


楼主: PS3FAN2005

〖古晋〗CityONE Megamall 《东马首家拥THX认可GSC影院11日开张》【最新情报:108...

发表于 4-11-2009 08:52 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 123# jasonwee 的帖子


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发表于 4-11-2009 10:40 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 4-11-2009 02:52 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 风起时候 于 4-11-2009 01:59 AM 发表



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发表于 5-11-2009 12:31 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 5-11-2009 12:33 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 5-11-2009 12:59 PM | 显示全部楼层
请问CITY ONE MALL会是古晋最大型的商场吗?看到新闻稿上说 gross floor area 是 68,000 sq meters哦

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发表于 5-11-2009 01:37 PM | 显示全部楼层
旺城商业与购物广场 2011年12月落成启用

  (古晋4日讯)一座融合建筑技术与科学原理的崭新、创意以及充满绿色环保的旺城商业与购物广场(CITY ONE)将于2011年12月间落成启用。

  发展商STANDARD PARADE有限公司董事经理沈国瑞指出,座落於敦朱加路与桑路交界处路口的购物广场是一座两栋由行人天桥以及底楼广场所衔接的三及四层楼商业与购物广场。








  另一方面,配合今日工程动土礼,Standard Parade有限公司也回馈社会,将总额5万令吉的善款,捐献给5个机构,每个机构各获1万令吉。




查布:迎合节约省能环保法则 政府鼓励绿色工艺概念




  这是他今日代表首席部长前往为座落在此间桑路与敦朱加路交界处路口,由Standard Parade有限公司负责发展的旺城(CITY ONE)购物与商业广场建筑工程主持动土礼时,所强调的。

  Standard Parade有限公司于2年前完成兴建了实都东社区市场与实都东商业中心店屋。










[ 本帖最后由 PS3FAN2005 于 5-11-2009 05:14 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 5-11-2009 01:40 PM | 显示全部楼层
耗资2亿坐落敦朱嘉路 旺城商场后年杪运作

Thursday, 05 November 2009 11:00

        (本报古晋4日讯)耗资2亿2000万令吉,坐落于敦朱嘉路与桑路交界路口的“旺城商业中心”(City One)于今日举行动土仪式,预料该中心可在2011年圣诞节期间开始运作。

        Standard Parade有限公司董事经理沈国瑞指出,旺城商业中心将由2座3层和4层的建筑组成,并且由天桥衔接,内部包括了400个22平方公尺至520平方公尺不等的零售地段。




        沈国瑞是在今日上午的“旺城商业中心”(City One)动土仪式上致词时,如是表示。与此同时,Standard Parade有限公司也在动土仪式上,捐款予砂拉越云南善堂、伊班妇女慈善基金、古晋印度人协会、古晋自闭症协会、婆罗洲邮报教育基金等。




[ 本帖最后由 PS3FAN2005 于 5-11-2009 05:16 PM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 5-11-2009 05:18 PM | 显示全部楼层
2011圣诞投入运作 旺城购物广场动土礼

砂水供部助理部长史威特恩地里(左起)﹑Standard Parade私人有限公司董事经理沈国瑞﹑砂第二副首长拿督巴丁宜丹斯里阿弗烈查布及Standard Parade私人有限公司总经理陈宗良坚信﹐旺城购物广场将提供一个独特的投资机会﹐并且能够为购物人士提供崭新的购物体验。


        Standard Parade私人有限公司董事经理沈国瑞是在出席今早举行的旺城购物广场建筑工程动土礼时﹐如是说明。




















        配合旺城购物广场动土礼的举行﹐Standard Parade私人有限公司也不忘为慈善贡献力量﹐并在会上捐出5万令吉﹐均衡赞助砂云南善堂﹑伊班妇女慈善信托基金会﹑古晋印度人协会﹑古晋自闭症协会及婆罗洲邮报国际教育基金。


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 楼主| 发表于 5-11-2009 05:19 PM | 显示全部楼层
Standard Parade to invest RM220 mln in City One

By Arveena M and Geryl Ogilvy

KUCHING: Standard Parade Sdn Bhd (Standard Parade) is investing an estimated RM220 million in its upmarket shopping mall City One incorporating the ‘green building’ technology to be completed by Christmas 2011.Speaking at its earth-breaking ceremony yesterday, Standard Parade’s managing director Dr Sin Kuoh Swee said the new mall, City One, was set to be an upmarket trendy shopping mall offering new architectural environment of retail experiences and lifestyle and would be a bold approach in this commercial development to elevate the quality of the building industry, setting a standard for future development to follow.

“I am very proud to be here this morning to share with you my much cherished dream, a dream to transform 8.9 acres into a prime destination for avid shoppers and trend setters residing in this great city of Kuching. This dream is about to come true and I call this destination City One”, Dr Sin said.

After the initial land purchased three years ago at RM25 million, Standard Parade begin it’s planning for City One a year later with an integration of the new concept, the green building, which it believed was a necessary step to undertake on its part with the world evolving in that direction.

He explained that out of the allocated amount, some 15 per cent to 20 per cent has been used up for expenses such as the basic infrastructure, taking up an estimated three to four million, bank loan interest for the past three years amounting to an estimated five to six million and other miscellaneous expenditures like planners, consultants as well as sales and marketing.

“The whole sum is only an estimated allocation, it is yet to be seen how far we accommodate this green building concept simply because it is a new kind of technology altogether. We may have added expenditure at the end of the day but we are doing our part and we are still sourcing out the best ways and means, price as well as the best technology that will aid us in achieving the concept,” he stated.

The ballpark project development cost may also inflate due to materials that will be purchased for the construction mainly steel bars and pitumens, which have increased in price earlier this year by ten per cent, Dr Sin added as he was explaining the other reasons that may cause the current allocated budget to increase.

When Dr Sin was asked as to what were Standard Parade’s expectations for selling price or tenancy rates for City One, he affirmed that, “As of now, we are not concentrating on the selling prices yet as we are more keen in securing City One’s anchor tenant. We do have a few options but it is yet to be decided and since the anchor tenant has to decide the dimension it is going to take up, it is out main priority.”

After which, he confirmed that with all the floor allocations planned out, the company will approach its targeted potential mix of buyers and tenants. “We are going to be very selective with our potential buyers and tenants because we want City One to encompass only the best possible which in turn will then enable us to provide Sarawakians our selective best,” he emphasised.

When the subject of joint ventures and partnerships was broached, Dr Sin clarified that, “At the moment we do not have joint ventures or partnerships with anyone, probably because we are comfortable with our current position and aptitude as well as the full control that we have over everything that takes place is very valuable to us.”

Having said that, he commented that should there be a joint venture or partnership proposal that is deemed interesting, they would definitely be open to it.

“Appealing proposals may not have to be only from East Malaysia, if interesting proposals come from West Malaysia, we will be more than thrilled to see where it can lead us. Our options are definitely open,” he said.

The new mall will be a commercial hub featuring two blocks of three-and-four storey shopping malls to be linked by sky-bridges and piazza featuring state-of-the-art facilities appealing to those looking for business outlets that can enhance their business images and prestige.

There will be more than 400 strata-titled retail lots of sizes ranging from 22sq mts to 520sq mts, flanking a climate controlled street mall which will be made possible by utilising the green technology.

To bring the concept to life, the architectural design evolves around the consideration for sustainable design such as harvesting of rainwater for landscaping and plumbing, decorative sunscreen that acts as a heat buffer between the outside environment and the shopping space inside.

The design will also create natural airflow and ventilation to the covered street mall cutting down excessive air conditioning, integrated building system which lessens the carbon footprint impact and barrier free design for all walks of life. It will also have three rooftop garden pavilions that will give a sense of serenity.

Having a gross floor area of 68,000 sq mts with lots of innovative features, the mall’s strategic location along Jalan Song and Jalan Tun Jugah is indisputable and the layout plan provides maximum exposure of all shopping lots to the shoppers. The main attraction however, will be the spectacular night view of the mall that resembles a light box.

“To plan any kind of new concept will be a costly one, hence our plan for City One to be small, which we would prefer it to be, compact yet comprehensive. Kuching citizens deserve to have such technology at their disposal, deserve to experience it,” said Dr Sin.

Deputy chief minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Alfred Jabu performed the earth breaking ceremony and present alongside him were Assistant Public Utilities Minister Sylvester Entrie Muran, Kuching City South Mayor James Chan and Standard Parade general manager Barry Tan.

City One will be a new modern landmark that the city can be proud to display as it caters for a mixed market and shoppers from all walks of life.

新闻来源:The Borneo Post Online

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 楼主| 发表于 5-11-2009 05:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
Incorporate green technology in new buildings: Jabu

Chiew Chung Yee (right) briefing Jabu (2nd right) and Sylvester Entri (centre) on the City One project, while Dr Sin and Barry (left) look on. PHOTO: JOHN CHAN


KUCHING: Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Alfred Jabu hoped that future shopping complexes in Sarawak will incorporate modern concepts and green technology like the upcoming City One Shopping Mall to be built here.

He said the government encouraged shopping centres and supermarkets that provide such features as easy access and convenient parking for clients and shoppers.

Jabu commended the developers of the RM220 million City One Shopping Mall for choosing the strategic location near the junction of Jalan Tun Jugah (a busy protocol road leading to Kuching International Airport) and the two busy intersections at Jalan Song-Jalan Laksamana Muda.

“The shopping complex will use green technology and a recycling concept featuring ventilation to reduce air conditioning costs.

The provision for easy shoppers traffic flow within the complex with the sky bridges and piazzas is indeed very commendable, and certainly is trending  with modernity, something that we are fast adapting to,” Jabu said.

Jabu said it would also provide great opportunities for business entrepreneurs to own and operate the 400 strata-titled shop-lots.

“I would like to congratulate the management of Standard Parade Sdn Bhd for their foresight in locating the shopping mall at this very strategic location,” Jabu said when officiating at the earth-breaking ceremony yesterday.

Jabu said the government was happy to see a healthy development throughout Sarawak where towns and cities were well-planned with (de-centralised)shopping centres catering for the satellites areas so as not to cause congestion along those roads leading to the city centre.

City One Shopping Mall is located on a 8.9-acre site. According to Standard Parade’s Managing Director, Dr Sin Kuoh Swee, it would be completed within 24 months.

It  would have more than  400 strata-titled retail lots and would only be sold to selected buyers. It is targeted at the medium and high-end markets.

Meanwhile, five charitable organisations received RM10,000 each from the company during the function yesterday.

The Assistant Minister of Public Utilities Sylvester Entri, MBKS Mayor James Chan Khay Syn , General Manager  Barry Tan Chong Liang and Project consultant and principal of Artemas Architect, Chiew Chung Yee were also present.

新闻来源:Eastern Times


City One design incorporates green features

Artists impression of City One.


KUCHING: City One, a new upmarket retail and commercial development, is designed with ‘green building’ features which will complement the government’s policy of sustainable environment.

The architectural design evolves around the consideration for a sustainable design which includes harvesting of rain water for landscaping and plumbing, decorative sunscreen that acts as a heat buffer between the outside environment and the shopping space inside, natural airflow and ventilation to covered street mall thus cutting down excessive use of air-conditioning, integrated building system lessening carbon footprint impact and barrier free design for all walks of life.

The three rooftop gardens are both for enjoyment for shoppers as well as ecological consideration.
“City One features two blocks of three- and four-storey shopping malls to be linked by pedestrian skybridges and a piazza on the ground level.

There will be more than 400 strata titled retail lots of sizes ranging from 22 sq metres to 520 sq metres, flanking a climate controlled street mall.

We will make this possible by utilising green technology, a small part that we can play to preserve the quality of the environment.

To bring the concept to life, we will also have three rooftop garden pavilions that will give a sense of serenity,” said the project developer Standard Parade Sdn Bhd Managing Director Dr. Sin Kuoh Swee in his opening remarks yesterday.

The earth breaking ceremony for the project was graced by the presence of Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sir Alfred Jabu Anak Nyumpang.

Located on a 8.9 acres piece of land at the junction of Jalan Song and Jalan Tun Jugah, City One will have a gross floor area of 68,000 sq metres , providing value-for-money properties with the added advantage of a highly visible location with completion date scheduled before Christmas 2011.

For further enquiries, please contact Standard Parade Sdn Bhd at 082 416 518, fax 082 415 518.

新闻来源:Eastern Times

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 楼主| 发表于 12-11-2009 06:06 PM | 显示全部楼层
CITY OnE 建筑模型

照片来源:Kao Fung World Blog

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发表于 12-11-2009 08:30 PM | 显示全部楼层
好美啊,为什么还要等多1年,好慢,就像我们国家经济发展一样慢:@ :@


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发表于 12-11-2009 08:44 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 136# kyn935 的帖子

要等多两年。其实以两年的速度来建完一个购物广场已经算很快了。Hills Shopping Mall, Plaza Merdeka和富丽华都需要超过两年来建完。

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发表于 12-11-2009 08:56 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 12-11-2009 09:14 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 139# 惟诚 的帖子



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发表于 14-11-2009 04:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
无意间看到这个三年前(2006)的新闻稿,里面提到Metrojaya会在五年内在沙巴和砂拉越设立连锁百货公司。Metrojaya已经进军Suria Sabah了,但砂拉越的还没有下文。会不会是开在City One Mall呢?Plaza Merdeka已经被Parkson占据了,然后古晋又暂时没有其他大型购物中心在这两年内建完。2006年的五年内不就是在2011之前咯。。还是他们打算开在美里的shopping mall?

New Metrojaya store to turn in higher sales

PETALING JAYA: Metrojaya Bhd expects its MJ by Metrojaya departmentstore at The Curve shopping centre, which was relocated from Section 14PJ, to chalk up 20% more sales in its first year of operations, saidchief executive officer Robert Heng.

“The company invested about RM4mil to set up the 60,000-sq-ft fashionconcept store, which focuses on demand from men and women,'' he told amedia briefing yesterday.

Heng said the new store was unique as it offered exclusive brands andservices, including Bath and Bloom, Intoxi Kate, L'Institute Lancome,OPI Nail Studio and Dermalogica Skin Spa.

It also carries existing brands such as Chanel, Giorgio Armani, Hugo Boss, Inizio and Hush Puppies.

“The new store aims to enrich customers' shopping experience by providing a variety of products and services,” he added.

On the company's plan this year, Heng said: “We are negotiating with The Curve to set up a household store.”

He said Metrojaya also planned to set up two department stores and fivespecialist stores soon. He, however, did not elaborate on this.

“We plan to invest RM10mil to set up more specialist stores,” he added.

The company also intends to set up MJ by Metrojaya stores in Sabah and Sarawak within the next five years.

Source: The Star

[ 本帖最后由 chunping 于 14-11-2009 04:27 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 14-11-2009 05:34 PM | 显示全部楼层
我也希望LFS会进军sibu miri 嘛

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发表于 21-11-2009 12:48 PM | 显示全部楼层
很像KK的City Mall,很大間,很了不起!

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 楼主| 发表于 21-11-2009 01:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 lohb9 于 21-11-2009 12:48 PM 发表
很像KK的City Mall,很大間,很了不起!

KK City Mall零售面积差不多300,000平方尺,还小过Spring。。。


不过在砂拉越来讲,tHe Spring仍然是全砂最高级最大型的mall。。。

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