


楼主: suntecinvestor

股市分析 - Huat Huat Huat!

发表于 4-1-2011 09:53 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 1358# will8728


but but trade with your own risk ah...

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发表于 4-1-2011 09:55 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 1360# zhixuen

slowly sell out to create a sideway move.

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发表于 4-1-2011 09:57 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 4-1-2011 09:58 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 1356# 神隐

    我只看到Buy Vol and Sell Vol,找不到success Vol...

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发表于 4-1-2011 10:25 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 1361# 神隐


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发表于 4-1-2011 10:59 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复  神隐

    我只看到Buy Vol and Sell Vol,找不到success Vol...  
要换去用别的了。。。所以 ...
nigege 发表于 4-1-2011 09:58 AM

    这个我可以教你,哈哈。。。。你是用【poems吗?如是,你可以去LP2那里,rightclick 随便一只股,time & sales,就看到了。

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发表于 4-1-2011 12:45 PM | 显示全部楼层
大家看看 Midas, 破了 Decs Triangle,往上升了...

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发表于 4-1-2011 01:07 PM | 显示全部楼层
各位大大,我有些疑问!我是用poem trading acct的!i hold 10 sinotel share and buy 4  right share during cum right! i check my cdp acct it show i hold total 14,000 of tis share but poems show only 10,000 i'm holding! jus want to check is it i only can sell total 10,000 in poems acct? or 14,000 in one short sell?? try call poems but seem like hard to call in!

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 楼主| 发表于 4-1-2011 01:22 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 1368# kentcheow

  poems system wont help u to update ur subscribed shares. if ur CDP statement shows that share avaible, u can use poems system to sell out 14lots. CDP will settled the trade.

for double confirm, u can call ur own broker, usually u login poems, under "Attention" there have ur own remiser's name and telephone. if they hard to get thru, then i advice u to change broker. why bother to let them earn ur commission but can't provide service to u?

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发表于 4-1-2011 01:38 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 1369# suntecinvestor

    thanks bro suntecinvestor!

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发表于 4-1-2011 02:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 1367# 大猫


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发表于 4-1-2011 02:54 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 slimerlth 于 5-1-2011 01:56 PM 编辑

Many investors check stock prices and are confused because they actually see three prices... the bid, the ask, and the price. All three are very important indicators of the actual stock price, but don't feel stupid if you don't understand how to differentiate them.

The Spread and Market Makers

The spread is the difference between the bid price and the ask price. The reason for this is simple. For a stock to be traded, there has to be a "market" for it. This means that if you want to sell, there has to be someone willing buy from you; and if you want to buy, there has to be someone to sell to you. The people who "make the market" for your stock are called market makers. These are people (companies) that hold inventory of the underlying stock and regulate its buying and selling.

Since the market makers are people employed by companies, they have to make money. If they didn't make money, they couldn't be in business, and there wouldn't be a market for people to buy and sell stocks. The spread, the difference between the bid and ask, generates profit for the market making companies.

For example, take Stock XYXY with a price of 10, bid 10, ask 10.50. The spread for stock XYXY is (10.50 - 10 = .50) The market maker keeps the $0.50 per share traded. Assume that stock XYXY traded 1,000 shares yesterday, and the average spread was $0.50. That gives the market makers a profit of 1,000 shares * $0.50 = $500.

The Bid

The bid is the price that you can sell your stock for. The term "bid" comes from the fact that market makers are making a bid on the stock you own. Basically, it's the price that they're willing to give for your stock.

To simplify, think of an auction. The auctioneer is selling a Monet painting (your stock), and the people in the audience (the market makers) are bidding the price they're willing to pay.

The Ask

The ask is the price that you can buy a stock for. It's basically the amount that the market makers are "asking" you to give for the stock. A good example is when you're looking for a new car to buy (the stock). You call the owner (the market makers) from the classified ad, and the first thing you say is "how much are you 'asking' for the car?"

The Price

When looking at a stock quote the price is the dollar amount where the stock was last bought or sold. So if the last trade was a sell order, the price was actually the bid price. If the last trade was a buy order, the price quoted is actually the ask price.

Let's take a few examples.

Stock ABC: Price 15 3/4, Bid 15 3/4, Ask 16
If you want to buy stock ABC, you'll have to pay the ask of 16. If you want to sell stock ABC, you must accept the bid of 15 3/4. The spread is $0.25.

Stock XYZ: Price 77 1/2, Bid 77 3/8, Ask 77 9/16
If you want to sell stock XYZ you must accept a bid price of 77 3/8, and if you want to buy you have to be willing to pay an ask of 77 9/16. The spread is $0.183.

A/buy up : Buy from ask
B/ sell down : sell to bids


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发表于 4-1-2011 05:12 PM | 显示全部楼层
请问各位大大。。。。如用Electronic Payment for Shares (EPS) ,最高的transaction 是多少钱哦?5k?10k?100k?谢了。。。

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发表于 4-1-2011 07:02 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 神隐 于 4-1-2011 07:03 PM 编辑


1. chinagaoxian 0.435 -0.01 54mil vol
2. gallant 0.490 -0.015 25mil vol
3. ying li 0.430 -0.020 21mil vol
4. tuan sing 0.37 -0.02 17mil vol
5. chinataisan 0.195 -0.01 15mil vol
6. yongnam 0.300 -0.005 6.3mil vol
7. sky petrol 0.200 -0.005 4.3mil vol8. eratat 0.245 -0.005 3.4 mil vol

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发表于 5-1-2011 09:00 AM | 显示全部楼层
今天会不会全面回升呢?拜一全青,昨天全红。。。 -_-!!!

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 楼主| 发表于 5-1-2011 09:44 AM | 显示全部楼层
各位,不知为何,从昨天开始我公司和家里的电脑都很难开启cari 的网站,看到帖子一下子就不见了。所以,暂时我不会在cari 出现了。祝各位投资愉快。

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发表于 5-1-2011 09:51 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 5-1-2011 09:56 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 5-1-2011 10:41 AM | 显示全部楼层
Contra play 3 - 5 days. Ying Li high posibilities to fly higher.
Cut loss price $0.415
zhixuen 发表于 4-1-2011 09:45

今天看似继续套利,请问 SP 会是 0.4 吗?

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发表于 5-1-2011 02:47 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 1372# slimerlth

   eh thanks.

so the Buy , BVol, Sell and SVol in www.sgx.com 代表着什么?

Buy Price 是 investors 要买 还是market maker 要买的价格?

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