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Polish woman raped in India while travelling with daughter—police
NEW DELHI – A Polish woman was drugged and raped as she traveled to the Indian capital with her two-year-daughter, police said Sunday, the latest in a string of sexual attacks on women in the country.
* The woman, 33, and her daughter were travelling in a taxi from the city of Mathura where they live to New Delhi last Thursday when she was allegedly raped by the driver.
The driver drugged the woman at some point during the 150-kilo meter (93-mile) journey and she was attacked after she passed out, Delhi police spokes man Rajan Bhagat told AFP.
新德里警方发言人Rajan Bhagat称,在150英里的路程中,大约行驶了93英里后该女子被下药,并在昏迷之后遭遇了袭击
The woman woke up on a bench outside a railway station in New Delhi with her toddler crying by her side, the officer said, adding that details of the attack were still unknown.
She and her daughter had been waiting on a busy road in Mathura for a taxi to take them to the capital when the driver approached.

楼主 |
发表于 9-1-2014 08:48 PM
Snacky Pack 48 points 1 day ago
Why the f*ck are women still visiting India. Even as a male, India is one of the last places I'd like to visit
Neo tropic l 3 points 1 day ago
A friend of mine travelled to India with a female companion, who left early because of the non- stop groping.
Dot Dot Dash h 39 points 1 day ago
I will never go to India. Not to offend any one but it really seems like a f*cked up place.
Ben Chode fox 1 point 1 day ago
India is a very cheap country to visit and have a good time. It's still generally very safe as well (and it's very possible to get raped in countries other than India.)
Gull man suck 161 points 2 days ago
Stop going there. May be when tourism drops to nil they will figure it out.
Booger son steve 7 points 1 day ago
india looks f*cking dirty. i can not under stand why people think it's "beautiful". it looks filthy.

楼主 |
发表于 9-1-2014 08:49 PM
A l chem 6 points 1 day ago
i guess they can hold it in pretty damn good...l o l
The Girl friend Says all 2 points 1 day ago
I will never ever go to India. f*ck all that shit. I'm going to stick to Europe & asian countries that aren't f*cked up.
Fark dog bite 46 points 2 days ago
The driver drugged the woman at some point during the 150-kilo meter (93-mile) journey and she was attacked after she passed out. I'm even more shocked about the 2-year- old daughter. It's amazing that she was not abducted or some thing while the mother was passed out.
V j prasad 97 points 1 day ago
India is a tourists night mare. Full of pollution, lack of toilets and rapists. Every corner of street you will see poverty, human/cow feces and pick pockets. People should avoid India as a tourist destination.
I Am Super Bam bi 39 points 1 day ago
What the hell is happening in my country??l! I feel ashamed to call my self an Indian. Almost every day I hear a news report about rape or molestation. But what can we do? Day changes to night, seasons pass, governments change, but still the same old shit. On one side we have rich suburbs, nice people and a friendly environment. On the other side of the coin we have a country where we respect cows more than we respect women. :l(
jus_ chil lin -4 points 1 day ago
You know that rape exists every where

楼主 |
发表于 9-1-2014 08:49 PM
That One Brony Dude 6 points 1 day ago
Of course! It happened in F U C K I N G INDIA. Where else?
The great brah 7 points 1 day ago
Why do people continue to visit india?
Tritter a lot 2 points 1 day ago
If you read the article, it says she was actually living there. So it s not a polish tourist but a polish woman living there.
Osama bin smoking 39 points 1 day ago
and try your best not to be a woman.
S j s 16 points 1 day ago
Polish woman raped in India while travelling with daughter. And no one will be arrested, because it's India.

楼主 |
发表于 9-1-2014 08:50 PM
Shang he li 49 points 1 day ago
In some parts of the world cavemen still exist.
Zla tan l 3 points 1 day ago
I was sure there were rapists every where, not in some parts of the world.
Z nigify v 14 points 1 day ago
Coming from an Indian, please do not bother coming to India for your holidays it's too risky and really not worth it.
Raich is s l 1 point 1 day ago
Rape is under reported in general (especially in places like India), but vastly over reported on Red dit (especially in places like India).
Grey Mog 34 points 1 day ago
India still has female tourists??
The alpha male l 14 points 1 day ago
I feel so sorry for her. Women should be warned about the immense dangers of visiting India, it simply isn't a safe place at all, there's been too many reports about these savage animals sexually assaulting women. Just imagine how many rapes go unreported in India.

楼主 |
发表于 9-1-2014 08:51 PM
Mr Yamagu chi 11 points 1 day ago
Is this becoming a daily thing with India now?
Red moss l 8 points 1 day ago
Every one just...stop going to India for a while.
Ted_ lives hell 2 points 1 day ago
I want to travel the world with my girl friend but I'm afraid of rape. Not a joke. I used to be scared of people that just hate americans
Ich bin laden 3 points 1 day ago
And Indian men wonder why no body wants to date them. Or be alone in an elevator with them.
Stop this shit.
Offensive South erner 6 points 1 day ago
People need to stop freaking out about rape. It's not that big of a deal...women were probably going to use their vagina for the same thing any way.
Tare kali [h] 3 points 1 day ago
When will people learn? Rape is not a serious crime in India. Stop f@$king risking yourselves and your loved ones. Go to Thailand for beauty and spirituality instead.
Love dat cocain eyo 1 point 1 day ago
It s pretty funny that most sexual assaults in my city are mostly done by Indian/Bengali/sri Lankan e t c... I live in Canada.

楼主 |
发表于 9-1-2014 08:52 PM
日本不是要联合印度对付中国嘛,那就请日本派出AV女优去慰劳慰劳印度男人 |
发表于 9-1-2014 09:01 PM
这群人好像不曾阅读新闻, 全世界都知道印度是强奸之国, 居然还去印度旅行, 真是自找的 |
发表于 9-1-2014 10:00 PM
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