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CCIM, CPM, CIPS 那个比较好?

发表于 30-12-2007 03:08 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
CCIM, CPM, CIPS 那个比较好?还有其它更好的国际认证文凭课程吗?谢谢。

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 楼主| 发表于 30-12-2007 09:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
Real Estate Designations and Certifications   
            GRI – Graduate, REALTOR® Institute is a nationally recognized       educational institute dedicated to furthering the fundamental knowledge       and skills of REALTORS® with less than five years experience.  The       GRI series is also available to more experienced real estate practitioners       to help them stay current on timely issues and to freshen and reinforce       their basic skills.   
      The GRI designation is earned by completing         a national program of specialized and advanced education for the licensed         REALTOR®. It involves intense study, covering many special aspects of         real estate such as residential marketing, cost basis, appreciation methods,         investment real estate, construction, real estate tax concepts, exchanges,         capital gains, and various types of mortgage programs.      
This designation may only be earned after         successfully completing a rigorous educational program. This program requires       92 hours of live course instruction from a statewide faculty selected         because of extensive experience in their own areas of expertise.
        For more information contact NAR at  202-383-1201 or visit their Web page at www.edesignations.com         or email at [email protected].

A REALTOR® holds a real estate license from the state and is a member of       the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, C.A.R., a local board or association,       and has pledged to abide by NAR's Code of Ethics.

      ABR – Accredited Buyer Representative is a designation from       the Real Estate Buyer’s Agent Council that trains experienced REALTORS®       in specifically representing the real estate consumer.        The ABR designation is awarded to real estate         practitioners who complete a comprehensive two-day REBAC course         in buyer representation, achieve a passing grade on the written examination,         demonstrate practical experience by completing and closing five real estate         transactions in which the candidate functioned as a buyer's representative         and who maintain a membership in good standing with the National Association         of REALTORS® and the Real Estate BUYER'S AGENT Council.
        For more information contact REBAC (Real Estate BUYER’S AGENT Council)       Customer Service at 1-800-648-6224, email to      [email protected] or visit their       Web page at www.rebac.net
                ABRM – Accredited Buyer Representative Manager is geared         to real estate firm brokers, owners and managers that have or wish to         incorporate buyer representation into their daily practice, designees         have taken and passed both the ABR® and ABRM course and provided documentation         of past management experience.      
The ABRM designation is awarded real estate         practitioners who complete a comprehensive two-day REBAC ABR® course         in buyer representation and passing or challenging the written examination,         complete the comprehensive one-day REBAC ABRM course in buyer representation,         successfully passing  the  written examination, certification         that the broker/owner/manager has overseen a minimum of 25 real estate         transactions that involved a buyer agent or had more than 2 years of experience         in the oversight of buyer representatives and be a member in good standing         with the National Association of REALTORS® and the Real Estate Buyer's         Agent Council.
      For more information contact REBAC (Real Estate BUYER’S AGENT Council)       Customer Service at 1-800-648-6224, email to      [email protected] or visit their       Web page at www.rebac.net

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 楼主| 发表于 30-12-2007 09:24 PM | 显示全部楼层

            ALC – Accredited Land Consultant are the recognized experts       in land brokerage transactions of five specialized types: (1) farms and       ranches; (2) undeveloped tracts of land; (3) transitional and development       land; (4) subdivision and wholesaling of lots; and (5) site selection and       assemblage of land parcels. Acquire valuable skills through educational       offerings leading to the ALC designation.       The ALC designation is awarded to a petitioner         that is a member in good standing of the Realtors Land Institute, has         3 or more years of experience as a REALTOR®, successfully complete         five RLI Land University core courses and one RLI Land University elective         course in Investment Analysis, Subdivision Development, Agricultural         Land, Transitional Land, Tax Ideas with Exchanging and Creative Real Estate,         Tax Ideas and Strategies for Selling Real Estate, Site Selection, and         Land Planning and Design.
      REALTORS® Land Institute. For information         on the ALC designation call 1-800-441-5263 or visit their Web page at         www.rliland.com,         E-mail RLI at [email protected].
            ARM – Accredited Residential Manager is the designation       awarded by IREM to specialists who manage residential property. The designation       is for individuals that manage rental apartment complexes, rental mobile       homes, rental condominiums, rental single-family homes, single-room occupancy       apartments (SROs), homeowners' associations or indivuals that are resident       managers, property managers, or asset managers.        To become a ARM, one must complete a minimum         of 5 points from IREM courses. Each course is worth between one and         six education points, depending on the length and complexity of the course.
      Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM).         Contact Customer Service at 1-800-837-0706, Ext. 4405, visit their Web         page at www.irem.org.

            CAM – Certified Apartment Manager is a nationally recognized       certification and education program for resident managers.  Upon completion       of the CAM course, the resident manager has been equipped with the proven       management tools and techniques to cope with the diverse problems of apartment       management, maintenance, resident relations and marketing.
            CBR –  Certified Buyer Representativeis a by REALTOR® Boards and Associations throughout the United States.REALTORS® with the CBR designation are taught the street skillsnecessary to both help buyers find their desired property and to helpthem negotiate for that property in a non-adversarial manner. a coursesponsored by REALTOR® Boards and Associations throughout the UnitedStates. REALTORS® with the CBR designation are taught the street skillsnecessary to both help buyers find their desired property and to helpthem negotiate for that property in a non-adversarial manner. This designation may be earned by completing 3 consecutive days of intensive buyer agency training.
      For more information contact CBR Hotline         at 1-800-275-7388 or visit their Web page at www.cbrsource.com.         

            CCIM – Certified Commercial Investment Member designation has       been the mark of a professional in commercial and investment real estate       since 1968.  The CCIM can be earned by REALTORS® as well as mortgage       bankers, tax or real estate attorneys, financial planners and managers,       investment advisors, officers of development companies and other real estate       professionals.       This designation may be earned after successfully         completing four graduate-level courses and an introductory overview         course.
        Commercial Investment Real Estate Institute (CIREI) Call 1-800-621-7027,         or visit the CCIM Web Site at www.ccim.com

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 楼主| 发表于 30-12-2007 09:24 PM | 显示全部楼层
            CIPS – Certified International Property Specialist is an international       real estate education course sponsored by REALTOR® Boards and Associations       throughout the United States. Designees are relied upon as a resource for       experts in the international real estate market.       This designation may be earned after successfully         completing an intensive seven-day program of study focusing on         critical aspects of transnational transactions, including currency and         exchange rate issues, and cross-cultural relationships, regional market         conditions, investment performance, tax issues and more. U.S. members         must be a REALTOR® and a member of the National Association of REALTORS®.
        For information visit their web site at www.cipsnetwork.com         or email the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®. at [email protected]
            CPM – Certified Property Manager designation is the oldest and       most prestigious achievement in property management.  It is awarded       to property managers whose experience, education and ethical standards warrant       such distinction.  CPMs are experts in managing apartments, office       buildings, commercial centers and homeowners’ associations and are informed       on tax laws insurance regulations, and critical investment factors.       To become a CPM, one must complete a combination         of core and elective requirements. One will need 260 points --160         required points and 100 elective points - in addition to meeting some         other criteria unrelated to the point system.
      Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM).         Contact Customer Service at 1-800-837-0706, Ext. 4405, visit their Web         page at www.irem.org.

            CRB – Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager has been a symbol       of management excellence in real estate brokerage since 1969.  The       program is open to REALTORS® who want to learn every aspect of brokerage       management, human behavior skills, recruitment and training techniques.        The designation helps to develop sound financial and marketing programs       and information how to communicate effectively.       The CRB designation is earned by successfully         completing eighteen credits, have a minimum of 75 transactions         within the last five consecutive years, and accumulate 10 points by having         either bachelor's, master's or Ph.D. in real estate, or one of the following         designations: CCIM, CIPS,CPM,CRB, GRI. They may also accumulated points         by taking CRS Courses in addition to the three required core CRS Courses         or by completing transactions the last five consecutive years, in addition         to the 75 core transactions required. Applicants are required to submit         a letter from their local board verifying current membership.
      Council of Real Estate Brokerage Managers.         Call 1-800-621-8738, or visit their Web site at www.crb.com         for more information.

            CRE – Counselor of Real Estate is a member of The Counselors       of Real Estate, an international group of recognized professionals who provide       seasoned, objective advice on real property and land-related matters. Only       1,000 practitioners throughout the world carry the CRE designation. Membership       is by invitation only.       Membership is selective, extended         by invitation only on either a sponsored or self-initiated basis. The         organization’s CRE® Designation (The Counselor of Real Estate) is awarded         to all members in recognition of superior problem solving ability in various         areas of specialization such as litigation support, asset management,         valuation, feasibility studies, acquisitions/dispositions, and general         analysis
      The Counselors of Real Estate. Contact 1-312-329-8427         or visit www.cre.org/.

            CREA- Certified Real Estate Appraiser This designation is for the       professional, state-licensed and certified appraiser who performs appraisals       on residential, vacant land, small commercial and other properties. Contact       info: NAR's Real Estate Appraisal Section, (800) 354-2397

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 楼主| 发表于 30-12-2007 09:25 PM | 显示全部楼层

            CRIA - Certified Realty Investment Associate is a designation from       the Realty Investment Association of California (RIAOC), for attendees at       a series of 12 - 3-hour seminars covering the practical aspects of       Commercial and Investment real estate. Participants will become more knowledgeable       and professional in dealing with clients and in transactions with other       agents. These are "nuts and bolts" seminars presented by experienced       "hands-on" brokers and specialists in the field of Commercial       and Investment real estate.       Realty Investment Association of California.     Contact 714-544-6604 or visit www.riaoc.com   

            CRS – Certified Residential Specialist has been a symbol of       achievement in education and residential sales experience since 1977.        The CRS program is open to REALTORS® who want to keep abreast of the latest       sales and marketing techniques, enhance their professionalism, and increase       their earning power.       This designation may be earned after successfully completing CRS 200 plus two additional Council courses and a minimum         75 transactions within the last five consecutive years.
      Council of Residential Specialists. Contact         Member Services at 1-800-462-8841, visit their Web site at www.crs.com.

            GAA – General Accredited Appraiser. Certified general appraisers       wishing to increase their visibility should consider pursuing the GAA designation.       The GAA designation is awarded to appraisers whose education and experience       exceed state appraisal certification requirements and is supported by the       NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®.       This designation may be earned by being a         State General Appraiser. Have a  minimum of 1,000 hours experience         in addition to the experience required to obtain state certification and       60 hours of tested course work in addition to the Appraiser Qualification         Board's education requirement at the time of certification
      For more information contact NATIONAL ASSOCIATION         OF REALTORS® at 1-800-354-2397, or 312-329-8821 or visit their Webpage         at www.narappraisalsource.com

            Performance Management NetworkThe Performance Management Network (PMN) Designation is unique to theREALTOR® family designations, focusing on the idea that in order toenhance your business, you must enhance yourself. The curriculum isdriven by the following topics: negotiating strategies and tactics,networking and referrals, business planning & systems, personalperformance management and cultural differences in buying and selling.
      This designation may be earned by successfully completing at least three PMN designation courses and by submitting documented evidence of closed referral transactions.
        For more information contact          the Women's Council of REALTORS ® at  1-800-245-8512,        or visit their Webpage  at www.wcr.org

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 楼主| 发表于 30-12-2007 09:25 PM | 显示全部楼层

            Quality Service Certified® designation may be the most important       credential a real estate professional can hold. A Quality Service Certified®       sales professional is held to a standard which requires accountability,       reliability and consistency - the ongoing delivery of quality service on       each transaction.       The Quality Service Certification® training         program can be completed by attending a live presentation or by taking         the course online.
        Quality Service Certification, Inc. at 1-888-547-4QSC (4772), visit www.QualityCertified.org,         e-mail to [email protected].         

            RAA – Residential Accredited Appraiser. Certified residential       appraisers wishing to increase their visibility should consider pursuing       the RAA designation. The RAA designation is awarded to appraisers whose       education and experience exceed state appraisal certification requirements       and is supported by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® .       This designation may be earned by being a         State Certified Residential or General Appraiser. Have a minimum of 1,000         hours experience in addition to the experience required to obtain state         certification and 45 hours of tested course work in addition to         the Appraiser Qualification Board's education requirement at the time         of certification.
      For more information contact NATIONAL ASSOCIATION         OF REALTORS® at 1-800-354-2397, or 312-329-8821 or visit their Webpage         at www.narappraisalsource.com
            RCE – REALTOR® Association Certified Executive. Association       executives interested in demonstrating commitment to the field of REALTOR®       association management should pursue the RCE designation. AEs are recognized       for their specialized industry knowledge and their association achievements       and experience.       This designation may be earned by successfully completing 3 exams and also meeting the following guidelines: RCE         is open to all full-time employees of a local or state association of         REALTORS® , wholly- owned REALTOR® association subsidiary corporation,         or regional multiple listing service owned by a REALTOR® association.         Also one must have 5 years years REALTOR® association experience and be         a current CAE designee (Certified Association Executive offered by ASAE).
      For more information please vist their website         at www.rceonline.com         or email  at [email protected]

            SIOR – Society of Industrial and Office REALTORS®. Individuals       certified with the SIOR designation are top producers in industrial and       office real estate brokerage, representing more than 800 offices in over       350 cities worldwide. The Society’s mandatory recertification requirement       assures clients of the designee’s excellence in the fast changing commercial       brokerage field.       This designation may be earned after successfully         completing a comprehensive membership entrance examination; or hold a         CCIM or RICS designation; or complete thirty credit hours         of approved commercial real estate coursework based on various criteria         and completing the Society's ethics and professional standards module         (a half-day seminar).
      Society of Industrial and Office REALTORS®         Contact Membership at 202-737-8763, visit www.sior.com.
            SRES - Seniors Real Estate Specialist. REALTORS® with the “SRES”       designation help seniors make wise decisions about selling the family home,       buying rental property or managing the capital gains and tax implications       of owning real estate. By earning the “SRES” designation, the REALTORS®       has demonstrated that they have the requisite knowledge, experience and       expertise to be a senior’s real estate specialist and counselor.       This designation may be earned after completing         a 2 day class or home study.
      For more information contact the Senior Real         Estate Specialist at 800.500.4564, or visit: [url]www.seniorsrealestate.com[/url]

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 楼主| 发表于 30-12-2007 09:26 PM | 显示全部楼层


                At Home with Diversity Certification – The        NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®  has developed a comprehensive        cultural diversity outreach program that will help real estate companies        diversify their workplaces and improve the national association's relevance        to minority clientele.           This designation may be earned after successfully completing              a 6-8 hour program.
          For more information contact NAR at 1-202-383-1201 or visit their            Web page at www.realtor.org/diversity            or email at [email protected].

         e-PRO – e-PRO is a new        training program presented entirely online to certify real estate agents        and brokers as Internet Professionals.           This designation may be earned after successfully completing 5              areas presented entirely online.
          For more information contact Professional Realty Institute at 1-626-229-9900            or 1-888-785-4800 or visit their Web page at www.edesignations.com/epro or            email at [email protected].

                REPAsm,        Real Estate Professional Assistantsm – The        Real Estate Professional Assistantsm is        a comprehensive two-day certificate course that provides an intensive        introduction to the real estate business and to the specific ways support        staff can become valuable assets to their employers.             This designation may be earned after successfully completing                a 2 day class.
            For more information contact REPA at  1-800-.648-6224 or visit              their Web page at www.professional-assistant.com or              email at [email protected].

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 楼主| 发表于 30-12-2007 09:46 PM | 显示全部楼层

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