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1/3 基督教徒说叙利亚战争是圣经预言实现,耶稣要来了,Very Good!

发表于 16-9-2013 01:45 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
调查:1/3 美国人说叙利亚冲突是末日预言应验
Syria Conflict Indicates Armageddon, Say One Third Of Americans (SURVEY)
09/14/2013 8:51 am EDT




32% 的美国人赞同叙利亚战争符合圣经的预言

26% 的美国人赞同美国派兵攻打叙利亚或许可以帮助圣经预言应验

20% 的美国人赞同世界会在他们有生之年结束


Most things aren't really the end of the world, but one-third of Americans who were surveyed believe that the Syria conflict is an indication that our days are numbered. A biblical passage which prophesies the destruction of Damascus and links it to the coming of Armageddon is leading many people to think that the current violence is an apocalyptic omen.

A LifeWay Research poll asked 1,001 people if they agreed with the statement, "I believe the battles in Syria are all part of the prophecies of the Book of Revelation," and 32 percent of them said yes.

Twenty-six percent agreed with the assertion that "U.S. military intervention in Syria might lead to the Battle of Armageddon that’s spoken about in the Book of Revelation."

Gender played a role in responses, as women were more likely than men to draw a corollary between Biblical prophecy and the current situation in Syria.

Location and income also skewed the results, with Southerners and members of households making less than $25,000 per year being much more likely to connect Syria with the end of days.

In addition, one in five people polled agreed with the statement, "I believe the world will end in my lifetime."

Isaiah 17:1 is one of the passages most frequently referenced when relating Syria to the end of the world. It states:

The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. (King James version)

Ed Stetzer, president of LifeWay Research, was surprised by the results of the survey. He said that previous U.S. military actions like the war in Afghanistan or 1990s air strikes on Bosnia "didn't get the same reaction." However, Syria's shared border with Israel, as well as the explicit Biblical mention of Damascus, may account for the significant number of affirmative responses.

Stetzer said that he could see why attaching Biblical significance to the Syria conflict would appeal to many Christians, because, "For Christians, the end of the world doesn’t mean despair. The end is really a new beginning.”


本帖最后由 JowY 于 16-9-2013 01:47 PM 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 16-9-2013 02:00 PM | 显示全部楼层

The second coming of Jesus is linked with the city of Damascus in both Christian and Muslim scripture, and some are interpreting those verses as an indication that the current Syria conflict points to the imminent return of Christ.

Muslims also believe in the second coming of Jesus, which is mentioned in Surat An-Nisa, which says:

And there is none from the People of the Scripture but that he will surely believe in Jesus before his death. And on the Day of Resurrection he will be against them a witness. (Sahih International translation)

More specifically, these Muslims quote a hadith that relates to Damascus and Jesus' second coming. Sahih Muslim Book 41, Hadith 7015says:

...Allah would send Christ, son of Mary, and he will descend at the white minaret in the eastern side of Damascus wearing two garments lightly dyed with saffron and placing his hands on the wings of two Angels.

However, in the Muslim tradition, Jesus descends before the destruction happens.


David Lose of Luther Seminary, author of "Making Sense of Scripture," also weighed in to The Huffington Post about the problems with literally interpreting prophetic verses, "Some read almost any prophetic utterances as blueprints about the future, rather than as metaphors meant to inspire hope and offer comfort in the present. If that's your lens, then the Bible is full of clues through which to read current events.

Lose suggests that the reason that some are driven to interpret the Bible in that way is because "it gives them a sense of security to have a way of figuring out the time-table for the end of days."


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 楼主| 发表于 16-9-2013 04:36 PM | 显示全部楼层

A Christian school in the Netherlands, Pieter Zandt Scholengemeenschap, was horrified to find an allegedlysatanic symbol in its latest student agenda, asking parents and students to return the planners for shredding.

That symbol? A peace sign.

School board chairman Johan van Puten told Dutch newspaper Trouw that a Google search revealed that the peace sign allegedly contains a Nero cross, which was used in Roman times to represent the torture of Christians, and now apparently has Satanist connotations. It also has connotations with Nazism, as the Teach Peace Foundation writes that it was used as the symbol for Hitler's 3rd Panzer Division.  

Blog Goedgelovig reported that in order to prevent students from using inappropriate planners, Pieter Zandt requires all students to use the official, school-published agenda, though it allows for some creativity by allowing a few students to design it each year. They added tips, jokes, quotes from scripture, and pictures, but now it seems their work was in vain.



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发表于 18-9-2013 04:16 PM | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 18-9-2013 04:50 PM | 显示全部楼层
freeman_long 发表于 18-9-2013 04:16 PM


重点是- 有人信,而且还不少。


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发表于 18-9-2013 05:31 PM | 显示全部楼层
JowY 发表于 18-9-2013 04:50 PM
重点是- 有人信,而且还不少。



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PeterTan + 4 我很赞同



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