南传佛法一定常常听到NA MO BUDH DHA YA 这五个字
NA MO BUDH DHA YA 是代表五位佛的缩写
NA 代表 : Gakusandho Buddha
MO 代表 : Gonakamano Buddha
BUDH 代表 : Gassapo Buddha
DHA 代表: Sakayamuni Kotama Buddha 这是这个时代的佛
YA 代表: Sri Ariyametrai Buddha 这是代表未来的佛
About Lek Watruak
"Lek Watruak" is the author's very well-known penname which has been used for writing Thai amulets for about 30 years. Lek, a native Bangkokian, was born to Chinese parants and grew up in Bangkok's China Town outskirt area of Chinese community.
Lek had graduated a Bachelor degree from Thailand's oldest and most famous Chulalongkorn University and furthered higher studies in the United States.
Lek is one of the most famous Thai amulets magazine pioneers, and was the Executive Editor for a most famous Thai amulets magazine SianPhra for 20 years, and now the Senior Writer for the magazine. Lek has written more than 2,000 Thai amulet articles and features as well as more than 10 best-seller books on Thai amulets.
Since 1999 that Lek has been writing for his own Thai amulet websites to serve Thai amulet enthusiasts around the world. Apart from writing job, Lek also oversees his personal business related to computer fields.