【Public Bank 交流专区 3】花旗说大众是亚洲最贵的银行股
发表于 3-9-2008 07:56 AM
多重因素衝擊下半年業績 銀行股盈利前景嚴峻
報導 - 梁志華
整體而言,他預期銀行領域在08與09年的淨利,將取得12.7%與8.7%的成長,低於上季預測的14.4%與9.1%。 |
发表于 3-9-2008 09:05 AM
即時新聞 國內財經 2008-09-02 17:42
綜合銀行業盈利表現,次季總盈利按年僅微漲2%,按季甚至下滑31%;領域核心淨利則按季上揚10.5%,按年達11.2%。而表現最佳的是興業資本(RHBCAP,1066,主板金融組) 、艾芬控股(AFFIN,5185,主板金融組)與大眾銀行,各自盈利按年增長67.1%、30.5%與13.2%。最差表現者為國貿資本(EONCAP,5266,主板金融組),主要是支付長年呆賬率的一次過撥備達1億9400萬令吉。 |

楼主 |
发表于 3-9-2008 11:05 AM
Note To Editors:
This press release is issued by
Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Dr. Teh Hong Piow
Founder & Chairman of Public Bank
29 August 2008
Budget 2009
The Budget 2009 is a well-crafted budget by the Government which should ease the financial burden of low and medium-income households and businesses, particularly SMEs, who are faced with rising cost of living and operating cost. Equally important is that the Budget 2009 clearly is geared towards supporting domestic economic activity, enhances the country's competitiveness and resilience to withstand external challenges.
The Government clearly recognises that the Malaysian economy will face significant challenges due to increasing external economic uncertainties and high global inflation. Some of the major developed economies are already slowing down, compounded by the effects of the credit crisis and financial market turbulence whilst high inflation have taxed household income considerably. Also, signs are growing that the emerging market economies are unlikely to be spared from the weakening global economic trend.
Amidst this challenging economic backdrop, the Budget 2009 is a positive counter cyclical budget. In particular, the proposed increase in public spending on infrastructure projects in 2009 should serve as a stimulus to the economy, particularly to private investment and private consumption.
Coupled with the cut in the corporate tax rate announced earlier in the Budget 2008, the proposed measures in the Budget 2009 to ensure the development of all five growth corridors, the tourism sector and small and medium enterprises should further stimulate domestic activity and thus cushion the economy from the external slowdown through private investment and private consumption. These measures to boost private investment would help cushion the economy from weak external demand.
Despite the expansionary stance, the Government remains committed to its fiscal discipline and prudence as the budget deficit is expected to fall from 4.8% of GDP in 2008 to 3.6% in 2009. This is important in order to anchor investor confidence. This fiscal prudence is clearly shown in the expected modest and decreasing level of the budget deficit and also in the larger surplus of the current account of the Federal Government in 2009. As the fiscal deficit is due to higher developmental expenditure, the Budget 2009 enhances future productive capacity of the economy and also the Government's capacity to move towards a budget surplus when the Malaysian economy resumes a higher growth trajectory in the future.
In terms of financing the deficit, the Government is not expected to have major constraints given the high level of liquidity in the Malaysian economy. As such, like previous budgets, the Budget 2009 is not expected to cause any crowding out of private investment.
This budget should support the Malaysian economy to achieve the projected 5.4% GDP growth for 2009. This rate of economic growth remains respectable, considering major growth headwind from abroad. Together with Bank Negara Malaysia's accommodative monetary policy and stable interest rates, the GDP growth target is realistic.
Furthermore, the economy has strong fundamentals to support the growth outlook. In particular, the banking sector remains strong and healthy to further support the economy as reflected by the industry's high capitalisation, ample liquidity and high and improving asset quality.
Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Dr. Teh Hong Piow
Founder and Chairman
Public Bank |
发表于 3-9-2008 08:10 PM

布林频带再度微微打开,成交量高于14VMA,MACD持续走好,MFI在中等水平没变化,RSI微跌在中等水平,STOCHASTIC K线没变化。
布林频带再次出现打开是好现象,但仍有待MFI、RSI、STOCHASTIC K线增强才有望突破阻力区。
阴阳烛图:今天出现Grave Stone doji,显示延续前一天的犹疑不决,接下来如果出现阴烛,就能被确认为这次反弹的反转信号。
支持在10.10,10.00,9.95,阻力在10.20,10.30,10.40 |
发表于 4-9-2008 10:28 AM
发表于 4-9-2008 02:31 PM
发表于 4-9-2008 03:15 PM
回复 1325# ThermoFisher 的帖子
现在问题是PBBANK能否突破10.10-10.40的阻力区,如果能够,就有机会重返上升轨道,不然,就会出现横摆/继续下滑(如果再次跌破10.00)的现象。 |
发表于 4-9-2008 07:30 PM
发表于 4-9-2008 07:48 PM

布林频带继续打开,成交量高于14VMA,MACD持续走好,MFI微升,RSI没变化,STOCHASTIC K线升至强势区。
支持在10.10,10.00,9.95,阻力在10.20,10.30,10.40 |
发表于 4-9-2008 08:47 PM
原帖由 曼联资本 于 4-9-2008 07:30 PM 发表 
Int. = Interest
LC = Late Charge, 不记得 $5 还是 $10 了。。
1. 4K * 18% / 12 = $60(Int.) 再加 $5(LC) = 65
2. 4K * 15% / 12 = $50(Int ...
我向ocbc客服专员询问过,他们说“没有cash rebate这回事”。
累计积分,然后redeem cash来缴付保费就有。
依此来看,只有大众银行和ING合作的信用卡是唯一提供保单现金回扣的优惠。 |
发表于 4-9-2008 08:55 PM
回复 1329# 弹煮 的帖子
KHOKHOKHO前天才说你失踪很久了.....那么快你就跑出来鸟.. |

楼主 |
发表于 4-9-2008 09:05 PM
回复 1329# 弹煮 的帖子
PB-ING 的也是一样. 要redeem cash.
有得Redeem 好过没有,毕竟Redeem后就是cash 了
[ 本帖最后由 无花 于 4-9-2008 09:08 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 4-9-2008 09:11 PM
回复 1331# 无花 的帖子
偶倒不如charge过去citibank shell卡?少少都有0.75%。 |
发表于 4-9-2008 09:14 PM

楼主 |
发表于 4-9-2008 09:17 PM
发表于 4-9-2008 10:06 PM
回复 1333# 傻人最有傻福 的帖子
有rebate都不要? |
发表于 4-9-2008 10:24 PM
回复 1335# 弹煮 的帖子
弹 煮, 对 于IOI 的 走 势 您 怎 么 看? |
发表于 4-9-2008 10:32 PM
发表于 5-9-2008 08:38 AM
原帖由 弹煮 于 4-9-2008 10:32 PM 发表 
姐姐也封笔了? |
发表于 5-9-2008 02:26 PM
FinanceAsia 选择大众银行为亚洲最好的银行。。
Public Bank wins Best Asian Bank award
By The Editors | 5 September 2008
At last night's Country Awards dinner we announced our choice of the best bank in Asia.
Public Bank has been named the Best Asian Bank by FinanceAsia. The decision was announced at the magazine's Country Awards for Achievement Dinner, held in Hong Kong last night.
"The banks that are shortlisted for this award are whom you might expect, the cream of Asia’s banks," says Lara Wozniak, editor of FinanceAsia. "The decision on the winning bank is a highly quantitative one – with each bank scored on a number of key performance metrics. I am pleased to say that Public Bank scored the highest of the eleven shortlisted banks.”
The Best Asian Bank award is given to the bank that ranks highest among the eleven banks that have individually won our Best Bank award for each country. We ranked the banks by a series of metrics and also by their scores in Standard & Poor’s Bank Fundamental Strength Ratings. We looked at 12 metrics: return on assets, return on equity, profit per employee, total profit, total assets, percentage of net income derived from fee business, market capitalisation, NPL ratio, growth rate, number of employees, price-to-book ratio and net interest margin. The best-ranked in each metric got 11 points and the lowest-ranked got 1 point.
We then overlaid this with S&P’s Bank Fundamental Strength rating, which measures a bank’s strength, and graded them with an A rating getting the most points and an E rating the least. The S&P rating got a 25% weighting in the overall score.
At the end of this point scoring system, Public Bank emerged as the Best Asian Bank. The eleven shortlisted banks were: ICBC (China), HDFC Bank (India), BRI (Indonesia), Shinhan Bank (South Korea), MCB Bank (Pakistan), DBS (Singapore), Bank of Philippine Islands (Philippines), Siam Commercial Bank (Thailand), Public Bank (Malaysia), Chinatrust (Taiwan) and Sacombank (Vietnam). HSBC (which won the Best Bank award for Hong Kong) is excluded on the basis that it is a global bank. |
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