga.com/
Forum: http://forum.voomga.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=122 |
楼主 |
发表于 2-5-2014 02:03 PM
300% More EXP! More Booster! Lost Realm wishes you a Happy Labour Day 2014!
欢庆劳动节!Lost Realm给您300%更多的经验值及礼品!
又是一年一度的劳动节,除了藉着节日感恩劳工为国家及经济发展带来的贡献,玩家们在劳动节这天还能做些什么呢?没错,就是登入Lost Realm,享受我们为您带来的劳动节礼物啦!
从2014年4月29日开始至5月3日,玩家每日登入Lost Realm都能获得丰富的奖品,其中包括黄金钥匙,VIP点数,各式各样的增强剂等等!不怕你拿太多,就怕你不来拿!
This Labour Day Lost Real will be having a set of events lined up just for you. Take this opportunity to take part in these events and bring back awesome rewards!
Event Period: April 29th, 2014 to 23:59 May 3th 2014
Rewards: All players can get great free rewards:
April 29th: Golden Key*1 VIP Points*200
April 30th: INT Booster L1*1 Minion Potion*30 Charm of money*1
May 1st: STR Booster L1*1 Star Booster*3 Mount Potion*30
May 2nd: Credits*500 Gem Pack [5]*5 Tempering Orb*30
May 3rd: Element Scroll [1]*10 Less Package*2 Gem Pack[10]*1
Event-2 300% Experience
Time: 00:00 May 1st, 2014 to 23:59 May 1st 2014
Detail: During the time, it will give you 300% Exp when you kill monsters. The more you defeat, the higher Level you'll reach.
For more Labour Day events, kindly visit Lost Realm Official website at:
楼主 |
发表于 6-5-2014 04:05 PM
感恩的季节 高清英文页游Lost Realm给您双倍奖赏与金钥匙!
Double Free Rewards. Get More Golden Key. Pick Your Own Rewards
五月是康乃馨飘香的季节,在这充满感恩的节日里,高清英文页游Lost Realm给您带来超值活动,给予所有玩家双倍的奖励!双倍的金钥匙!
Lost Realm祝福全天下的妈妈:“母亲节快乐!"
Event -1 Boom’s Free Gift-Going on
Time: May 4th, 2014 to 23:59 May 6th 2014
Rewards: All players can get great free rewards:
May 4th: Element Scroll [1]*20 Less Package*4 Gem Pack[10]*2
May 5th: Credits*500 Gem Pack [5]*5 Tempering Orb*30
May 6th: Mark·Wrath [L2]*1 Mark·Solace [L2]*1 HP Booster L2*1
Event -2 Spending Rewards.
Time: May 4th, 2014 to 23:59 May 6th 2014
For more details kindly visit Lost Realm Official website at:
楼主 |
发表于 9-5-2014 11:40 AM
Celebrate the month of Carnation in Lost Realm New Server S9 Bicycle awaits your arrival on 9 May 2014, 14:00
全球首款英文版仙侠3D网页游戏Lost Realm开启全新服务器S9 Bicycle
Voomga (www.voomga.com) announces the launch of 9th new server for their MMORPG Lost Realm on 9 May 2014.
趣游(www.voomga.com)为新马玩家引进全球首款英文版仙侠3D网页游戏Lost Realm,势必挑起您对3D游戏的热情! 同时,为满足玩家的需求,Lost Realm将在5月9日开启全新服务器Bicycle, 让您遨游在新世界里,享受3D高清画质及优质游戏的乐趣!
“Lost Realm拥有最引人入胜的游戏画面及最齐全的游戏系统,从布阵、技能、宠物、天书、幻化系统到极具特色的地宫系统等等,都能让玩家无可自拔地投入Lost Realm的迷离幻境。
此外,Lost Realm玩家也可以通过系统增加角色属性及解锁上阵人数,在参与击杀BOSS活动时体验刺激澎湃的感受。”
Lost Realm new server “S9 Bicycle” goes live on 9 May 2014, 14:00.
There will be a series of events to celebrate the official launch of S9 Bicycle with fabulous prizes and awesome adventures waiting! All players, newbies and veterans are welcome to join us in S9 Bicycle, the new world in Lost Realm!
Besides, to celebrate Mother’s day and the launching of new server, you are invited to take part in Lost Realm latest event: “Pick Up Your Own Rewards” which will be starting on 7 May until 9 May 2014.
During event period, players who login to Lost Realm game play are entitled to get fabulous FREE gift and rewards. So, don’t miss this opportunity to upgrade your heroes in Lost Realm!
Check out more details on Lost Realm Facebook Fan page! Lost Realm is waiting to be discovered!
Facebook Fanpage: www.facebook.com/LostRealmOnline
Website: http://lr.voomga.com/
楼主 |
发表于 15-5-2014 03:01 PM
Lost Realm New Peach Rewards. Booster Time.
桃子,汁多味美,芳香诱人,色泽艳丽,营养丰富。Lost Realm也会在游戏内大派桃子喔!只要在活动期间参与活动,采摘新鲜桃子就有机会赢取黄金钥匙、宝石礼包等等!
Change Pick Up Peaches Rewards
Time: May 13th, 2014 to 23:59 May 15th 2014
A. Pick peaches for 50 times: Golden Key*2
B. Pick peaches for 100 times: Gem Pack[12]*2
C. Pick peaches for 200 times: Booster Pack*2
1. Wave Rewards: Golden Key and Star Booster L11 Materials Drops besides normal rewards.
2. Hit Rewards: Booster Pack, Golden Key*2 and Gem Pack[12].
3. Shake Rewards: Star Booster L11*1
What’s more, you can get more Mount and Minion and Gear materials. For more information, please check here: http://www.voomga.com/news_center/news_view/6676
楼主 |
发表于 21-5-2014 10:13 AM
Accumulated Rewards:Get 300% EXP and Beef Mooncake Drops Good
亲爱的Lost Realm玩家:
为了丰富周末时光,Lost Realm特别开启《Accumulated Rewards:Get 300% EXP and Beef Mooncake Drops Good》活动,玩家只要在活动期间打怪将获得双倍经验,且此双倍效果可以与多倍经验药的效果叠加,升级之路更加快捷!具体活动时间请留意官方公告。
300%经验值狂欢盛宴,更刺激的精彩体验,等你来。感谢广大玩家对Lost Realm的支持!
更多活动详情,请查阅Lost Realm官网:http://www.voomga.com/news_center/news_view/6691
楼主 |
发表于 21-5-2014 10:26 AM
Lost Realm 10% Off Sale. More Boosters
最美英文页游Lost Realm商城促销 10%优惠只给忠实玩家
Lost Realm商城促销活动开始了!只要在活动期间到Lost Realm商城内消费,都可以得到10%的优惠喔!这么好康,你们可千万不要错过!优惠期有限!
更多活动详情,请参阅Lost Realm官方网站:http://www.voomga.com/news_center/news_view/6698
楼主 |
发表于 26-5-2014 11:15 AM
Lost Realm Get more Giftpack. Minion Tier Up.
大家好!高清英文页游Lost Realm活动又开始咯!各位大大知道吗?原来5月23日是日本的《KISS节》(キスの日)!为什么呢?原来啊,日本第一部出现吻戏的电影是在1946年5月23日上映的!所以5月23日才会变成日本人口中的《KISS节》,原因非常单纯吧?
不管怎样,在这天除了给身边亲爱的亲人和爱人来个亲吻表达谢意和爱意,也别忘了参加Lost Realm的活动咯!没错,就是5月23日开始的《Get more GiftPack, Minion Tier up》活动啦!
楼主 |
发表于 29-5-2014 11:54 AM
Lost Realm Rank Rewards. Mystic Free Rewards
五月又来到尾声了,转眼间2014年就过了一半了!玩家们有什么新的规划吗?有无停下脚步检视过去半年的自己?高清英文页游Lost Realm为您带来最新活动“Rank Rewads". 您是排行榜上的英雄吗?那你肯定会有奖励了!
本帖最后由 VoomgaMY 于 29-5-2014 11:55 AM 编辑
楼主 |
发表于 2-6-2014 12:11 PM
Lost Realm复仇者的大奖赏
Lost Realm Streak Free Rewards Covers More
能够上得了战场,不是英雄也是枭雄! 这个端午节,最美高清英文页游Lost Realm为您带来“Lost Realm Streak Free Rewards Covers More”活动,只要在Arena战场内斗出成绩,您就有机会获得非常丰富的奖励了,英雄们,记得赴约喔!
Lost Realm祝大家6月2日端午节快乐!
更多活动详情,请参阅Lost Realm官网:http://www.voomga.com/news_center/news_view/6743
楼主 |
发表于 9-6-2014 11:09 AM
楼主 |
发表于 24-6-2014 10:13 AM
Lost Realm Shining Gems. Tempering Event.
高清英文页游Lost realm让您如宝石般发光
没人不喜欢宝石,包括武艺高强的Lost realm大侠们! 因Lost realm了解大侠们爱财取之有道的精神,特别为大侠们举办了“Shining Gems.Tempering Event"活动,让大侠们能够通过最正当的管道获得闪闪发光的宝石!
欲知更多详情,请参考:http://www.voomga.com/news_center/news_view/6767 |
楼主 |
发表于 24-6-2014 10:22 AM
Lost Realm Best Time to Make Stronger. Booster Major
高清英文页游Lost Realm要您更强 天下无敌
遇强则强,是英雄们追求武艺最高的境界。当然,一山还有一山高,强中自有强中手,真正的英雄是不会放弃追逐最强高手这个称号的念头!高清英文页游Lost Realm推出“Best Time to Make Stronger. Booster Major”活动,就是助各英雄一臂之力,让你们攀上武艺最高峰!
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