发表于 12-11-2007 02:31 AM
原帖由 客旅 于 11-11-2007 10:33 AM 发表
教会人士不思考吗?对消费型等待填鸭喂养的,确实有“不思考”的可能性。但,也有人在思考如何把填鸭工程进一步扩大,思考如何找更多数据来装备自己的某些抹黑指控,思考如何存活于经文字面规范阐述以加强自自己 ...
这是典型站在教会边缘的狭义想法。 看不清事情的全貌, 批判也失去准绳, 与客观性。
教会现今最大问题是连文字也不清楚,如”使人自由的律法“ 与”律法自由不自由“?
连文字内容也搞不清, 还谈什么保罗所讲的:” 文字是死,经意是活的“?
许多基督教会, 尤其灵恩教会走向另一极端, 教会没有基本的教义(dogma), 又那里还在乎传统、历史,神学思考?
甚至许多福音教派的基督徒, 也不懂本身教派的神学观。 从这里基督徒对神学的发问就能看出大概。
另些传统的基督徒, 思想却被系统神学这监牢所套住, 也不能回应当前的社会问题。
剩下的就是边缘基督徒。如果还以受害者自居、言行下三滥、比中指令人印象比较深刻。 华人教会,还可能不软弱吗? |
发表于 12-11-2007 09:23 AM
作者:[德]特洛爾奇(Ernst Troeltsch)
在基督宗教历史上,人们所称的教义(dogma)指教会在尼西亚公会会议以来的庄严声明中正式表达的学说规定,同时也指传统和共同精神中包含的公认的教条(Lehrstücke)。天主教会将这些教义也明确记载于公会会议文献,部分的则任其包含于教会传统之中,如有必要,随时可以通过圣座权威(ex cathedra)宣谕的教皇变成普遍适用的正式文告。从这层意义讲,最初的新教没有教义,因为它既不是以公会会议文件和传统为依据,也没有无谬误的宗座形式的文告。但是,由于新教将圣经视为绝对权威, 而既然圣经包含着学说规定,全部圣经原则便可取代教会教义。为了按照某些规则提高这些圣经原则,新教有其教派文件。此外,新教还接近这些圣经原则与一部分古老教义,即与三位一体-基督论教义实质上的一致形式。对于不再将圣经看成是学说文件, 而是将圣经的宗教观念世界(religiöse Vorstellungswelt)看成是其宗教情感世界带有远古时代印记的象征的现代新教而言,不存在本然意义上的教义,只有信仰观念(Glaubensvortellungen),这些观念带有自由想象的灵活性,它从科学的信仰学说获取其普遍的思想内涵,并因此而得到调节。因此也说明了为何新教各派的信仰学说之间的巨大差异,今天的新教信仰学说不再是通过共同的教义, 而只是由于采取一种纯实践-宗教上的基本立场联系在一起的。尽管在学说的理论构成上存在着巨大差异,这一基本立场却比人们所认为的更为坚定,更为统一。 |
发表于 12-11-2007 09:26 AM
#162 是Ernst Troeltsch对教义的解释。里面也有提到所谓新教没有教义的说法。但是,我对部分言论有所保留。我想对这里的讨论会有帮助。 |
发表于 12-11-2007 09:28 AM
This attempt broke down at the end of the ancient world. This breaking down of the great- attempt of the Greek philosophers to create a world of meaning through philosophy produced what I call" the skeptical end of the ancient development. Skepsis means, originally, observing things. But it has received the negative sense of looking at every dogma, thereby undercutting it, even the dogmata of the Greek schools of philosophy. Therefore the Skeptics are those who doubt the statements of all schools of philosophy. And what is perhaps even more important, these schools of philosophy, e.g., the Platonic Academy, took a lot of these Skeptical elements into itself. Skepticism did not go beyond probabilism, and the other schools became pragmatic. So a skeptical mood entered all schools and permeated the whole life of the later ancient world. This Skepticism, especially in the school called the School of the Skeptics, was a very serious matter of life. Again it was not a matter of sitting behind one's desk and finding out that everything can be doubt - which is comparatively easy. But it was an inner breakdown of all convictions, and the consequence was - very characteristic of the Greek mind - that if they were not able to give theoretical judgments any more, they believed that they were not able to act practically, either. Therefore they introduced the doctrine of epoche, - restraining, keeping down, not giving judgment nor acting, deciding neither theoretically nor practically. This doctrine of epoche meant the resignation of judgment in every respect. Therefore these people went into the desert, with a suit or gown very similar to the later Christian monks who followed them in this respect, because they also were in despair about the possibility of living in this world. Some of the skeptics of the ancient Church were very serious people and drew the consequences which our snobbistic skeptics do not usually do, who have a very good time while at the same doubting everything! That was not what the Greek Skeptics did; so they retired from life in order to become consistent.
– 抑制,保留,不下判断或起作用,不在理论上或实际上作决定。也代表了放弃在每一方面的判断。因此这些人穿着类似后来在这方面跟随他们的基督教修道士的衣着走入沙漠,因为他们对生活在这世上的可能性绝望。一些早期教会的怀疑论者是非常认真的,而且得出的结果是伪怀疑论者通常不能做的,在怀疑每一件事情的同时享受美好的时光! |
发表于 12-11-2007 09:29 AM
This skeptical element was an important preparation for Christianity, not only in the later Christian theology but also already in the philosophical schools. The Greek schools, the Epicureans, Stoics, Academics, Peripatetics, NeoPythagorean, were not only schools in the sense in which we today speak of philosophical schools, namely that there is a great teacher, e. g , at Columbia University, or Boston, etc; or the "school" of Dewey or Whitehead, etc; and the "schools" at Chicago, etc A Greek philosophical school was a cult community, a community of a half-ritual, half-philosophical character. These people wanted to live according to the doctrines of their masters. In this period, in which this skeptical mood permeated the ancient world, they wanted certainty above all: we must have it in order to live, they demanded. The answer was: our great teachers, Plato and Aristotle, Zeno the Stoic, and Epicurus, and, later, Plotinus, were not simply thinkers, professors, but they were inspired men. And long before, Christianity, the doctrine of inspiration developed in these Greek schools, namely the inspiration of the founders of these schools. Later, when these schools discussed with the Christians, they did not say Moses was inspired, but they said, e. g., Heraclitus was inspired. This doctrine of inspiration gave Christianity also a chance to enter into the world. . . ; pure reason alone is not able to build up a reality in which one can live.
这些怀疑论的元素是基督教重要的准备,不但是在后来的基督神学,而且也已经在哲学的学说里。这些希腊学派,伊壁鸠鲁学说,斯多葛学派哲学,柏拉图学派,逍遥学派,新毕达哥拉斯哲学,并不只是我们今天说的哲学学派,也就是那是一位伟大的教师,一个希腊哲学学派也是一个宗派群体,一个拥有一半礼仪,一半哲学特质的群体。这些人要跟随他们教义中的杰出人物生活,尤其是在怀疑论渗透了的早期世界。对他们而言,这些杰出人物不但是伟大的教师,也是被启示的人士。在基督教很早以前,启示的教义在这些希腊学派发展,也就是这些学派的创始人的启示。后来,当这些学派和基督教讨论时,他们不是说摩西被启示,而是,举例:赫拉克利特被启示。启示的教义给基督教一个进入这个世界的机会。。。;纯粹的理由而已是不足以建立一个人可以存活的事实。 |
发表于 12-11-2007 09:31 AM
第七段inspired和inspiration应该翻译成启示还是灵感?而且inspired还有其他的意思。 |
发表于 12-11-2007 09:32 AM
The character of the founders of these philosophical schools was also very similar to what the Christians said about the founder of their Church. A man like Epicurus - this is very interesting - who later was so much attacked by the Christians, that we have only fragments about him, was called soter by his pupils, the Greek word used in the New Testament which we translate by "savior.." Epicurus the philosopher was called a savior. What does this mean? We regard him as a man who had a good life all the time in his beautiful gardens, and had a very bad anti-Christian hedonistic philosophy - and other name-calling words. The ancient world thought quite differently about Epicurus. They called him soter because he did something for them which was the greatest thing he could do for them, a thing which also is praised by Paul when he speaks of the transformation of the pagans into Christians, namely, liberation from anxiety. Epicurus, with his system of atoms - we call it a materialistic system - liberated them from the fear of demons which permeated the whole life of the ancient world and especially of the later ancient world. Men like Epicurus were called soters, saviors, because they liberated people from fear by their philosophy. All this shows what a serious thing philosophy was at that time. . .
这些哲学学派的创始人的特性和基督徒所说的教会的创始人非常像似。像伊壁鸠鲁这个后来被基督徒批评人,我们只是有他的一些片段,被他的学生称作soter,这个希腊语在新约里被译作救世主。我们把他视作一个在美丽的院子里,有美好人生,有一套反基督的快乐主义哲学的人。但早期世界对他的看法却有所不同。他们称他做救世主因为它为他们做了一些他可以为他们做的伟大事情,一件当保罗论及异教徒转变成基督徒时所赞美的事情,就是,从焦虑不安中的释放。伊壁鸠鲁,和他的微粒子系统-物质体系-将他们从充满了(尤其是后期)早期世界对妖魔的恐惧中释放出来。像伊壁鸠鲁这种人被称作救世主因为他用哲学把人们从恐惧释放出来。这些全部表现了哲学在当时是怎样严肃的事情。。。 |
发表于 12-11-2007 09:39 AM
从第二课,我觉得哲学对基督来临那个时机的人们在思想上作好准备,还有这些哲学思想后来早期教会神学家等在了解,解释经文和从耶稣及使徒传承下来的教导。 |
发表于 12-11-2007 09:48 AM
新教现时虽然派别众多,带来的不只负面也有正面的影响。最重要的是我们如何去芜存箐,在同一块基石上健康的成长,形成百花齐放的情景。派别虽多,教会仍然是一个,就是耶稣的身体。我们拥有共同的基础,促使我们能够沟通,在互相了解的情况下,达到互相尊敬。所以要做的是知己知彼,而非固步自封。 |
发表于 12-11-2007 09:54 AM
保罗并没有改变教导和传福音,因为所有教导和福音都必须出自耶稣。保罗所改变的,或应该说不改变,他不改变当地人的习俗和文化,而是将之兼容在当地的教会,前提是没有不符合福音和耶稣的教导。这一点类似我国法律必须符合宪法一样,宪法是国家法律的准绳。 |
发表于 12-11-2007 10:07 AM
另一点我要提的是,汉字含有创世到Noah时代的信息。我发现还存在于很多教会内。我们不是有圣经吗?难道教会的教导不足够到要扭曲我们本身的中华文化来宣扬福音吗?现时就是这种包装法令到华人更排斥基督教。基本上,连天,神等字眼对华文文化而言,其表达的意思并不只是基督教的上帝。容纳当地文化和使用当地文化包装是两码子的事。 |
发表于 12-11-2007 04:20 PM
回复 #157 客旅 的帖子
原帖由 客旅 于 11-11-2007 11:02 AM 发表
信仰和神话,其实是和一个族群的语言符号密切相关的。例如,基督徒不相信普罗米修斯,但他却可以靠着希腊神话在西方文化的地位,藉着普罗米修斯的角色来传递一个启迪者的角色甚至命运。而《圣经》所记载历代先知 ...
怎样有效的本土化、中国化或华人化基督信仰, 又不失基督信仰的本质, 是应该深入探讨的。
[ 本帖最后由 PeterTan 于 12-11-2007 04:22 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 13-11-2007 11:18 AM
回复 #172 PeterTan 的帖子
首先要明白我们华人,不同地区的华人对神的概念了。不过现代华裔青年都比较倾向西方的god这个概念,也比较容易接受基督教在这方面的概念。我们考虑的不应该只是中华文化了,新一代华人接受着文化的冲击,这一点也是要考量的。后期的西方思想如人文主义,自由主义更是扎根在很多人身上。本地华人是文化的大熔炉,这点不能忘记。 |
楼主 |
发表于 16-11-2007 09:27 AM
回复 #161 PeterTan 的帖子
I think the concept of boundary might be the fitting symbol for the whole of my personal & intellectual development. At almost every point, I have had to stand between alternative possibilities of existence, to be completely at home in neither and to take no definitive stand against either ... This position is fruitful for thought, but it is dangerous in life ... This disposition & its tension have determined both my destiny & my work. (Paul Tillich, On the Boundary)
例五﹕一些信徒處在教會裡的神學邊緣(指堂會神學﹐在整體神學上﹐他們還是主流的)﹐但個性比較直率﹐但經過磨煉(可能受重傷﹐過後靈命修復)後﹐與教會保持若離若棄的關係。他們有例三信徒的忍耐﹐也有例四信徒的敢怒敢言。這等信徒很少﹐不要強求成為這等信徒... 這是非常痛苦的過程。
Ethos |
发表于 16-11-2007 02:12 PM
回复 #162 ubiquitous 的帖子
因此也说明了为何新教各派的信仰学说之间的巨大差异,今天的新教信仰学说不再是通过共同的教义, 而只是由于采取一种纯实践-宗教上的基本立场联系在一起的。尽管在学说的理论构成上存在著巨大差异,这一基本立场却比人们所认为的更为坚定,更为统一。
以宗教上的基本立场, 加上在各教派教会所实践的行为上, 达成统一的目的, 确实比强行统一强得多。
当今教会不应满足于现阶段, 而不积极在神学上精讲。
这里也特别指出“新教各派的信仰学说之间存在着巨大差异”。 这些都不是健全的现象。
1) 装备自己教会基督徒的神学知识。 明白本身教派的信仰, 同时了解其他教派的教义。
2) 尝试找出正确的理解, 让圣经所启示的真理缩减 新教各派的信仰学说之间的巨大差异。真正不能理解的, 才延迟做判断或, 将审断压后 (Epochē )
我认为整合新教的教义这方面, 深入了解新约的使人自由的律法精神及掌握其中的原则, 在现阶段是非常重要的。
从教会历史来思考, 许许多多的“前”教会思想家, 如 以泛神论闻名的 史宾诺沙,之对教会反感,不就是教会的新约信仰精神变成了旧约式的严刑律法、封建教条吗?
两大原因, 新约信仰精神变了质
第一: 田立克已告诉我们, 中世纪时教会与宫廷挂钩, 教会律法成了国家宗教律
法, 这是教会新约信仰精神变质的主因。
第二:除了这点, 教会因着过度提防Gnosticism 的异端, 整千年来放弃了圣灵的
对教会的引导与启示, 这无疑消灭了圣灵的感动, 明显事实并不是如吴祖光所言:
“自早期教会后, 圣灵不再给予教会属灵恩赐。
从新思考 新约信仰精神、新约律法的原则, 应是时机了。 |
发表于 16-11-2007 02:47 PM
Other consequences also of great seriousness, was what the Stoics called apatheia, namely, without feelings towards the vital drives of life, not feeling desires, joys, pains, but being beyond all this in the state of wisdom. They knew that only a few people were able to reach this state, but those who as Skeptics went into the desert, showed that they were able to do so to a certain extent. Behind all this, of course, stands the early criticism of the mythological gods and the traditional rites for these gods. The criticism of mythology was made in Greece almost at the, same time in which the Second Isaiah did it in Judea. It was a very similar kind of criticism, and has undercut the belief in the gods of polytheism.
其它非常严肃的后果,是斯多葛学派所说的无情(apatheia),也就是对生命的重要推动力没有感觉,不渴望,不享受,不痛苦,而是超出这一切的学识境界。他们认为只有少数人能够达到这个境界,但那些是怀疑论者的走入沙漠,表示他们在某种程度上也能做到。这一切的背后,当然,处于神话里的神和这些神的传统仪式的早期批判。这些神话的批判是在希腊形成的,几乎同时以赛亚在犹太这么做。这是非常像似的批判,也削弱了多神论的信仰。 |
发表于 16-11-2007 02:48 PM
This was the negative side in Greek thought of that time. But there were also positive elements in the same tradition. First, the PLATONIC TRADITION: Here Christian theology had as its preparation the idea of transcendence, that there is something that trespasses empirical reality. Plato speaks of "essential" reality, the reality of ousia's, or "ideas", I. e., the true essences of things. At the same time we find in Plato, and even stronger in Neo-Platonism and in the Platonic school leading to Neo-Platonism, the development of a devaluation of existence. It was called matter, and as a material world it has no ultimate value compared with the essential world. Further, in Plato the inner aim in human existence is described - in the Philebus somewhere, but also practically everywhere in Plato - as becoming similar to God as much as possible. God is the Spiritual sphere. Participation in the Spiritual divine sphere as much as possible is the inner telos of human existence. This is the Platonic tradition and has been used, especially by the great Cappodocian fathers of the Church, to describe the ultimate aim of human existence.
这是希腊思想在那时的负面。但在这同样的传统里也有正面的元素。首先,柏拉图主义的传统:这里基督神学有了超然,也就是那有侵入经验主义现实的某事物,这种观念的准备。柏拉图说的本质实在,ousia或理念的实在,就是事物的真正本质。同时,存在的贬值发展在柏拉图,甚至更强烈的在新柏拉图学派和柏拉图学派领导的新柏拉图哲学可以发现。这被称作物质,而作为物质世界和本质世界没有根本价值的相比。此外,人类存在的内在目的在柏拉图被形容-在(柏拉图的著作)Philebus的某处,但也实际的在柏拉图各处-尽可能的变得越来越像神。神是灵体。在这个精神体的尽量参与是人生存的内在目的。这是这个柏拉图传统,也被尤其是Cappodocia的教会教父使用,来形容人类存在的根本目的。 |
发表于 16-11-2007 02:49 PM
A third doctrine is a doctrine of the soul falling down from an eternal participation in the essential or Spiritual world, being on earth in a body, trying to get rid of the bondage to the body, coming to an elevation above the material world, in steps and degrees. This again was an element which was used not only by all Christian mystics, but also by the official Church Fathers to a large extent.
第三个教条是灵魂从本质或神圣世界永恒参与的倒下,在地上的身体里,尝试脱离身体的束缚,有步骤的达到物质世界上的升华。这再度是一个不但被全部基督神秘主义,也被正式的教会教父很大程度使用的一种元素。 |
发表于 17-11-2007 02:24 PM
回复 #175 PeterTan 的帖子
那么是否有所谓sign gift和stationary gift之分呢? |
发表于 17-11-2007 02:28 PM
回复 #174 ethos 的帖子
能知道自己立场的危险性和弱点,Tillich在这一点还真值得我们学习。 |
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