


楼主: 素还真

APEX Legend 讲广东话的Alter 登场

发表于 5-7-2019 05:12 PM | 显示全部楼层
素还真 发表于 4-7-2019 11:40 PM
Wattson的技能是防守型好用不好用要看隊友了。如果隊友是攻擊型不會只呆在一個地方,你建electric fence都沒有用,人家都不要守一個地方。不過也有 ...

你說的是,Apex 太快主攻 防守比較弱勢

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发表于 5-7-2019 06:02 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 5-7-2019 10:49 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 素还真 于 5-7-2019 10:54 PM 编辑
Cash365 发表于 5-7-2019 06:02 PM



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 楼主| 发表于 5-7-2019 10:53 PM | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 24-9-2019 05:11 PM | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 29-9-2019 08:34 AM | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 1-10-2019 08:48 AM | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 3-10-2019 10:35 AM | 显示全部楼层
S3 加了新的機制 --- 故意退出遊戲懲罰制。 那些在遊戲進行中故意退出的遊戲的人,懲罰5分鐘沒得進入遊戲連trainning都不能。這個制度不錯,至少大家都不會死掉而半路放棄,會等其他隊員救。


参与人数 1人气 +5 收起 理由
khai82 + 5 谢谢分享



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 楼主| 发表于 4-10-2019 01:56 AM | 显示全部楼层
素还真 发表于 3-10-2019 10:35 AM
S3 加了新的機制 --- 故意退出遊戲懲罰制。 那些在遊戲進行中故意退出的遊戲的人,懲罰5分鐘沒得進入遊戲連trainning都不能。這個制度不錯,至少大家都不會死掉而半路放棄,會等其他隊員救。
S3的地圖跟第一代比大 ...

update下。退出遊戲懲罰機制好像沒有了。 剛剛uninstall了 Apex 理由是太好玩,已經影響到我的日常生活。
說說Crypto吧。無人機可以飛出去偵查敵人,貌似battery用不完,除非給敵人打下來不然應該可以一直飛一直飛。飛行距離很遠下,應該有上百meters。如果在近距離可以標出敵人的位置(三角形標記),隊友應該也可以看到敵人位置。 無人機很強大可以開門飛進去建築物裡面,也可以拿死去朋友的tag。z絕技EMP是一個蠻大的圈。在圈子裡面的敵人都會損傷+ 減慢速度下下。



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 楼主| 发表于 8-10-2019 04:39 PM | 显示全部楼层

FIGHT OR FRIGHT COLLECTION EVENTFrom October 15 to November 5 we will be running our next limited-time event for Apex Legends.

From October 15 to November 5 we will be running our next limited-time event for Apex Legends, Fight or Fright. This haunting event is packed with exciting content including an all-new limited-time mode featuring Kings Canyon at night, exclusive event challenges where you can earn free loot, special Halloween inspired Collection Event cosmetics, and more.  To tell you more about the event we have Lee Horn, Director of Product Management for Apex Legends, to fill you in on all the spooky details.
Hey All,
Leeeeeee-RSPN here with an overview on the Apex Legends Fight or Fright Collection Event.
As a reminder,[color=var(--ea-theme-color)]a Collection Event is just one of the three event types in Apex legends. In addition to introducing an exciting new limited-time mode, we've also made some adjustments to the Fight or Fright Event Limited cosmetics designed to give players more choice on how they obtain these items.   
TL;DR - What’s in the Event & Key Changes to the Event Structure:
  • Limited Time Mode - Shadowfall
    • Featuring a nighttime version of Kings Canyon
  • Exclusive event challenges with free earnable cosmetics, including [url=]Two Legendary Weapon Skins[/url]
  • 24 Event Limited premium cosmetics that players can now unlock in one of three ways:
    • Direct purchase for Apex Coins
    • Direct unlock with Crafting Metals
    • Random unlock with Event Apex Packs
      • Additionally, the Event Currency in these packs has been replaced with non-event loot drops, yielding more loot overall

  • Lifeline Heirloom Set Preview
    • Unlock all 24 Fight or Fright pack cosmetics during the event and unlock the Lifeline Heirloom set for free
  • Double XP for Top 5 & Wins Weekend

Experience Kings Canyon at Night in an All-New Limited Time Mode - Shadowfall
Darkness descends on Kings Canyon in Shadowfall, a warped version of the Apex games hosted by a mysterious figure.
At the start of a match, you and 34 other solo players will drop into an eerily-lit Kings Canyon and fight to the death… with a dark twist. Once you die you will respawn as an undead version of your Legend and join the powerful “Shadow Squad”.
As part of the Shadow Squad, you will lose your ability to use weapons and your legend abilities will be stripped, but in return, you will be given increased movement and jump speed, along with a brutal melee attack. You’ll also have the ability to scale walls and be given unlimited respawns via skydive.
The battle rages until there are only ten living Legends left, who must then join forces and make it to an evac ship while the Shadow Squad attempts to stop them at all costs.
Complete Event Challenges for Exclusive Fight or Fright Cosmetics, including [url=]Two Legendary Weapon Skins[/url]
During Fight or Fright, complete a variety of challenges to earn free exclusive skins, badges and music packs.


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 楼主| 发表于 8-10-2019 04:41 PM | 显示全部楼层

Event Limited Premium Cosmetics
The Fight or Fright Collection Event brings another set of 24 themed, limited-time cosmetics to Apex.  We strive to give players choice in how they can obtain in-game cosmetics, so for this Event we've updated the ways players can unlock these premium Collection Event cosmetics.
All 24 Event-Exclusive Fight or Fright Collection Event items will be available, from day 1, via direct purchase, crafting, and Event Apex Packs.
  • Direct Purchase
    • 1,800 Apex Coins
    • 1,000 Apex Coins
  • Crafting
    • 2,400 Crafting Metals
    • 800 Crafting Metals
  • Event Apex Packs
    • 700 Apex Coins

We've also removed event currency from the Event Apex Packs and have replaced it with additional loot. This means that players will get more total items in each Event Apex Pack. There are also zero duplicates in these packs.  To get further into that spooky spirit, each Fight or Fright Collection Character Skin will also come with 2 themed quips.

Non-Event items can be from the following categories: Weapon Skins, Legend Skins, Legend Finishers, Banner Frames, Banner Poses, Banner Stat Trackers, Intro Quips, Kills Quips or Crafting Metals.
We’re also updating the way you unlock the newest Heirloom item during the preview event.  If you unlock all 24 Fight of Fright Collection Pack Items during the event, you’ll unlock the Lifeline Heirloom set for free.  If you don’t manage to unlock this new Heirloom set during the event, it will be available as a bonus in Apex Packs after the event ends.
Double Top 5 & Wins XP weekend
From 10am PST on October 25 through 10am PST on October 28 players will earn double XP for Top 5’s and Wins all weekend long. This bonus will affect both Account Level and Battle Pass progression.
As always, we appreciate all of your support and feedback. Can’t wait to see you on the Frontier!

What is the availability of Event items?
  • Event challenge badges, cosmetics and music pack - Event Exclusive
  • 24 Fight or Fright cosmetics - Event Limited
  • Lifeline Heirloom Set - Available for direct unlock during the event preview.  Available via Apex Packs after the event ends
Is the Lifeline Heirloom Set available in any pack type during the Fight or Fright Collection Event?
The Lifeline Heirloom Set is only available via direct unlock after completing the Fight or Fright Collection during the Event and cannot be obtained via a Fight or Fright Collection Event pack.
When do Apex Pack openings count towards an Heirloom Set?
Apex Pack openings only count toward the 500 pack Bonus Heirloom Set opening limit when there are eligible Heirloom Sets available in the Apex Pack bonus pool.


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 楼主| 发表于 8-10-2019 04:52 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 素还真 于 8-10-2019 09:04 PM 编辑

简单的说明下万圣节限时活动: Oct15 ~ Nov 5

地图: Kings Canyon帝皇谷黑夜模式。 (Shadowfall mode)


35人(单人模式)降落到Kings Canyon展开生死决斗。玩家死后会变成丧尸。丧尸不能使用武器和特殊能力,不过丧尸的移动速度更快,跳跃更远,近距离攻击力更强,可以爬墙,而且可以无限跳伞复活。




参与人数 1人气 +5 收起 理由
khai82 + 5 谢谢分享



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 楼主| 发表于 15-10-2019 10:29 AM | 显示全部楼层

Fight or Fright trailer

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发表于 15-10-2019 08:49 PM | 显示全部楼层
素还真 发表于 8-10-2019 04:52 PM
简单的说明下万圣节限时活动: Oct15 ~ Nov 5

地图: Kings Canyon帝皇谷黑夜模式。 (Shadowfall mode)


35人(单人模式)降落到Kings Canyon展开生死决斗。玩家死后会变成丧尸。丧尸不能使 ...


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 楼主| 发表于 16-10-2019 12:09 AM | 显示全部楼层
Fight or Fright 已经开始了。我写下游戏感受吧!
Kings Canyon 夜晚模式很诡异,有些恐怖,不时还给little thing吓到。 总来说就是气氛捏造得很好。胆小的人应该会玩到手心冒汗下。

游戏是35人(solo) 跳伞。一落地就相互大开杀戒,先死的人会变成丧尸。等到人类数量剩下10人的时候,人类就会团结起来。这时候你就可以看到其他人类的位置(天使翅膀标记)。人类必须合作对抗丧尸,目标就是搭上撤离飞船。这游戏我玩了四局,三局人类一局丧尸,全部都是人类失败。丧尸好强大!


这个世界没有jump tower,所以跑圈要快。我的心得是人类拿再好的盔甲都没有用。基本上被丧尸打一拳就爬地,打两拳就死亡。看起来选择武器会更好。任何武器应该很快可以打死丧尸,也许短枪是一个很好的选择。



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 楼主| 发表于 16-10-2019 12:14 AM | 显示全部楼层
khai82 发表于 15-10-2019 08:49 PM


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发表于 16-10-2019 05:34 PM | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 16-10-2019 11:24 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 素还真 于 16-10-2019 11:36 PM 编辑
khai82 发表于 16-10-2019 05:34 PM

solo mode 不知道怎樣team up。。。。不過遊戲裡面那些人有些會自己team up....


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发表于 16-10-2019 11:36 PM | 显示全部楼层
素还真 发表于 16-10-2019 11:24 PM
solo mode 不知道怎樣team up。。。。不過遊戲裡面那些人有些會自己team up....

變僵尸team up 還是最後生還者 team uo

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 楼主| 发表于 16-10-2019 11:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
khai82 发表于 16-10-2019 11:36 PM
變僵尸team up 還是最後生還者 team uo

游戏有人在solo mode就team up。不知道如何操作? 可能他们使用third party 语音系统然后约好跳某个地方。
生还者就auto team up了。你开始玩了吗?以下是我的tips.

1. Watson 两重电栏电不死丧尸。 (也许要实验3重电栏or max 6重电栏)。 丧尸进来后还是得射杀。
2. 毒气佬,肥佬,bangalore的大招,用在最后逃生几好下。一次过把在逃生船附近的丧尸干掉!
3. 丧尸可以看穿草丛后面的人,看不穿墙壁。
4. 逃生船总是降落的特定的区域,只是位置稍微改下下。
5. 使用 Watson, 毒气佬时,先预知逃生船的位置,然后在那里附近的建筑物布陷阱。


参与人数 1人气 +5 收起 理由
khai82 + 5 谢谢分享



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