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发表于 2-5-2013 06:32 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

当你们在排队或投票学校范围遇到外劳,千万别叫他唱国歌,因为这是违反了选举法令因为你企图确认他们的身份。如果真的遇到,假装和他们普通聊天,比如 ”你住哪里的?第一次投票吗?之前没看过你在这里的“之类的话,如果他们开始答非所问或者紧张,立刻通知附近的 ABU 成员或者民联的成员,他们懂要怎么做的!

如果你是监票员,你遇到外劳怀疑他们的身份,你可以要求 Ketua Tempat Mengundi (KTM) 检查他们的身份,但是你不能阻止他们投票。因为根据选举法令,只要选民的名字和身份证号码有在选民册里,而他的身份证也对的话,你不能拒绝他们投票,但是你只能要求 KTM 让他们填 Borang 11,记得要和 KTM 拿一个副本给你的 Ketua PACABA,因为这个可以作为证据,有什么问题抓人之后是可以补选的。千万要检查和确定选委会是否为你们准备这些表格,假如没有准备,你们要自备这些表格。



Urgent Message from Bersih 4.0

When you encounter foreign workers in the queue or within the school area, do not ask him to sing the national anthem, because it is a violation of the Elections Act because you are attempting to verify their identity. If you really met a phantom voter, you can pretend to chat with them, ask questions like "Where do you live? Are you first time voter? Have not seen you before around here, that kind of topics, if they start to get nervous or cannot speak in Malay, you must immediately notify the nearest Asal Bukan Umno (ABU) members or members of Pakatan Rakyat, they know how to act!

If you are a Polling Agent, when you encounter foreign workers and doubt their identity, you can request KTM to check their identity, but you cannot stop them from voting. According to the Elections Act, as long as the voter's name and identity card number in the voter registration list, and his identity card is valid, then, you cannot stop them to vote, but you can ask Ketua Tempat Mengundi (KTM) to let them fill in Borang 11, remember to get a copy from KTM and submit to the PACABA Head, because this can be used as evidence if the foreign worker is a phantom voter. And, do remember to check and make sure SPR Personnel get ready this form. If SPR did not provide, then PACABA Personnel should bring along the forms.

After voting, don't go back home immediately. Hang around and chat outside the polling centre for a while to assist ABU or Pakatan Rakyat members to detect the phantom voters. Please at least do this little bit for your country. We want clean and fair election! May God bless us all.


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发表于 2-5-2013 06:49 PM | 显示全部楼层

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