Rise of the Tomb Raider 季票内含一连串丰富的内容,并能使单人战役变得更加丰富,还可以让你与好友一较高下。玩家将能够面对 3 种主要的挑战内容:在「坚忍不拔模式」的极端环境中设法存活、在「Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch」的全新古墓中尽情探索并体验来自远古的恐惧,以及在「Cold Darkness Awakened」中对抗一波波受感染的掠食者。 另外,玩家从第一天开始就能持续取得各式各样的装束、武器及探险队卡片(持续四个月),并能自定义及扩充全新的冒险供好友挑战。
Rise of the Tomb Raider: Lara Croft Isn't a Superhero
GameSpot visited Crystal Dynamics to talk to the lead creatives behind Rise of the Tomb Raider about the creation of Lara Croft. Take a look behind the scenes of the team that created the most realistic version of Lara Croft yet.